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3rd MMA Reviewer's Challenge Announcement(Updated)

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Topic: 3rd MMA Reviewer's Challenge Announcement(Updated)
Posted By: adg211288
Subject: 3rd MMA Reviewer's Challenge Announcement(Updated)
Date Posted: 05 Aug 2016 at 11:56am
The 3rd Metal Music Archives Reviewer's Challenge will take place starting from the 23rd of September. 

Unlike the two previous Reviewer's Challenges this time the event is being opened up to everyone who wants to take part. Just leave your name in this thread to make sure you are in the posting schedule at the time. 

For those who do not know what the MMA Reviewer's Challenge is, it is basically that an album that has not received any reviews on MMA yet is selected at random from a shortlist and then everyone posts a review for that same album in quick succession. The album must be available for free legal streaming and be for an older releases so as not to disrupt the posting of new release reviews.

We have previously run Reviewer's Challenges for" rel="nofollow - Kentucky by Panopticon and" rel="nofollow - Into the Enchanted Chamber by Timeless Miracle . 

This time around our randomiser has selected" rel="nofollow - Mighty Cosmic Dances by Oblomov  to be the next album under review. 

The album may be streamed on Spotify:" rel="nofollow -

As a warning in advance we will again be asking reviewers to hold off on posting any other reviews that would go into the Older Releases section of the site FrontPage while the challenge is in progress in order to give the event a decent amount of exposure. As we now display ten reviews on the front page in this section the review batches in this next challenge will be bigger and so the block on other reviews will not be in place quite as long, the amount of participants in this challenge depending, of course.

The entrants for this challenge are:

Time Signature
Vim Fuego

Earn Money Online (NOT a scam):" rel="nofollow - GG2U" rel="nofollow - Adam's Film Corner on Quora

Posted By: 666sharon666
Date Posted: 05 Aug 2016 at 12:11pm
I'm in, of course.

Posted By: Nightfly
Date Posted: 05 Aug 2016 at 12:14pm
Me too.

Posted By: Unitron
Date Posted: 05 Aug 2016 at 12:19pm
Reporting in.

If I say fuck two more times that's forty-six fucks in this fucked up rhyme

Posted By: Time Signature
Date Posted: 05 Aug 2016 at 12:41pm
Now, this mght be something I can actually particiate in.


Posted By: DippoMagoo
Date Posted: 05 Aug 2016 at 12:50pm
I'm in, of course. My review for this one could be surprising, based on my first listen from a while back, but we'll see how it goes.

Posted By: TheHeavyMetalCat
Date Posted: 05 Aug 2016 at 1:08pm
I'm not a reviewer, but I may have a go at this just to take part. I can't promise anything very good though.

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 05 Aug 2016 at 2:13pm
Originally posted by Time Signature Time Signature wrote:

Now, this mght be something I can actually particiate in.

That you in then Kim?

Earn Money Online (NOT a scam):" rel="nofollow - GG2U" rel="nofollow - Adam's Film Corner on Quora

Posted By: Time Signature
Date Posted: 05 Aug 2016 at 2:26pm
Yeah. I might pull though if things get too hectic at work.


Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 05 Aug 2016 at 2:44pm
Okay I'll put your name down. Keep me posted if you need to pull out.

Earn Money Online (NOT a scam):" rel="nofollow - GG2U" rel="nofollow - Adam's Film Corner on Quora

Posted By: Vim Fuego
Date Posted: 05 Aug 2016 at 5:48pm
Yeah, I'll give it a crack. Work's busy, but this is what I do for fun anyway!

Posted By: aglasshouse
Date Posted: 05 Aug 2016 at 9:36pm
I'll participate. 

Posted By: Unitron
Date Posted: 07 Aug 2016 at 10:06pm
The spotify songs don't work, it looks like they've been taken down. There's only one song on YT from the album as well. Are there any other ways to listen to it? 

If I say fuck two more times that's forty-six fucks in this fucked up rhyme

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 07 Aug 2016 at 10:59pm
All the songs work on Spotify for me. Make sure you're looking at the correct copy of the album (the remastered version). 

If it's still not working for you:

Earn Money Online (NOT a scam):" rel="nofollow - GG2U" rel="nofollow - Adam's Film Corner on Quora

Posted By: Unitron
Date Posted: 07 Aug 2016 at 11:09pm
^Says it's been blocked in my country. Confused

If I say fuck two more times that's forty-six fucks in this fucked up rhyme

Posted By: 666sharon666
Date Posted: 07 Aug 2016 at 11:40pm
Try a proxy?

Sorry about this I didn't realise Spotify imposed restrictions on certain albums when I suggested this one. Change it if you need to Adam before we get too far into this.

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 07 Aug 2016 at 11:43pm
Is anyone else having problems listening to it? 

Earn Money Online (NOT a scam):" rel="nofollow - GG2U" rel="nofollow - Adam's Film Corner on Quora

Posted By: aglasshouse
Date Posted: 08 Aug 2016 at 1:18pm
I can't get it on Youtube besides Lionheart. 

The only place I've been able to at least partially listen to it is on Grooveshark(s), found here:" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 08 Aug 2016 at 1:35pm
Well thanks to licencing restrictions in the US this Reviewer's Challenge has now gone down the toilet.

I've no choice but to cancel it and select a new album from the randomiser. One which hopefully is not restricted anywhere. 

Earn Money Online (NOT a scam):" rel="nofollow - GG2U" rel="nofollow - Adam's Film Corner on Quora

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2016 at 2:57am
A new album to be reviewed has been chosen. 

The date for the challenge has been pushed back a week as well.

Please post here if the change means you no longer wish to participate. 

Earn Money Online (NOT a scam):" rel="nofollow - GG2U" rel="nofollow - Adam's Film Corner on Quora

Posted By: DippoMagoo
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2016 at 11:36am
I'm still in. At the very least, this will be my first time participating in a challenge where I don't know the album beforehand, so that ill be interesting.

Posted By: Vim Fuego
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2016 at 7:14pm
Fixed my Spotify problems... It was me being thick as usual.Embarrassed I'm in.

Posted By: Unitron
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2016 at 7:28pm
I'm still in, this should be fun as I remember the song I sampled was pretty interesting.

If I say fuck two more times that's forty-six fucks in this fucked up rhyme

Posted By: aglasshouse
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2016 at 8:59pm
Now that's a winner's album!

Posted By: aglasshouse
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2016 at 11:24pm
The whole album is YouTube if I remember correctly so if there's any problems you can go there. 

Posted By: Vim Fuego
Date Posted: 13 Aug 2016 at 3:10pm
I quite often end up looking on Youtube. The only downside is that sometimes the videos have poor sound quality there.

Posted By: TheHeavyMetalCat
Date Posted: 14 Aug 2016 at 11:26am
Sorry everyone but I think I'm going to drop out.

It's not the album, it's me. I tried wrting for the Grave Digger album already which I already knew and couldn't really come up with anything, so I've got no chance with something I don't.

Posted By: Warthur
Date Posted: 15 Aug 2016 at 11:25am
Not only am I adding a reminder to my Google Calendar to remind me not to post reviews of old albums when the challenge is running, I'm actually going to throw my hat in this time.

Do we have to post our reviews in a particular order or to a specific schedule when it kicks off, or do we just post them as and when we have the time once the challenge opens?

Posted By: Nightfly
Date Posted: 15 Aug 2016 at 1:29pm
Originally posted by Warthur Warthur wrote:

Not only am I adding a reminder to my Google Calendar to remind me not to post reviews of old albums when the challenge is running, I'm actually going to throw my hat in this time.

Do we have to post our reviews in a particular order or to a specific schedule when it kicks off, or do we just post them as and when we have the time once the challenge opens?

Adam works out a posting schedule so that we don't all post them on the same day Warthur. Last time it was around 3 reviews a day a couple of days apart so they all get some time on the front page. I'm sure he'll announce the order nearer the time.

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 15 Aug 2016 at 3:29pm
The group's are randomised, but people can swap their position in the schedule if they need to for any reason.

Earn Money Online (NOT a scam):" rel="nofollow - GG2U" rel="nofollow - Adam's Film Corner on Quora

Posted By: Warthur
Date Posted: 17 Aug 2016 at 3:27am
^ Awesome, thanks.

Posted By: aglasshouse
Date Posted: 21 Aug 2016 at 4:10pm
My review's already written, so whenever I'm allowed to post it I'm ready. 

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 16 Sep 2016 at 3:19am
Reviewer's Challenge schedule announcement!

The challenge begins one week from today, on September 23rd.

With nine participants registered here, I have broken the participants into three groups of three. There will be no break days this time so as to not disrupt other reviews for as long. The challenge reviews will all feature in the upcoming trial issue of the MMA online magazine, which will be released shortly afterwards.

Day 1 (September 23rd):

Vim Fuego

Day 2 (September 24th)

Time Signature

Day 3 (September 25th)


As always if anyone wants to swap it can be arranged by posting here. If anyone needs to drop out please let me know as soon as you can.

This post will also be PM'ed to each participant shortly. 

Earn Money Online (NOT a scam):" rel="nofollow - GG2U" rel="nofollow - Adam's Film Corner on Quora

Posted By: TheHeavyMetalCat
Date Posted: 17 Sep 2016 at 3:56pm
I still feel kind of bad about dropping out of this, but I'm looking forward to reading all the reviews.

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 22 Sep 2016 at 8:45am
Challenge starts tomorrow. 

As before, we'd kindly ask others to refrain from posting any Older Release Reviews during these few days to allow the event to get maximum exposure on the site frontpage. In order to not disrupt normal service for as long this time the challenge reviews are being posted over a shorter period of time and the block on other reviews will be lifted on Tuesday, September 27th, one day after the last reviews are posted.

New Release Reviews may be posted as normal. 

All Challenge reviews will be included in the trial issue of the upcoming MMA online magazine, which is aimed to be released by the end of the month. 

Earn Money Online (NOT a scam):" rel="nofollow - GG2U" rel="nofollow - Adam's Film Corner on Quora

Posted By: Vim Fuego
Date Posted: 22 Sep 2016 at 5:25pm
Originally posted by TheHeavyMetalCat TheHeavyMetalCat wrote:

I still feel kind of bad about dropping out of this, but I'm looking forward to reading all the reviews.

You shouldn't feel bad. Reviewing something like this isn't for everyone. I've been doing it for nearly 20 years now (that makes me feel SO OLD!), and I struggled with this one a bit. I rewrote some of it three times.

Anyway, the first review is up and posted.

Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: 22 Sep 2016 at 5:38pm
Just a suggestion but wouldn't it be less of a burdon on users if there was like one review a day or something? I mean, if i don't care about an album i'm totally put off by this. If i do find it enamoring then i still don't want to see a flood of reviews on the same day. Just my 2cents worth but why the rush?


Posted By: Unitron
Date Posted: 22 Sep 2016 at 11:17pm
The second review has been posted:" rel="nofollow -

If I say fuck two more times that's forty-six fucks in this fucked up rhyme

Posted By: Warthur
Date Posted: 23 Sep 2016 at 4:39am
Nice to see such divergent opinions right out of the gate.

Posted By: TheHeavyMetalCat
Date Posted: 23 Sep 2016 at 8:05am
Originally posted by Vim
 Fuego Vim Fuego wrote:

Originally posted by TheHeavyMetalCat TheHeavyMetalCat wrote:

I still feel kind of bad about dropping out of this, but I'm looking forward to reading all the reviews.

You shouldn't feel bad. Reviewing something like this isn't for everyone. I've been doing it for nearly 20 years now (that makes me feel SO OLD!), and I struggled with this one a bit. I rewrote some of it three times.

Anyway, the first review is up and posted.

Well I put a rating up at least. My unwritten review is there in spirit.

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 24 Sep 2016 at 3:15am
Just a note here to say that I'm swapping in the posting scehdule with Kim at the last minute. 

Earn Money Online (NOT a scam):" rel="nofollow - GG2U" rel="nofollow - Adam's Film Corner on Quora

Posted By: Warthur
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2016 at 3:12am
Posted my review.

Posted By: aglasshouse
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2016 at 8:53am
Normal posting can recommence now that all the reviewers have posted?

Posted By: 666sharon666
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2016 at 9:07am
Actually there's still one to come - Kim's.

Posted By: aglasshouse
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2016 at 10:19am
That's true. I spoke too soon. 

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2016 at 11:05am
I did say Tuesday for other reviews to start up again but tomorrow is fine if you have something waiting to be put up - all these reveiws will be presented together in the trial MMA magazine, which I will finish putting together now that the challenge is all up. 

Earn Money Online (NOT a scam):" rel="nofollow - GG2U" rel="nofollow - Adam's Film Corner on Quora

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2016 at 11:20am
And of course thanks to everyone who took part!

Earn Money Online (NOT a scam):" rel="nofollow - GG2U" rel="nofollow - Adam's Film Corner on Quora

Posted By: Unitron
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2016 at 11:28am
As always I enjoyed reading all of the different opinions on the album at hand, and I can't wait to see how the magazine looks.

If I say fuck two more times that's forty-six fucks in this fucked up rhyme

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2016 at 11:38am
I'm limited on how pretty I can make it look (the cover is a select of artist logos), but its the content that counts of course. Shouldn't be long now. 

Earn Money Online (NOT a scam):" rel="nofollow - GG2U" rel="nofollow - Adam's Film Corner on Quora

Posted By: aglasshouse
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2016 at 2:38pm
This was a good one. I hope subsequent reviewer challenges are this good.

Posted By: Nightfly
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2016 at 3:24pm
Always interesting to see such a diverse range of opinion. 

Thanks for organising it Adam. Thumbs Up

Posted By: Warthur
Date Posted: 25 Sep 2016 at 4:28pm
I can sort of see how the album ended up getting overlooked because whilst I think there's a lot it does which is really interesting, it isn't enormously front-and-centre about that. So thanks, Adam, I'm glad I didn't miss this one.

Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: 26 Sep 2016 at 3:15pm
Is it over? I just saw a new review that is not part of this contest


Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: 26 Sep 2016 at 5:12pm
My personal opinion is that these kinds of contests might possibly alienate anypotential newbies. Why would we want to do that? Is there a way to create a valid publicity without interrupting the flow of things?


Posted By: Vim Fuego
Date Posted: 26 Sep 2016 at 6:30pm
Yeah, I reckon we don't need to stop submitting other reviews during the competition any more, since we have 10 reviews on the front page, and the competition reviews are also labelled as such.

Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: 26 Sep 2016 at 8:45pm
^ thanks but are you the final authority here? will i have my puppy head chopped off if i post 5 new buckethad reviews? i know you have been waiting for them Confused


Posted By: Vim Fuego
Date Posted: 26 Sep 2016 at 10:18pm
Nah, I'm just posting my opinion on the topic.

To be brutally honest, I could quite happily live the rest of my life without ever seeing another Buckethead review.LOL I wouldn't mind so much if you didn't drop them all at once and spaced them out a bit.

Posted By: TheHeavyMetalCat
Date Posted: 27 Sep 2016 at 12:43am
I don't know guys, I was only an observer in this but I quite like seeing all the different opinions come in fast. And it was just three days when last time I think was closer to a whole week. And it was annouced well in advance this time to give people time to plan around it. I wouldn't personally consider that too disruptive.

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 27 Sep 2016 at 2:40am
Sorry that you feel that way Mike. And yes normal posting has now resumed. 

We have tried to do each challenge differently to find a balance between allowing it to be seen and not disrupting other reviews. Unfortunately there is no perfect solution to that. I personally feel that this last one worked best in that respect. 

Next time we will perhaps try setting the RC over the course of a whole month with everyone posting as soon as they are ready, with no set window for it beyond that, in effect posting the RC reviews like normal reviews. Of course we would lose the feature of them all on the front page at the same time, but if the MMA magazine is a success that's less of an issue as there will be full coverage of the RC in there. 

That is of course if we don't even decide to change the format entirely for the next challenge. I do have some alternate ideas that may be interesting to try as a one off. 

Earn Money Online (NOT a scam):" rel="nofollow - GG2U" rel="nofollow - Adam's Film Corner on Quora

Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: 27 Sep 2016 at 10:54am
^ just wondering. This one seemed to go more smoothly than before becauses there are 10 places for reviews now. i guess if a newbie snuck something in there it wouldn't be the end of the world anyway. just a thought :)


Posted By: Sheavy
Date Posted: 27 Sep 2016 at 1:05pm
Maybe make a thread in the music lounge section when the competition starts for those involved to post the links to their reviews. That way it wouldn't interrupt regular reviews but it would be somewhere easily seen.

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