QUEENSRŸCHE — Operation: Mindcrime II (review)

QUEENSRŸCHE — Operation: Mindcrime II album cover Album · 2006 · Progressive Metal Buy this album from MMA partners
3.5/5 ·
After 16 years or so of persisting not to continue the story of their epic Operation: Mindcrime saga, Queensrÿche finally gave what most of their fans wanted, the sequel of Operation: Mindcrime. At first I was somewhat skeptic about it, but then I realized that this output might shed some lights to their journey. Judging by the fact how their music had changed during these years, I didn’t put too much hope and expectation in regards to the release of Operation: Mindcrime II in 2006. This would be no comparable to the original Mindcrime to name one, of course.

To much surprise, this album to my opinion marks that Queensrÿche is starting to return to their form, after being somewhat directionless during their 1999’s Q2K and 2003’s Tribe (I like Tribe though). The band really shines throughout the album. Guitar-duo Michael Wilton and Mike Stone are running hot with their duel guitar solos (yes, you read it correct! There are guitar solos!). Geoff Tate also shines bright here. He touched those high notes that he had left since Q2K.

This album comprises of heavy metal tracks with touches of progressive rock elements here and there. Also it has some musical connection to the original Mindcrime that would help you to connect to this new effort. Out of 17 tracks provided, most probably “Signs Say Go” is the only filler. It only fits as a bridge to the following track “Re-arrange You”, an example of heavy metal track with progressive rock element (and orchestra!). “The Chase” is one of the highlights where Geoff had a vocals-duel with Ronnie James Dio. The Devilish Dio plays the role of Dr. X while Geoff takes role as Nikki. Pamela Moore was also given more roles here as Sister Mary, appearing as a ghostly form in several tracks (“If I Could Change It All” and “All The Promises” to name two).

They also beautifully blended their old-school elements with their Tribe musical style in “One Foot In Hell” and “Hostage”. While “The Hands” seems to be a much re-fined work of their Tribe era. I think Tribe would have been a very great record if Geoff could let loose his voice as in “The Hands”. Another highlight is their first single “I’m American”, running fast in the vein of Mindcrime’s “The Needle Lies”.

This is a recommended to any Queensrÿche fans as well as to new fans that would like to explore their music. I intentionally not discuss their lyrics here. It is for you to find out the surprises there. If you are aware of Operation: Mindcrime, please put out that hat so you can have a fresh mind when get into this record. It is not to compare to the original Mindcrime as this record (I am sure) can stand on its own, musically.
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