
Vojtěch Klíma
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4 reviews/ratings
Y & T - In Rock We Trust Hard Rock | review permalink
ALICE COOPER - Killer Hard Rock | review permalink
JUDAS PRIEST - Sin After Sin Heavy Metal | review permalink
AC/DC - Black Ice Hard Rock | review permalink

Metal Genre Nb. Rated Avg. rating
1 Hard Rock 3 3.00
2 Heavy Metal 1 2.50

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Album · 1971 · Hard Rock
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Lots of people, lots of tastes. Some people won´t hear a bad word against "their" single favourite genre, others are "omnivores" and like to switch between different styles. The second approach has, in my opinion, one big advantage - when I want to take a break from all that progression and fusion (which I'm in those days listening to and discovering something new in every attempt), I can go back to something easier to digest, but almost as fun for me - like good old hard rock, more specifically (for today) a certain Cooper's Witch.

I've neglected Alice Cooper's work in particular for quite a few years now, but with his work from the 70s I still remember what to look forward to most on which record. In the case of the Killer album, in which my ear found favour today, it's clearly the Halo of Flies suite - an eight+ minute near-instrumental (Alice's vocals are actually only heard in the middle section) with a cool hard rock drive and a plethora of musical motifs used. Another cool kick is offered at the very end of the album, when Alice comes out with the sepulchral melodica of Dead Babies and then throws in a bunch of rock riffs, called (eponymously) Killer. I'd definitely consider putting this three-piece on any Cooper best-of list, because I just love it.

But the Killer album doesn't consist just of these three tracks, so what's next? In short - although it's unfortunately not such a hit parade anymore, satisfaction remains on my side. Under My Wheels is a kind of slightly polished rock'n'roll, Be My Lover again equals the intersection of Alice's vocal narration shredded with some chopped guitar kilos, and the quite funny backing vocals in the chorus. Desperado stumbles somewhere between a melancholic guitar pick with string arrangements and a hard rock banger. Cool wailing guitars and venomous vocals bring together the shortest track on the record, the less than two and a half minute You Drive Me Nervous and the hilariously titled Yeah, Yeah, Yeah offers some space for bass and harmonica.

So how does Alice Cooper's Killer album actually affect me? Good rock with a few standout moments, the rest better average. Between three and four stars, the lesser five tracks pull it down more, so we'll stay at an odd number. The best of late 60s/early 70s hard rock must, be sought on the other side of the Atlantic, Alice Cooper remaining merely "good" on Killer.

AC/DC Black Ice

Album · 2008 · Hard Rock
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Many many years ago, when I started earning money, which could buy something more than spare batteries for my mp3 player, I was very sorry that the tickets for the AC/DC concert in Prague were sold out in a moment and I didn't manage to get my own. I knew only a few songs from the band at that time, but I believed them to be rock masters of the stage. No way I knew their current album Black Ice then, I was listening to a best-of their (mostly) 70s hits. I didn't get to the aforementioned CD until a few years later - at one time, various sell-offs were just full of that in Czech Republic. Actually, it may have been my first contact with a complete album from the "Johnson" period, but the differentness compared to the Bon Scott tracks was quite a handicap, especially at first.

Years later, now that I can get to grips with the AC/DC discography, I gave Black Ice another chance. Instead of a CD with compressed sound, I use a vinyl-rip form, but my impressions haven't changed much even after all these years. In my opinion, the album is driven by the overblown opening quartet. I see Rock 'n' Roll Train, despite its stumbling riff, as a clear hit, the likes of which the band hasn't managed since Thunderstruck. I also enjoy the Big Jack chorus and the more laid-back Anything Goes a lot, and in the chopped kilts and sparkly guitar refrains of Skies on Fire I again hear echoes of a path the Young brothers ultimately didn't take. But it gets noticeably weaker from there - especially in some tracks, AC/DC's combination of mid-tempo and lack of catchy musical ideas created a boredom to death for me.

I can highlight rather small things: the bold "synth" sounding guitar line in Smash 'n' Grab, the interesting guitar-bass interplay in the verses of She Likes Rock 'n' Roll or the riffs in the closing title track Black Ice. Just when I feel a hint of an imaginative or at least catchy melody (Wheels), Johnson goes down a completely uninteresting path for me in the next bar, and the catchy rhythm of Rocking All the Way are killed by the melodic "blackout" in the chorus. Then, without exception, I completely dislike alle the here unnamed songs - if I might have enjoyed some of them before, I can't take anything away from them nowadays.

Round and round it seems to be a real bummer with the four songs I like from the album and can enjoy repeatedly. In the future, I'll probably have a lot of second thoughts about embarking on that hour-long anabasis again, and instead "make" a decent four-song EP out of Black Ice. All in all, it comes out to two stars, and I think I'm still pretty merciful.


Album · 1977 · Heavy Metal
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1977 was certainly not the most prolific year for hard rock music in the United Kingdom. The old "dinosaurs" were either quitting or devoting their favour to the wide American market, and it was too early for the album production of the early members of NWOBHM. In this strange in-between time, alongside bands like UFO, Nazareth, AC/DC or Thin Lizzy, a relatively established, almost six years long touring formation from the Birmingham suburbs called Judas Priest tried to take the next step in their still slowly developing career. With a new record deal in their pocket, the band has gradually begun to blaze a trail for other future members of the brotherhood of aggressive distortion and sixteenth-notes. But the fact that the band was still in their "searching" phase shows fully on their first release for CBS - the album Sin After Sin.

The opener Sinner sounds pretty pumped up, and the accompanying guitar lines of the Tipton/Downing pairing amuse me a lot; unfortunately, the band also inserted a slowed-down instrumental passage into the bowels of the track, which still stumbles backwards to the progressive tendencies of the previous two albums. Even Halford's vocals, at times turning into a rather annoying squeal for me, don't yet have that edge of years to come. Joan Baez's cover of Diamonds and Rust (on the one hand, it sounds utterly implausible that an increasingly harder rocking band would borrow material from a folk bard, on the other hand - with the band's name itself inspired by a Bob Dylan song, I suppose pretty much anything is possible) is another in a line of hilarious covers that Priest have been able to do - fast, melodic and with the potential to be properly hardened.

Starbreaker shows exactly the direction the band would take on subsequent albums - biting guitars, Halford's vibrating but already sovereign vocals in the treble, and a throbbing rhythmic underside. At the same time, he's my biggest (who knew, right?) favorite on the record. It makes it all the more frustrating every time that the following track, Last Rose of Summer, goes in a completely different direction. A calm narrative with Halford's civilian vocals makes it a rather uninspiring end to the first side of the album at five and a half minutes long.

After an awkward opening, Let Us Prey peels off into a passable ride in which the work of hired drummer Simon Phillips and the colourful escapades of the guitar solos are definitely worth mentioning. The track Call for The Priest - Raw Deal does offer some sympathetic riff work, but the slow pace with few changes is not enough for its seven minute length. Oh, and we have another ballad here, named Here Come the Tears, on which Priest seem to have definitively assured themselves that the road to success does not lead past the piano in their case. Closing one Dissident Aggressor comes in with a proper acceleration and a wailing guitar solo, and (like Starbreaker) I more than enjoy it.

So what to do with this trying but still "looking over its shoulder" effort? When Judas Priest tried to rock hard, things were looking very promising, but the slow tempos and ballads drag the record down to below average again - the real "Sin After Sin" is contained mainly on the second side of the album. Along with the debut, I see this record as the weakest thing Judas Priest issued in the seventies or eighties.

Y & T In Rock We Trust

Album · 1984 · Hard Rock
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I discovered Y&T on sometime in 2011 or 2012 and I quite enjoyed some of their glam metal stuff with rich backing vocals and awesome guitar solos. I listened to their classic 80's albums Eartshaker (1981) and Mean Streak (1983), but I was most hooked by their follow-up In Rock We Trust (1984). I've given it a few more chances in recent months to see if this music would still work for me.

In short - it works. The fine-tuned sound has just the right groove for me, Dave Meniketti's voice was dealing with some serious rough sawing, and his guitar soloing usually comes at the best possible moments. There's a catchy riff at the core of almost every song included, my favorites probably being in the hits Masters and Slaves, Rock & Roll's Gonna Save the World and Don't Stop Runnin'. The last one is also my absolute number one on the album, primary because of the awesome chorus with vocal answers. I'm also having fun with the wilderness She's a Liar, in whose verses the bass rips into runs with jazz roots under the guitar chords. On the other hand, the two included ballads (I'll Keep on Believin' (Do You Know) and This Time) don't make me sit on my ass as the band sounds quite replaceable in them - especially the second of them, in essentially identical form, could very well be in the repertoire of band such as Journey.

From the lyrics of the first three songs one could get the impression that In Rock We Trust would be a philippic against the rulers of this world and a warning against the war that the imaginary chess of earthly strongmen could cause - even after forty years this theme is not completely passé. But beyond that, it's along the tried-and-true relationship line, oscillating between the self-praise of a kicked-off desperado (Don't Stop Runnin') and a paean to the girl who gives a guy a hard time in bed on demand. In between, of course, you'll find plenty of self-centred lovelorn despair, of which the aforementioned Journey were masters. Fortunately, I can enjoy most rock music quite well without concentrating on the lyrics any more, so as long as it doesn't offer topics for deeper thought, it's not a major obstacle for me.

I've been friends with In Rock We Trust over and over again because Dave Meniketti and co. have managed to deliver the music on this album in a catchy yet uninhibited way. This mix of riffs and melodies is quintessentially 80s in the best sense of the word.

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UMUR wrote:
4 months ago
Nice reviews...keep them coming :-)


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