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MMA Reviewer's Challenge August 2017 Sign-Ups

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Topic: MMA Reviewer's Challenge August 2017 Sign-Ups
Posted By: adg211288
Subject: MMA Reviewer's Challenge August 2017 Sign-Ups
Date Posted: 30 Jul 2017 at 1:07am
Please put your name down here if you're interested in taking part in the next MMA Reviewer's Challenge.

Like the last challenge, the format for this one will be that every participant will be randomly paired with another and they have to select a album for each other to review, which they then do at their own pace (though preferably not months down the line), with an aim to start part way into August. 

As before, there is no guarantee that anyone will be paired with someone with a similar taste, which is part of the fun. If you have taken part before you may or may not get partnered with the same person again. 

The only rules for release selection are that it must be available as either a free legal download or on a legal streaming site like Spotify or Bandcamp in its entirety, though obviously it also has to be something that is on the MMA website. 

For this challenge you may select albums that have been previously reviewed so long as the reviewer you are paired with has not already reviewed/rated it. 

How you go about selecting an album for review beyond that is entirely up to you. A few reasons for selecting an album may be:

  • Perhaps there is an album you love that others seem to ignore and want to use the opportunity to try to get that release some attention.
  • Maybe you know something you believe your partner reviewer will like and will make your selection a recommendation. 
  • Or maybe you wish to see what they think of something that you know is outside of their comfort zone, making your selection really focus on the 'challenge' part of the game. 

You're under no obligation to share your motive for album selection with your review partner. 

All I ask is that if you do put your name forward for this that you be a good sport and do the review, no matter if you like the album chosen for you or not. Your review partner has to acknowledge that you might be inclined to give a negative review to the album they choose. 

It is best to have a backup album in mind just in case your first choice is region restricted on Spotify, or if your review partner has heard it but not rated it on MMA already. 

When there are enough names put forward I will announce the pairings. I'm looking for at least six so we have three pairs of reviewers, but the more the merrier. Hoping to announce pairs a week or so into August. 


Vim Fuego

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Posted By: Vim Fuego
Date Posted: 30 Jul 2017 at 1:08am
In! Was a bit annoyed I couldn't participate in the last one.

Posted By: Unitron
Date Posted: 30 Jul 2017 at 1:48am
I'm in.

If I say fuck two more times that's forty-six fucks in this fucked up rhyme

Posted By: Nightfly
Date Posted: 30 Jul 2017 at 11:26am
Count me in.

Posted By: DippoMagoo
Date Posted: 30 Jul 2017 at 11:27am
Having a hard time thinking up another album to use, but I'll give it a go.

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 30 Jul 2017 at 2:57pm
I have at least one in mind, depending on who I get paired with this time. 

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Posted By: aglasshouse
Date Posted: 30 Jul 2017 at 3:19pm
yeah sure

Posted By: 666sharon666
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2017 at 2:33am
I'm in. I'll start thinking of possible albums.

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2017 at 3:04pm
How would everyone feel about making this challenge slightly themed and limit our album choices to 2017 releases? Writing for new releases is a great way to promote the site and there are many well regarded albums (judging by the RYM chart) from this year that have not been reviewed on MMA yet. You could always use this as an opportunity to suggest and album that you have heard/reviewed that no one else seems to be paying any attention to. 

It's cool if no one's into the idea, but it is just a thought. New release reviews do draw extra traffic our way. Smile

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Posted By: Unitron
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2017 at 3:15pm
I think that could work, I've got a few new releases in mind.

If I say fuck two more times that's forty-six fucks in this fucked up rhyme

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2017 at 3:20pm
If everyone is for this we should publicly coordinate with each other just to make sure no one is reviewing the same album. 

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Posted By: Nightfly
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2017 at 3:24pm
Yes, sounds good. We could all list our suggested albums in this thread to avoid duplication.

Posted By: Unitron
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2017 at 3:28pm
Maybe we could each make a list of albums, then pick an album out of each other's lists to review?

If I say fuck two more times that's forty-six fucks in this fucked up rhyme

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2017 at 3:29pm
That's a possibility, sure. 

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Posted By: DippoMagoo
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2017 at 3:39pm
I'd be up for that, yeah. I have a couple albums in mind already, and I can probably figure out some others as well.

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 01 Aug 2017 at 2:37am
A thought: if we're doing a 2017 theme we could perhaps not do reviewing pairs and everyone have a random album assigned to them instead, if people want to put albums forward for consideration. 

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Posted By: 666sharon666
Date Posted: 01 Aug 2017 at 9:45am
I don't mind doing it for 2017 albums. I'm behind of this year's stuff anyway.

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 08 Aug 2017 at 11:12am
Okay, I wish to get this started within the next few days. What is consensus on the method? Pairs with 2017 albums needing to be chosen? If so we need one more person to make up eight reviewers. 

Earn Money Online (NOT a scam):" rel="nofollow - GG2U" rel="nofollow - Adam's Film Corner on Quora

Posted By: 666sharon666
Date Posted: 08 Aug 2017 at 1:01pm
Either that or just assign everyone a random un-reviewed 2017 album that can be streamed.

I think I prefer the latter method for this challenge.

Here's a few highly rated albums from RYM 2017 metal/hard rock/hardcore chart that no one has reviewed here yet. Many more where these came from.

The Ruins of Beverast - Exuvia (Death-Doom Metal)

Elder - Reflections of a Floating World (Hard Rock)

Nokturnal Mortum - Істина (Folk Metal)

Venenum - Trance of Death (Death Metal)

Soen - Lykaia (Progressive Metal)

Pain of Salvation - In the Passing Light of Day (Progressive Metal)

Ex Eye - Ex Eye (Avant-Garde Metal)

Posted By: Vim Fuego
Date Posted: 08 Aug 2017 at 1:07pm
I'm keen to give anything a go. Perhaps a menage a trois would be a solution to the numbers problem?Wink

Posted By: DippoMagoo
Date Posted: 08 Aug 2017 at 6:40pm
Yeah, I'm fine with whatever arrangement we go with. Doing only 2017 albums is definitely a nice twist, though.

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2017 at 1:19am
Okay everyone here's the plan, I was hoping to do this yesterday but I was out until late and ran out of time:

No pairing up this time. Today I am going to look into a few more unreviewed (and streamable) 2017 albums and then assign one to each member at random. I am going to source more than we need in the event that something is region locked or the album you are chosen is something you're uncomfortable with for any reason. Just ask if you want another release to be drawn for you. I should have the draw done later today. 

The album selection will start with the ones Nicole listed but I'm also going to look into lesser known ones for the draw.

Earn Money Online (NOT a scam):" rel="nofollow - GG2U" rel="nofollow - Adam's Film Corner on Quora

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2017 at 2:38am
Here are the reviewers matched with a random album, out of a possible 20 albums:

adg211288: Spaceslug - Time Travel Dilemma (

Vim Fuego: The Ruins of Beverast - Exuvia (

Unitron: Elder - Reflections of a Floating World (

Nightfly: Venenum - Trance of Death (

DippoMagoo: John Frum - A Stirring in the Noos (

666Sharon666: Ex Eye - Ex Eye (

aglasshouse: Madrost - The Essence of Time Matches No Flesh (

There are more possible albums in the selection pool so I will allow a redraw if anyone is unhappy with the album that came up for them. 

I will be sending PM's out as well as this post to make sure everyone knows their album

It's also not too late to join in this Review Challenge: plenty more albums to pick from!

Earn Money Online (NOT a scam):" rel="nofollow - GG2U" rel="nofollow - Adam's Film Corner on Quora

Posted By: DippoMagoo
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2017 at 12:48pm
I just saved mine on Spotify (which I prefer over bandcamp, because on the latter after a while you get messages asking you to buy the album, and that gets annoying, where on Spotify I can listen infinitely with no distractions, because I pay a monthly fee for it.,) so I'm good to go. Will give the album a full listen either tonight or tomorrow.

Posted By: Vim Fuego
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2017 at 6:15pm
Sweet! Will have a listen to mine tonight, possibly while Game of Thrones is erm... migrating to my computer.Wink

Posted By: Nightfly
Date Posted: 15 Aug 2017 at 4:21pm
Had a listen to mine. A death metal album I've missed so good choice.

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 16 Aug 2017 at 4:50am
Mine's a bit out of my comfort zone being a stoner metal album, but I am enjoying it so far. 

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Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 16 Aug 2017 at 2:26pm
Thatcher has had to drop out of this so I will be reviewing the Madrost album myself (though not as my Challenge album - I'm still working on that review). I had planned to write one eventually but wait until he had posted his. Just making this known before it goes up so no one thinks I'm stealing the spotlight since the whole idea this time was unreviewed albums.

Earn Money Online (NOT a scam):" rel="nofollow - GG2U" rel="nofollow - Adam's Film Corner on Quora

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 17 Aug 2017 at 11:14am
Written mine which will be posted tomorrow (since I posted another review earlier today). 

Earn Money Online (NOT a scam):" rel="nofollow - GG2U" rel="nofollow - Adam's Film Corner on Quora

Posted By: DippoMagoo
Date Posted: 17 Aug 2017 at 11:37am
Listened to mine enough to form an overall opinion, though I still need to start planning the actual review out this weekend, once I get a promo review done.

Posted By: 666sharon666
Date Posted: 17 Aug 2017 at 11:47am
I've played mine a couple times and although I think I probably could review it I'd now like to request to change it because the album I'm hearing barely has a reason to be on this site.

Posted By: DippoMagoo
Date Posted: 17 Aug 2017 at 12:02pm
^Weird, it's listed as both prog metal and avant-garde on RYM, so I'm guessing you disagree with those tags?

Mine is quite clearly tech death, so obviously we don't have to worry about it not fitting on the site.

Posted By: 666sharon666
Date Posted: 17 Aug 2017 at 12:19pm
Yeah, I really do. I get that the whole point of being avant-garde is to do things differently of course, and this album certainly would count as different, but there's really not much in it that strikes me as being metal based. I could see a Metal Related tag for here but overall I'd call this experimental rock/jazz fusion. I also definitely don't know where people are getting sludge and black metal from on the secondary genres.

With this in mind I think any review I wrote would be based too much on disagreeing with the genres its getting labelled as, so I think it's best if I just get a different album drawn. Also my score probably wouldn't be anywhere close to positive...

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 17 Aug 2017 at 12:29pm
Okay Nicole, your new selection is:

Rendered Helpless - Entities of Transdimensional Emergence

I've heard this one (and rather enjoyed it for something from a genre I usually dislike) and there's no doubting this one belongs on MMA. Speaking of which you should post your concerns in the avant-garde team thread just in case Chris and Mike aren't following this topic. 

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Posted By: 666sharon666
Date Posted: 17 Aug 2017 at 12:44pm
Thanks, I like the sci-fi artwork on that one and yeah, I've just posted a note in the Ag thread about Ex Eye. I'm sure Chris knows what he's doing though and it's just me completely misunderstanding this release. Either way, I can't say I like the album too much. It just sounds incredibly messy to me.

Posted By: Vim Fuego
Date Posted: 17 Aug 2017 at 12:44pm
Listened to mine, and quite surprised. I have an angle on it and hope to give the review a crack at the weekend.

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 17 Aug 2017 at 12:47pm
Originally posted by Vim Fuego Vim Fuego wrote:

Listened to mine, and quite surprised. I have an angle on it and hope to give the review a crack at the weekend.

Yours has sat on top of RYM's metal chart for quite a while now. I've played it once myself but that wasn't enough to form too much of an opinion on it. Looking forward to your review. 

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Posted By: Unitron
Date Posted: 17 Aug 2017 at 1:13pm
I haven't gotten to listening to mine yet, but I was actually interested in the album I got before I had it picked for me. I'll probably give it a listen tomorrow after work (Though I haven't really been able to finish any reviews lately, I have half-written Raven and L.A.P.D. reviews that I still want to finish.)

If I say fuck two more times that's forty-six fucks in this fucked up rhyme

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 17 Aug 2017 at 1:35pm
Originally posted by Unitron Unitron wrote:

I haven't gotten to listening to mine yet, but I was actually interested in the album I got before I had it picked for me. I'll probably give it a listen tomorrow after work (Though I haven't really been able to finish any reviews lately, I have half-written Raven and L.A.P.D. reviews that I still want to finish.)

I thought it was pretty good when I tried it. Only played it once though. It's the top rated hard rock album on RYM right now. 

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Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 18 Aug 2017 at 2:19am" rel="nofollow - Posted mine .

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Posted By: DippoMagoo
Date Posted: 21 Aug 2017 at 2:30pm
Mine has been posted:

Posted By: Vim Fuego
Date Posted: 24 Aug 2017 at 2:21am
Can't listen to my one on Bandcamp any more. It's insisting I purchase the album. Fuck 'em. I know it's on YouTube.

Posted By: Vim Fuego
Date Posted: 27 Aug 2017 at 1:06am
OK, this was one helluva hard review for me. My opinion kept changing. I was going to rate it 2.5 initially, but this bastard is a 5 all day long! Just fucking, wow!

Posted By: Nightfly
Date Posted: 27 Aug 2017 at 9:03am
Mine's up too." rel="nofollow -

Posted By: 666sharon666
Date Posted: 27 Aug 2017 at 11:00am
Trying to finish mine. It's a decent release (for a style that doesn't usually interest me too much), but there isn't really a lot I can write about it that probably isn't said in every generic brutal death metal review.

Posted By: Vim Fuego
Date Posted: 27 Aug 2017 at 5:57pm
Originally posted by 666sharon666 666sharon666 wrote:

Trying to finish mine. It's a decent release (for a style that doesn't usually interest me too much), but there isn't really a lot I can write about it that probably isn't said in every generic brutal death metal review.

Don't worry about it. Generic brutal death metal reviews are often very close to generic grindcore reviews too.Wink Fans of those genres understand. Quite often they are just happy anyone took any notice at all.

Posted By: 666sharon666
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2017 at 8:43am
Done, at last:

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2017 at 9:15am
Just waiting on Khaliq's review now. 

I'd like to propose a second round of this before the year is out, but this time with random pairs again and everyone has to select an album from this year that they enjoy but hasn't been getting much attention from anyone else. Might be a good one for just before we do the annual best of year vote (which I'm thinking of opening to everyone this year, not just collabs). 

Earn Money Online (NOT a scam):" rel="nofollow - GG2U" rel="nofollow - Adam's Film Corner on Quora

Posted By: Vim Fuego
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2017 at 12:48pm
Sounds like a plan, Stan.

Posted By: DippoMagoo
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2017 at 12:54pm
Yeah, I think doing that in either late November or early December would be a good idea. 

Posted By: Nightfly
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2017 at 3:41pm
Originally posted by adg211288 adg211288 wrote:

Just waiting on Khaliq's review now. 

I'd like to propose a second round of this before the year is out, but this time with random pairs again and everyone has to select an album from this year that they enjoy but hasn't been getting much attention from anyone else. Might be a good one for just before we do the annual best of year vote (which I'm thinking of opening to everyone this year, not just collabs). 

Sounds like a good plan. Can't believe it's only a few months until the end of the year vote again!

Posted By: Unitron
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2017 at 4:50pm
Is it too late to ask for a different album? I really can't stand the album I got, I can barely even finish listening to it. If not, be prepared for an extremely negative review.

I'd rather switch back to choosing from any albums from any year, I enjoy discovering older albums more than I do new releases. Most of the new albums I listen to are from older bands.

If I say fuck two more times that's forty-six fucks in this fucked up rhyme

Posted By: Vim Fuego
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2017 at 5:57pm
Originally posted by Unitron Unitron wrote:

Is it too late to ask for a different album? I really can't stand the album I got, I can barely even finish listening to it. If not, be prepared for an extremely negative review.

I'd rather switch back to choosing from any albums from any year, I enjoy discovering older albums more than I do new releases. Most of the new albums I listen to are from older bands.

That's why it's a challenge. There's nothing wrong with a negative review whatsoever. It is supposed to be your opinion after all. The challenge is to get creative with it. It is also legitimate to say that something is so awful you can't get to the end of it if you really hate it. A review is just supposed to be your thoughts, whatever you think of something

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2017 at 12:31am
If you really want to change album Khaliq the randomiser has picked:

The Flight of Sleipnir - Skadi.

Earn Money Online (NOT a scam):" rel="nofollow - GG2U" rel="nofollow - Adam's Film Corner on Quora

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2017 at 12:46am
Though to confirm it is ok if you need to post a negative review for your original selection. Since you got drawn a very popular album I'd actually be interested in reading what your alternate point of view is. 

Earn Money Online (NOT a scam):" rel="nofollow - GG2U" rel="nofollow - Adam's Film Corner on Quora

Posted By: Unitron
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2017 at 12:47am
I think I'll stick with the album I got, I managed to write a review. I'll tidy it up a bit, and then post it. Hopefully I don't piss anyone off, and if I do, oh well. LOL

If I say fuck two more times that's forty-six fucks in this fucked up rhyme

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2017 at 12:48am
I am currently updating the list of unreviewed albums, in case anyone else wants to join in on this challenge or even fancies giving a second one a go. We need all the 2017 reviews we can get, whether they be positive or negative write-ups. 

Earn Money Online (NOT a scam):" rel="nofollow - GG2U" rel="nofollow - Adam's Film Corner on Quora

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2017 at 12:49am
Originally posted by Unitron Unitron wrote:

I think I'll stick with the album I got, I managed to write a review. I'll tidy it up a bit, and then post it. Hopefully I don't piss anyone off, and if I do, oh well. LOL

Thumbs Up

Earn Money Online (NOT a scam):" rel="nofollow - GG2U" rel="nofollow - Adam's Film Corner on Quora

Posted By: Vim Fuego
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2017 at 12:51am
Originally posted by adg211288 adg211288 wrote:

I am currently updating the list of unreviewed albums, in case anyone else wants to join in on this challenge or even fancies giving a second one a go. We need all the 2017 reviews we can get, whether they be positive or negative write-ups. 

I'm in the middle of reviewing the new Porky Vagina album. I don't think I need to worry about anyone else beating me to it.Wink

Posted By: Unitron
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2017 at 12:56am
These aren't related to the challenge, but I am going to be writing reviews of those new Jesters of Destiny (their first in 31 years!) and Eloy albums.

If I say fuck two more times that's forty-six fucks in this fucked up rhyme

Posted By: Nightfly
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2017 at 3:57am
Originally posted by Vim Fuego Vim Fuego wrote:

Originally posted by adg211288 adg211288 wrote:

I am currently updating the list of unreviewed albums, in case anyone else wants to join in on this challenge or even fancies giving a second one a go. We need all the 2017 reviews we can get, whether they be positive or negative write-ups. 

I'm in the middle of reviewing the new Porky Vagina album. I don't think I need to worry about anyone else beating me to it.Wink

I think you're pretty safe there! LOL

Posted By: Unitron
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2017 at 5:14pm
Posted mine:" rel="nofollow -

If I say fuck two more times that's forty-six fucks in this fucked up rhyme

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