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An experimental Black Metal band featuring members from England and Norway. The current line-up consists of Aort (guitar), Kvohst (vocals) and Viper (bass/backing vocals), with Vooren (drums) and Andras (guitar) as live members. On their 2013-album "Augur Nox", they changed their style to avant-garde metal, and, on their 2015-album "Mut", they abandoned their extreme metal roots altogether shifting to a progressive post rock style.
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CODE Discography

CODE albums / top albums

CODE Nouveau Gloaming album cover 3.50 | 2 ratings
Nouveau Gloaming
Black Metal 2005
CODE Resplendent Grotesque album cover 4.00 | 3 ratings
Resplendent Grotesque
Black Metal 2009
CODE Augur Nox album cover 3.88 | 4 ratings
Augur Nox
Black Metal 2013
CODE Mut album cover 4.25 | 2 ratings
Non-Metal 2015
CODE Flyblown Prince album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Flyblown Prince
Non-Metal 2021

CODE EPs & splits

CODE Lost Signal album cover 4.00 | 2 ratings
Lost Signal
Progressive Metal 2017
CODE Under the Subgleam album cover 3.42 | 2 ratings
Under the Subgleam
Black Metal 2017

CODE live albums

CODE Live in the Netherlands album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Live in the Netherlands
Progressive Metal 2015

CODE demos, promos, fans club and other releases (no bootlegs)

CODE Neurotransmissions album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Black Metal 2002

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CODE Free Download album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Free Download
Progressive Metal 2020

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CODE Reviews

CODE Under the Subgleam

EP · 2017 · Black Metal
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"Under the Subgleam" is an EP release by UK progressive/avant rock/metal act Code. The EP was released through Apocalyptic Witchcraft Recordings in November 2017. It´s the second EP released by Code in 2017 as the "Lost Signal" EP was released in January 2017. The material featured on "Lost Signal (2017)" was however not freshly composed original compositions, but instead re-arranged and re-recorded versions of tracks from the band´s four preceding studio albums. The four tracks featured on "Under the Subgleam" are all new original compositions and the first all new compositions from the band since the release of their fourth full-length studio album "Mut (2015)".

"Toll" opens the EP with a minimalistic droning approach, and honestly it´s not the most interesting song although it serves its purpose as a darkly atmospheric intro relatively well. When "Plot of Skinned Heavens" kicks in, Code immediately show their progressive black metal style though, and although it´s a pretty harsh progressive black metal track, the dark, experimental, and abstract nature of Code is on full display with both harsh black metal screaming and deranged clean vocals. Both "Pollution Vigil" and "Cave Soul" are shorter tracks (both are around 2 minutes long). "Pollution Vigil" is a pretty direct and structurally simple track featuring a driving almost punked attitude (including riot gang shouting vocals). Nothing experimental or progressive about that one, but it´s still a nice aggressive and harsh track. "Cave Soul" closes the EP and it´s a dark atmospheric and ambient track featuring some haunting melancholic clean vocals.

So all in all a pretty varied release from Code, which is both well performed, well produced, and well written. As always Code have a vision when they do things and there´s as much determination as there is quality behind the scenes. A nice little EP this one and a 3.5 star (70%) rating is deserved.

CODE Lost Signal

EP · 2017 · Progressive Metal
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"Lost Signal" is an EP release by UK progressive/avant rock/metal act Code. The EP was released through Agonia Records in January 2017. It´s the successor to the band´s fourth full-length studio album "Mut" from 2015 and features the same lineup as the album does.

"Lost Signal" doesn´t contain any new original material but instead feautures 6 re-recorded and re-arranged tracks from the band´s four preceding studio albums. Three tracks off "Mut (2015)" and one track from each of the other three studio albums "Nouveau Gloaming (2005)", "Resplendent Grotesque (2009)", and "Augur Nox (2013)". The tracks off "Mut (2015)" are given a slightly more raw and gritty treatment, while the three tracks from the first three albums are arranged to sound more like the dark and heavy progressive/avant rock/metal of "Mut (2015)". So the black metal influences of the past are mostly gone from the band´s sound at this point, although the occasional snarling vocal phrase still stubbornly holds on to a minimal extreme metal orientation. "Lost Signal" however predominantly features clean vocals by lead vocalist Wacian.

Code manage to make the listener feel that "Lost Signal" was recorded live, that´s how gritty, authentic, and organic the EP sounds. It´s a perfect sound production for the material. Add to that intriguing songwriting and high level musicianship and you have another high quality release by Code on your hands. One of the great things about Code at this point of their career, is that there´s stylistic development between every release, and as a listener you just know that they aren´t through developing their style yet, and that you can expect more surprises in the future. A 4 star (80%) rating is deserved.


Album · 2015 · Non-Metal
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"Mut" is the 4th full-length studio album by Norwegian/UK act Code. The album was released through Agonia Records in February 2015. "Augur Nox (2013)" was more or less a new beginning for the band as only founding member/main composer/guitarist Aort remains from the lineups who recorded the first two albums. Stylistically "Augur Nox (2013)" was still relatively similar in style to the two predecessors though, which meant a semi-progressive black metal style featuring both raspy and clean vocals. Listening to "Mut" it´s safe to say that Code has taken a left turn... they now play a dark progressive post rock style with no black metal leanings other than the bleak depressive atmosphere. To my ears it sounds like the bastard child of Virus and Anekdoten sprinkled with a twist of Hail Spirit Noir. The raspy black metal style vocals are now completely gone from the band´s music, and lead vocalist Wacian solely performs his haunted clean vocals. The only exception is a short aggressive vocal part in "Affliction". As mentioned the atmosphere is bleak and the whole thing comes off as slightly abstract. Dissonant open chords, mellotron, a raw organic sound, soaring melancholic vocal melodies, and great dynamic playing. It´s quite heavy at times, but not in a "metal" fashion, but more in the vein of heavy progressive rock like Anekdoten and Landberk (King Crimson could be mentioned as a reference too). At other times it´s pretty mellow and beautiful (the mellotron is a great touch). Tracks like "Dialogue" and "Affliction" also features some rather dramatic sections, so all in all the music is dynamically varied.

While the material on the 9 track, 35:44 minutes long album is arguably progressive in nature, the tracks aren´t especially long, and the song structures aren´t overtly complex. It´s still quite innovative and adventurous music though, and a surprise is always lurking around the corner. Upon conclusion it´s a very interesting development of sound that Code has made on "Mut". All three preceeding releases are also high quality albums, but there´s something a bit more special about this one. If you enjoy any of the above mentioned artists, "Mut" is definitely a recommendable release, and quality wise it´s top notch release too, featuring high level musicianship, a well sounding organic production, and intriguing songwriting. A 4.5 star (90%) rating is deserved.

CODE Resplendent Grotesque

Album · 2009 · Black Metal
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"Resplendent Grotesque" is the 2nd full-length studio album by Norwegian/English black metal act Code. The album was released through Tabu Recordings in June 2009. In the years between the band´s debut full-length studio album "Nouveau Gloaming (2005)" and "Resplendent Grotesque", lead vocalist Kvohst and bassist Viper (aka Vicotnik) busied themselves with the recording of Dødheimsgard´s 4th full-length studio album "Supervillain Outcast (2007)".

...and there are many similarities between the two projects. Most prominently the distinct sounding lead vocals by Kvohst. His aggressive raspy vocals are caustic as ever, but it´s his soaring clean vocals and vocal melodies that stand out the most. Another thing the two projects have in common are the elegant use of dissonance in their music. The music on "Resplendent Grotesque" is not quite as progressive nor is it as adventurous as the music on "Supervillain Outcast (2007)" though. The music on "Resplendent Grotesque" is relatively simple in structure even though the band often incorporate the odd progressive section to keep things interesting. It is Kvohst´s vocals and strong voice, that makes all the difference here though. He is such a skilled and distinct sounding vocalist.

The band are very well playing and the powerful and clear sound production suits the music well. While the tracks are well composed it´s only a few that really stand out and about half of the tracks on the album could have been a bit more memorable. They are still great tracks, but I just feel they could have been better. Some of the tracks that stand out are "Smother the Crones", "In the Privacy of Your Own Bones", "The Rattle of Black Teeth" and "Jesus Fever". While "Resplendent Grotesque" isn´t a consistently excellent release, it´s still a high quality album for fans of the more twisted and slightly progressive part of the black metal spectrum (acts like Void, Ved Buens Ende and especially Dødheimsgard come to mind) and a 3.5 - 4 star (75%) rating is fully deserved.

CODE Augur Nox

Album · 2013 · Black Metal
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"Augur Nox" is the 3rd full-length studio album by Norwegian/English black metal act Code. The album was released through Agonia Records in November 2013. Quite a few lineup changes have taken place since the release of "Resplendent Grotesque (2009)". It´s actually only founding member/main composer/guitarist Aort who are left in the lineup. Lead vocalist Kvohst has left to concentrate on his dark neofolk act Hexvessel and bassist Viper (aka Vicotnik) has left to once again concentrate on Dødheimsgard. Code always seemed more like a project act than a "real" band, but on "Augur Nox" it seems that Aort has assembled what appears to be a permanent lineup with two guitarists, a bassist, a drummer, and a new lead vocalist in Wacian.

Despite the many lineup changes, the music on "Augur Nox" is unmistakably the sound of Code. The dark atmosphere and subtle use of dissonances, the raspy extreme metal vocals, the clean vocals, and the relatively adventurous progressive song structures are all present and accounted for. I think there´s been a slight change in the riffing department though and I suddenly count Enslaved among the musical references (listen to the opening riff in "Garden Chancery" for proof of that), which is an influence I didn´t hear on the two predecessors. There´s something about the drumming style that leads my thoughts in that direction too. Code is not a poor man´s Enslaved by any means though. They have by now forged their own sound and identity. The material on the album is generally very well written and sound inspired. The longer and most progressive tracks like "The Lazarus Cord" and "Harmonies in Cloud" are high quality material packed with great ideas, but that can be said about all tracks on "Augur Nox" (long or short).

While Kvohst is probably one of the most prolific and unique vocalists in extreme metal and therefore always would be difficult to replace, new lead vocalist Wacian actually gives Kvohst a run for his money. Wacian´s clean vocals might not be as unique sounding as Kvohst´s ditto, but they suit the music on "Augur Nox" well and he is both a skilled and passionate vocalist. His raspy black metal styled vocals are fully on par with his predecessor´s and the change on the vocalist spot has actually happened more seamlessly than I had imagined it would.

The sound production is professional, powerful, and clear. The band obviously aim at creating a dark atmosphere, but not at the expence of a professional sound production. "Augur Nox" is a high quality release and a great continuation of Code´s career, which wasn´t necessarily in the cards, when you take into consideration the profiles who have left since the predecessor and a 4 star (80%) rating is well deserved.

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