CRIPPLE BASTARDS — From '88 to '91 — the ultimate metal music online community, from the creators of

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Boxset / Compilation · 1992


01. Intro
02. Paranoiac (Feb. 1990)
03. Vital Dreams (Jun. 1990)
04. The Lord of Hell (Jan. 1991)
05. Through Sincerity Comes Security (Mar. 1989)
06. Asti Postmen (May 1991)
07. Bore '91 (May 1991)
08. Regret the Past (May 1991)
09. Never Again (Jan. 1991)
10. Supplementary Seasons (Jan. 1991)
11. Larvicide (Jan. 1991)
12. Incompatibility (Jan. 1991)
13. Interlude
14. Unconventional Fornication (Nov. 1989)
15. My Revenge (Sept. 1990)
16. Mc. Profit (Dec. 1990)
17. School System (Jan. 1991)
18. Disagreeable Selections (Jul. 1991)
19. "Kilroy!"'s Green Cadillac (Jul. 1991
20. Interlude
21. Useful/Useless (Apr. 1991)
22. Euphemistically Sweet (Dec. 1988)
23. Dissonance (Jan. 1991)
24. Authority? (Live May 1991)
25. Double Scented Shit (Live May 1991)
26. Porco Dio! (Live May 1991)
27. Control(ling) (Live May 1991)
28. No Way (Jul. 1991)
29. Through Sincerity Comes Security (Live Nov. 1990)
30. Life in General Part II (Jun. 1991)
31. The Lord of Hell (Jun. 1991)
32. Control (Feb. 1989)
33. Grimcorpses (Dec. 1990)
34. Interlude
35. Double Scented Shit (Sept. 1991)
36. Vital Dreams (May 1991)
37. Skewback (Feb. 1991)
38. Through Sincerity Comes Security (Jan. 1991)
39. Authority? (Sept. 1991)
40. Grimcorpses (Old Version-Live May 1988)
41. A.C. (Feb. 1991)
42. Porco Dio! (Jul. 1991)
43. The New Sight (Mar. 1989)
44. Westcore (Mar. 1989)
45. Interlude
46. 0:01 (Sept. 1991)
47. Nazi Dad (Mar. 1989)
48. Mc. Profit (Old Version-May 1988)
49. I.C. (April 1991)
50. Bane (Sept. 1991)
51. Hydrophobic Web (Dec. 1990)
52. Through Sincerity Comes Security (Feb. 1991)
53. Conditioned to Accept (Feb. 1991)
54. Disagreeable Selections (Feb. 1991)
55. Standing Strong (Feb. 1991)
56. Your Emotions (Feb. 1991)
57. Grimcorpses (Oct. 1991)
58. Paranoiac (Oct. 1991)
59. Incurableness of a Stigmatization
60. Curse the Void Part I
61. Curse the Void Part II
62. Standoffish Elimination
63. Researchman
64. Sick of Pleasure
65. The Last Shipwrecked
66. Deoxidized Brain
67. Double Scented Shit
68. Shoreline
69. Blue Penguins
70. Camouflaged Petrol
71. Cormorant
72. Open Season
73. P.S.O.T.
74. Researchman
75. Useful/Useless
76. Windows
77. H.O.P.E.
78. My Serenity Part I
79. Mc.Justified War
80. Outside World
81. Slow Decay
82. Incorporated Grave
83. Far from by Best Friends
84. Intro
85. Retrospective
86. What I Thought
87. Outro
88. Life In General Part II
89. Outside World
90. I.C.
91. Milicija Die!
92. No More
93. Incurableness of a Stigmatization
94. Curse the Void Part I
95. Curse the Void Part II
96. Standoffish Elimination
97. Vital Dreams
98. Through Sincerity Comes Security
99. Researchman
100. Useful/Useless
101. Sick of Pleasure
102. Something Wrong
103. Paranoiac
104. Dark Joints (No Reason to Laugh)
105. The Last Shipwrecked
106. Deoxidized Brain
107. Windows
108. Double Scented Shit
109. My City
110. Intransigent Simpathy
111. Shoreline
112. Disagreeable Selections
113. Blue Penguins
114. Active Grind
115. Camouflaged Petrol
116. Far from My Best Friends
117. Time Zone
118. Bane
119. Open Season
120. My Last Hours
121. The Lord of Hell
122. Fundamental Prints
123. Asti Postmen
124. Grimcorpses
125. Slow Decay
126. 0:01
127. Peasants
128. Mc Justified War
129. Cormorant
130. Bore '91
131. 145 Untitled Tracks for the Never Released Split 7" With K.S.G.
132. Intro
133. Outside World
134. Feminity
135. H.O.P.E.
136. Fundamental Prints
137. Asti Punks
138. Maecenas
139. You Call It Love??
140. H.O.P.E. #2
141. Fundamental Prints #2
142. Active Grind
143. My Serenity Part I
144. Active Grind #2
145. Something Wrong
146. Intransigent Simpathy
147. Mc.Justified War
148. I.C.
149. What Can Be Awaked
150. Empurled River
151. G.O.D.
152. ...As You Learn
153. Impressions
154. Are You Fair?
155. Otherwise
156. Clear Question
157. X-Shaped
158. Saturday Heroes
159. Moonset
160. They Bleed On Both Sides
161. Unrip
162. Fast Food/Slow Death
163. Christmas Violence
164. Solemn Black
165. Narcotism
166. Take Off The Rose
167. My Last Hours
168. Cyder Tramp
169. Sides Of A Matter
170. What I Thought (New Version)
171. In Anguish 41
172. Living Asphalt
173. Gateways
174. Worn Out
175. To What End?
176. Vacillating
177. Cursed Occasions
178. Weakness
179. Strike A Blow For Them
180. High & Low
181. Provincial Councils
182. Remaster The Time
183. Criminal Asylum
184. Isolate Me
185. Never Mentioned
186. Ragman
187. School System


Various line-ups

About this release

E.U. '91 Produzioni, 1992


Tracks 01-58: Various rehearsal recordings made from December 1988 to July 1991 as well as live recordings from May 1988, November 1990 and May 1991Tracks
59-83: Rehearsal August 1991
Tracks 84-87: Rehearsal for the never released Split 7" With Streptogrinder (Jun. 1990)
Tracks 88-130: Live in Asti, November 1991Tracks
131: 145 Untitled tracks for the never released Split 7" With K.S.G. Tracks
132-187: Rehearsal 1991

Thanks to Vim Fuego for the addition

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