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MMA Community Picks - Best of 2024 Voting Thread

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    Posted: 30 Nov 2024 at 7:20am

Metal Music Archives Community Picks – Best of 2024.


At the end of each year we do a presentation of some sort to highlight the best/favourite releases of the MMA community. The vote is open to all – if you have an MMA account and can see this you’re eligible to take part. The closing date will be Friday 31th January 2025.


To take part submit a list of 10 albums/EP’s (or less if you don’t rate 10 highly enough) released in 2024 that are on MMA (if missing and you think they should be here add them yourself or ask a Collaborator/Admin to do it) with a short paragraph written about each one. This can be taken from a review you have written for the site or something totally new. You may also add positive comments for releases in someone else’s list – just add them to the end of your list.


All albums/EP’s released in 2024 are eligible for inclusion with the exception of NON-METAL.


Only include one list but you can edit it as often as you wish up to the closing date.


The presentation won’t be an official ranking as such but will be listed in order of which albums get the most comments.


As an example of how the finished presentation will look check out last year’s staff picks – [url][/url]

Edited by Nightfly - 25 Jan 2025 at 2:42am
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote adg211288 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 30 Nov 2024 at 8:00am
Comments will follow...

Blood Incantation - Absolute Elsewhere 

US death metal act Blood Incantation have been taking the metal world by storm for a few years now, particularly since their last studio album Hidden History of the Human Race from 2019. Having explored other genres on other releases since, including the fully ambient EP Timewave Zero in 2022, their latest record Absolute Elsewhere is their most diverse record yet, containing two epic songs in three parts apiece that merge progressive death metal with ideas from space rock and Berlin School progressive electronic and featuring diverse guest performances including Thorsten Quaeschning of Tangerine Dream. The resulting record is a tour de force highlighting just where the death metal genre can be taken when a band doesn't limit themselves to genre conventions on extremity. 

Opeth - The Last Will and Testament 

Opeth returns to the extreme progressive metal sound which made them their name, but don't expect an album that leaves what they've been doing since Heritage forgotten and neglected. A superb release that is like a coming together of the old and the new, as well as their first concept album since Still Life. Opeth is not back, because they never went away, but those who have missed the old Opeth have double cause to celebrate this fourteenth studio album from the now legendary Swedish band. A work which stands up with their very best. 

Dvne - Voidkind

I've been casually following the UK's progressive/sludge/post-metal act Dvne since their first album Asheran and been impressed by them, but with Voidkind, their third studio album, they've gone next level for me. The kind of album that makes one not only pay close attention to it but drives the need to revisit their back catalogue with renewed interest. I liked them before. Voidkind made me a fan. 

Frozen Crown - War Hearts

Italy's Frozen Crown are, for my money, among the best modern power metal bands who have released their first album within the last ten years. War Hearts is their fifth and they show no sign of losing any steam. While this sort of band rarely breaks the mould, power metal tends to be a genre where it's about ticking boxes and excellent at what they do. Frozen Crown does that in spades. Great vocals, a triple guitarist line-up delivering melody and leads galore, and infectious songs. Can't ask for more from a power metal record. 

Hail Spirit Noir - Fossil Gardens 

Greek act Hail Spirit Noir has been going through periods of change following their first three albums that stuck to the same psychedelic black metal style. They chucked the black metal out on Eden in Reverse and then on Mannequins made a synthwave album. With Fossil Gardens, their sixth studio album, the band has returned to black metal albeit it in a progressive take, rather than returning to the sound which got them off the ground. It's different but still easily has the identity of a Hail Spirit Noir release and means that the band's last four albums have sounded nothing like each other. 

Ihsahn - Ihsahn

I think that Ihsahn has long transcended the work he did with Emperor by adopting an extreme progressive metal sound as a solo artist, but on this self-titled studio album, his eighth, we get something of a throwback to Emperor's symphonic approach. This is not Ihsahn's full return to black metal roots however, but it certainly stands out as different in terms of his solo output. While I personally prefer often the more chaotic sounds of After or Eremita, this is a really good release and is also his first full studio album since 2018 although he released three EP's in the intervening years. 

Judas Priest - Invincible Shield

I remember that sometimes we would say of Judas Priest's Painkiller album, which was their twelfth studio album, that an album released that far into a band's career really had no business being so good, much less the album that many would call the band's best. Post-Painkiller the band released a string of lesser to solid albums, but then dropped Firepower in 2018, their best in years. With Invincible Shield however they've only gone and bettered it, releasing not just their new best since Painkiller, but also an album that we will talk about the way we have Painkiller over the years: an album that is the nineteenth of a band who have been going for over fifty years at this point, has no business being as good as this. 

Borknagar - Fall 

Borknagar has had some different incarnations over the years they've been together but the current one, dually fronted by ICS Vortex and Lars A. Nedland, has been producing some of the band's strongest works yet. Fall, their twelfth studio album, has many claims to being their best yet and has musical nods to all eras of the band including their early Viking metal work. A someone who has to confess to feeling that this band peaked in the 1990s to early 2000s, it's an album that has made me reassess their last few releases as well

Nile - The Underworld Awaits Us All 

Nile is a brutal technical death metal powerhouse of a band. Although losing long-time vocalist/guitarist Dallas Toler-Wade in 2017 was a blow for their ever-changing line-up, Karl Sanders has soldiered on and following the solid Vile Nilotic Rites in 2019, has produced one of their best albums in the form of The Underworld Awaits Us All. 

Simone Simons - Vermillion 

Although it only bears the name of the Epica vocalist, Vermillion was written and performed in collaboration with Ayreon mastermind Arjen Lucassen and represents one of two studio albums he put out in 2024, as well as being the strongest one, albeit as well the more typically Lucassen sounding one. As a release from Simone however it's very different to her main band Epica. It perhaps does a disservice to Simone Simons to say that it feels much more like a Lucassen album than her solo album, but the fact remains that, for me, it's rather a match made in heaven release; my favourite composer/instrumentalist and my favourite singer. 

Comments for other nominations

I'll add comments here for releases other's write about that I have something to say about.

Edited by adg211288 - 04 Dec 2024 at 4:14am
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote UMUR Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 30 Nov 2024 at 10:01am
This is the list of the 2024 albums I have reviewed so far. The top 10 may change before the poll closes:

Blood Incantation - Absolute Elsewhere

- Stylistically Blood Incantation take their music to a new level. While still featuring loads of old school technical death metal parts, the album features just as many 70s influenced tripped-out space rock parts (Artists like Tangerine Dream, Eloy, and Pink Floyd haven´t lived in vain), which have nothing to do with death metal. So how does two such different music styles co-exist? It should be impossible, but it actually works incredibly well. Blood Incantation ensure that there is a good balance between death metal brutality, technical playing, progressive song structures, and the 70s progressive/space rock influences. "Absolute Elsewhere" is epic, melodic, and atmospheric, but also brutal, dissonant, and raw. Gloomy atmospheres are followed by epic melodic moments, and laid-back psychedelic journeys into space.

Hail Spirit Noir - Fossil Gardens

- The sound production is top notch, the performances showcase high level musicianship on all posts, and the songwriting is eclectic, adventurous, and intriguing. It´s the kind of the album you can listen to many times and find new details everytime. If they weren´t already one of the leaders of progressive/psychedelic black metal, this album would surely lift them to that status.

Deceased - Children of the Morgue

- "Children of the Morgue" is probably not the album which will break new ground for Deceased and at this point in their career I´m pretty sure that´s not their main goal either. These guys just want to play the type of metal that they love and occasionally make it available to their fans and they are arguably successful in doing that.

High on Fire - Cometh the Storm

- So it´s the songwriting and the production values which set one High on Fire album apart from the other albums by the band, and to my ears "Cometh the Storm" is in the better end of the High on Fire album releases, both when it comes to the memorability of the compositions and certainly when it comes to the sound production (as mentioned above).

Ulcerate - Cutting the Throat of God

"Cutting the Throat of God" is another impressive high quality release from Ulcerate. It´s not often an artist gets better and better with each release but Ulcerate is one such act. It´s almost impossible to understand that this is album number seven and they still sound as hungry, experimental, and brutal as they did when starting out, and to my ears have actually become much more interesting over the years.

Nile - The Underworld Awaits Us All

- "The Underworld Awaits Us All" is another high quality death metal release from Nile. Sanders and co. are still among the elite death metal artists in the world, and "The Underworld Awaits Us All" further cements that fact.

Devin Townsend - PowerNerd

- Even within this relatively simple vers/chorus structured format Townsend is able to show his musical ingenuity and geniality. Although it´s not as apparent on "PowerNerd" as on other preceding more experimental releases, it´s still pretty clear that he is a one-of-a-kind genius, who is able to make even relatively staight forward music sound intriguing, energetic, and powerful.

The Black Dahlia Murder - Servitude

- Faced with an immense tragedy The Black Dahlia Murder never wavered (at least not publicly) and almost immediately vowed to return with a new lineup and keep the band going, and "Servitude" is the proof that they did the right thing. I´m sure Strnad would have been proud of the result.

Defiled - Horror Beyond Horror

- "Horror Beyond Horror" is a natural successor to "The Highest Level", but to my ears Defiled have made better production choices this time around, and therefore "Horror Beyond Horror" is a step up in quality from the last release (which itself wasn´t a bad release at all). Defiled just seem to thrive better when they apply more organic sounding productions to their music, like they do here.

My Dying Bride - A Mortal Binding

- Highlights include "Thornwyck Hymn" and the 11:22 minutes long "The Apocalyptist", but as always My Dying Bride are impressive in terms consistency, and there´s nothing on this album, which isn´t quality material.

Edited by UMUR - 25 Jan 2025 at 4:16am
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote DippoMagoo Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 30 Nov 2024 at 2:12pm
Ensiferum - Winter Storm
Ensiferum have always been one of the best in the world when it comes to blending folk metal and MDM, and their past couple releases have seen them up the ante by going all in on their power metal elements, without losing any of their defining elements, to create something truly special. This one is a bit less catchy and less immediate than Thalassic, but if anything it's even more epic than ever, and it has some absolutely stunning instrumental portions and an entertaining story, to go along with the fantasticvocals and choruses, which are still as prominent as ever.

Visions of Atlantis - Pirates II: Armada
VoA have stepped up their game consderably ever since Clementine Delauney joined, and this is their best release yet, combining the kind of catchy, cinematic symphonic metal fans would expect from the genre, with some fun, speedy power metal, as well as elements of folk metal on a couple tracks, some great ballads, and two great epic length tracks. There's a bit of something for all symphonic metal fans, but for how varied the album is, it's also the band's most consistently engaging release to date, and one of the best symphonic metal albums in recent years/

Fellowship - The Skies Above Eternity
Fellowship burst onto the scene a few years ago, with The Saberlight Chronicles, one of the best power metal debuts I've ever heard, as well as pssoibly the happiest, most optimistic album ever made, in a genre that is often known to very upbeat and happy. This album continues with that, and has some very upbeat tempos and fantastic musicianship, with some very beautiful, happy sounding passages, but some depth is added, with some darker lyrics themes, to help make for a very interesting combination. 

New Horizon - Conquerors
Nils Molin is one of the best melodic metal singers in the world right now, and this album allows him to go all out, with some absolutely killer choruses and vocal melodies. Musically, it's a mix of speedy power metal and more laidback, mid-paced melodic metal, with a big focus on choruses, though there is some excellent musicianship as well. 

Hypersonic - Khaosmogonia
This band has improved a lot over the years, and this is their best work to date, with a mix of everything I love about symphonic metal, from epic orchestral arrangements, to fantastic vocals, some power metal, some lighter tracks, and it also has quite a bit of MDM and some gothic influences, all of which is done perfectly. Songwriting is dynamic and quite complex at times, and musically there's a lot going on, and it can get quite heavy at times, but there's also some fantastic melodies. 

Powerwolf - Wake up the Wicked
Powerwolf is a band that figured their formula out ages ago with Lupus Dei, perfected it with Bible of the Beast, and everything they've done since has simply built on that foundation, largely sticking to a familiar formula, but staying consistently addictive and fun. Wake up the Wicked is very much more of the same, with a big foucs on huge, anthemic choruses, church organs and an overall intense atmosphere, but it also feels like it has some of their speediest, most classic power metal sounding tracks in quite some time, and if anything, it's one of their most energetic and more inspired releases since Bible of the Beast.

Dragony - Hic svnt dracones
Dragony have always done a great job of mixing together elements of classic power metal, symphonic metal and even a bit of AOR on some of their lighter, more melodic tracks. All of this continues on this album, and it of course has some of their absolute best, most epic and most anthemic choruses to date, but it also has more of cinematic feel than any of their past albums, with a major emphasis on symphonic elements, and the band pulls that of perfectly. it's all centered by the epic length title track, which is one of the band's best, most ambitious tracks to date.

Manticora - Mycelium
Manticora have always fallen deeply into the heavier, darker side of power metal, with albums like 8 Deadly Sins and Safe cementing them as masters of what I like to call "Brutal Power Metal", blending in influences of MDM, thrash and prog, with their usual classic power metal sound to create something heavier, and more intense than one might expect from the genre. After a couple more experiemntal albums, Mycelium largely feels like a return to what the band does best, and it has some of their best, most dynamic songwriting to date. 

Timeless Fairytale - A Story to Tell 
Original Royal Hunt vocalist Henrik Brockmann has teamed up with multi-instrumentalist Luca Sellitto to create a new album that very much feels like a speedier, more power metal based take on classic Royal Hunt, with the keyboards, vocals and symphonic arrangements in particular sounding quite familiar, though songwriting is a bit more dynamic and at times more complex than I was expecting, while still having plenty of catchy choruses. It's centered by the epic length title track, which happens to be one of the very best metal ballads I've heard in a long time, with the lengthy instrumental section in the middle being especially fantastic. 

Tyr - Battle Ballads
The name is a lie, because there certainly isn't much balladry to be found here, LOL Jokes aside, this is Tyr doing what they do best, which is speedy, fun, energetic and super catchy folk-tinged power metal. Compared to some of their past albums, this one is a bit less dynamic and compelx, but instead it's simply an epic, incredibly fun and addicting album, with absolutely incredible choruses and vocal melodies, as well as the occasional nice softer passages to mix things up a bit.

Additional Comments:
Simone Simons - Vermillion 
A fulll on collaboration between Ayreon mastermind Arjen Lucassen and Epica vocalist Simone Simons, sure feels like something I'd only hear in a dream, but it is in fact real, and it is every bit as excellent as I was hoping ti would be. It's essentially what Ayreon fans would expect musically, with a bit of Star One added in on a couple tracks, though overall it falls on the softer, more vocal driven side of things, unsurprisingly considering who the singer is. There's some nice guest performances as well, and a couple tracks add in some industrial elements, which is the biggest surprise of the album. 

Opeth - The Last Will and Testament
Indeed, this album does mark the long awaited return of Mikael Akerfeldt's growls, and it has some of their heaviest, most dynamic tracks since Ghost Reveries, but it also maintains the jazz elements and smooth clean vocals from the past few releases. If anything, it feels like somewhat of a fusion between old and new Opeth, resulting in one of their most complex and adventurous albums to date.

Edited by DippoMagoo - 15 Dec 2024 at 8:04pm
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Cancer Christ - God Is Violence
An ultra-violent Christian snake cult as much as a band, Cancer Christ dropped this album in January 2024, and then the whole insane mess had unravelled by August. Singer St Anthony sacked the rest of the band, and was arrested after a psychotically induced crime spree which started with him informing a pregnant woman that spirits led him to her unborn baby and it belonged to him, and ended with charges of vandalism, burglary, vehicle theft, reckless driving, kidnapping, and resisting an officer. This is what truly unhinged music sounds like.

Exhorder - Defectum Omnium
When Exhorder returned in 2019 with the groove-laden "Mourn the Southern Skies", many feared it would be a one-and-done affair. "Defectum Omnium" has proved this wasn't the case. The album is thick with the razor sharp thrash metal that created the band's awesome reputation in the early 90s, but still retains the Southern feel.

UltraVomit - Ultra Vomit et le Pouvoir le Puissance
More power to UltraVomit for bringing the power... and the power. (Ya reckon there might be some context missing in this Google translation of the album title?) Growing up from their Gallic grindcore roots, the band is now a full-on multi-genre comedy metal act. 

Morta Skuld - Creation Undone
You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but those old dogs get pretty good at the tricks they do know. Morta Skuld play old school death metal because they are a genuine old school band, and the brutal grooves of Creations Undone shows there's no substitute for experience.

FerreTT - Glamdemic
Grunge is dead and glam is back? These New Yorkers are firmly on a nostalgia trip for the heady days of the 80s when spandex and big hair dominated the musical landscape. Unlike the piss-ripping parody of Steel Panther, FerreTT offer up a more respectful homage to those days, while also bringing some 21st century sensibilities to the party.

Raised By Owls - Vol.3: (The Satirical Verses)
Raised By Owls are probably more notorious for their comedy videos than for their actual music. After all, their main single from Vol.3 is called "I’m Sorry I Wore a Dying Fetus T-Shirt to Your Baby’s Gender Reveal Party". However, under the industrial-strength satire are some mighty fine grooves. This is a band to play to naysayers who dismiss deathcore out of hand.

Texas Toast Chainsaw Massacre - Super Turbo
Zany crossover thrash revival bands are a dime a dozen, but not many are up to the standard of Texas Toast Chainsaw Massacre. Tight as fuck when they need to be, and sloppily loose when it suits, these Chicagoans released the most wholesome metal video of the year in "I Wanna Pet Your Dog".

F.K.U. - The Horror and The Metal
"The Horror and The Metal" is the musical incarnation of the slasher/zombie horror movie. Severed tongues planted firmly in undead decaying cheeks, these Swedes deliver splattery blackened thrash metal. This album isn't trying to be particularly clever or original, but it's a lot of fun.

Birdflesh - Faster Than A Priest Vomit
13 tracks in just under 13 minutes, this fun little EP was the product of a three day binge. Spontaneous, silly, and slightly sick, this is short, sharp shocks of goofy, gory grindcore, nothing more and nothing less.

Nile - The Underworld Awaits Us All
"The Underworld Awaits Us All" is everything you'd expect from a Nile album - heavy, brutal, technical, and immaculately researched. Few death metal bands if any can equal Nile's continued consistency to still be churning out such vital albums this deep into their career.

Edited by Vim Fuego - 23 Jan 2025 at 1:09am
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Nightfly Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 05 Dec 2024 at 2:17pm
Just getting a few down for now, some may be replaced and comments to be added once finalised.

Opeth - The last Will And Testament

Opeth are one of the few bands that can still surprise me. You never know what you’re going to get next from them. In Cauda Venenum had more metal in it than they’d had for years but The Last Will And Testament also brings back the death growls, something I thought would never happen. It’s a mixture of old and new, Ghost Reveries being the nearest past reference. Not to take anything away from recent releases it’s their finest body of work since at least Watershed and up there with their best albums.

Judas Priest - Invincible Shield

Following the excellent Firepower from 2018 Invincible Shield finds Judas Priest on a roll and not only equalling it, but bettering it. The relentless onslaught of the first three songs alone is enough to cement their reputation as the greatest heavy metal band of all.

Blood Incantation - Absolute Elsewhere

Going back to their first album Blood Incantation showed they weren’t averse to long songs and took it a step further on 2019’s Hidden History Of The Human Race with Awakening From The Dream Of Existence To The Multidimensional Nature Of Our Reality (Mirror Of The Soul) taking up a full side on the vinyl version. This time there are only two tracks, both taking up a side on the vinyl version, something 70’s prog bands were prone to do. This is very apt as alongside the expected death metal Absolute Elsewhere has almost as much prog, Pink Floyd and Tangerine Dream being obvious references. It shouldn’t work but somehow it does and they pull it off to perfection. Their finest yet? Quite possibly.

Crypt Sermon - The Stygian Rose

Judging from the amount of ratings on their albums Crypt Sermon seems relatively unknown around here. This is surprising as to my ears they’re the finest traditional doom metal band to surface in the last 10 years. Each of their 3 albums is essential listening for anyone who enjoys the genre and The Stygian Rose is almost the equal of 2019’s The Ruins Of Fading Light, their best so far.

Grand Magus - Sunraven

Grand Magus lost their mojo a bit on 2019’s Wolf God. Not a bad album by any means but fortunately they’re back to their usual high standards and Sunraven is up there with their best. If you fancy some excellent traditional heavy metal look no further.

Nile - The Underworld Awaits Us All

I keep hearing comments like The Underworld Awaits Us All is a return to form for Nile. Well to my ears they never lost it, one of, if not the finest technical death metal band on the planet. Whilst I don’t think this betters the last couple it’s certainly the equal of them. 

Vredehammer - God Slayer

God Slayer sees Vredehammer almost revert to a Per Valla solo project as in early days but for drummer Nils “Dominator” Fjellström. Being the mainman the essence of the band remains intact however with another strong collection of highly infectious incendiary blackened death metal . Per Valla it seems can do no wrong.

Bewitcher - Spell Shock

Bewitcher were my surprise discovery of 2024. Never heard any of their previous three albums but Spell Shock really grabbed my attention with a seemingly endless supply of infectious riffs. Blackened speed metal doesn’t get much better than this.

Anciients - Beyond The Reach Of The Sun

All three of Anciients albums have impressed me. The mixture of light and shade, growls and clean vocals, their usually long-ish songs take a while to reveal their secrets but once they do you’re hooked. Beyond The Reach of The Sun is another stunning addition to their small but impressive catalogue.

Undeath - More Insane

Old school death metal has been done to death (no pun intended) so it takes something pretty special to make me part with my hard earned cash for a hard copy these days. Undeath managed it with the excellent It’s Time…To Rise From The Grave and they’ve done it again with More Insane. Not quite the equal of ITTRFTG but certainly a strong follow up of gore infested death metal that is less murky making it a bit more accessible and things get somewhat more complex this time around. Whether this is to it’s detriment is up to you.

Edited by Nightfly - 01 Feb 2025 at 6:38am
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote 666sharon666 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 22 Dec 2024 at 12:21am
I'm just going to write out a number of comments and then sort then into a top 10 later and leave any additional ones that others nominated below the main submission. For now in no particular order (will try to add 2-3 a day until near the deadline then finalise):

Blood Incantation - Absolute Elsewhere

Blood Incantation is going to be one of those bands that in years to come is going to be described as a seminal death metal act of their time. On their third album Absolute Elsewhere they meld diverse influences into a unique progressive metal journey.

Opeth - The Last Will and Testament

I hadn't realised just how much I wanted a new Opeth album that sounded like this. I've spent the last few albums they've made gradually accepting their change in direction, the culmination of which was their best prog rock album yet in In Cauda Venenum and then they go and do this. Welcome back, Mikael and co. 

Aquilus - Bellum II

A direct follow-up to 2021's Bellum I, Aquilus' third album Bellum II stands as a perfect continuation of what was already a fantastic comeback for one of the most interesting black metal acts of the modern era, blending atmospheric/symphonic black metal with classical music, dark folk and prog. Fortunately we didn't have to wait a whole decade between albums this time. 

Aara - Eiger

Swiss atmospheric black metal trio Aara goes from strength to strength with Eiger, their sixth album and best to date. The Tirade trilogy was already excellent, but Eiger immediately comes across as next level. A contender for the year's best black metal release for me. 

Hail Spirit Noir - Fossil Gardens

In some ways I don't know what to feel about Fossil Gardens, Hail Spirit Noir's sixth album. On the one hand I didn't object to their change in sound that came with Eden in Reverse, but I could also lament that the psychedelic black metal sound of their first three albums had disappeared. Here they brought back the black metal, but not so much the psychedelic stuff. It's a very good album, but sometimes it feels like the band isn't sure what they want to be anymore and it sounds like it would make more sense existing between Mayhem in Blue and Eden in Reverse, not their latest work. 

Judas Priest - Invincible Shield

How is Judas Priest making albums this good a whole half century on since their debut? Firepower was already excellent and then they go and better it! Not many bands could claim to make such good albums this far into their career. Their best since Painkiller which came out over thirty years ago.

Simone Simons - Vermillion

Really more like Arjen Lucassen's latest project in terms of sound, but those who come here because of Epica will find something that stands apart from Simone Simons' usual output, even when Epica co-vocalist Mark Jansen shows up on a couple of tracks. While not the most jaw-dropping record either Lucassen or Simons has been a part of, it's a very solid little collection of songs.

Nile - The Underworld Awaits Us All

Nile has long been one of my favourite death metal acts. There's only a couple of albums in their back catalogue that haven't been high grade brutal/tech death. Many no doubt still feel the absence of Dallas Toler-Wade but the current Nile line-up (a five-piece these days) just made one of the band's best albums yet.

Lascaille's Shroud - Wyrmfire and Starlight

After a couple of years (2020-2021) which saw Lascaille's Shroud have a burst of increased output - four albums in two years) the project went quiet for awhile but in 2024 returned with a new album which consists of just a single song running for forty minutes dead. Shades of Crimson by Edge of Sanity there, but regardless it's a fine addition to the Lascaille's Shroud discography. I still find it hard to believe that no label has signed this act and got his music out there better. 

Satan - Songs in Crimson

One of the UK's best heavy metal acts. They were first around during the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, producing the classic Court in the Act, but have really only cemented their legacy since their 2011 reformation. Songs in Crimson is just the latest in a line of excellent traditional metal albums from a band who deserves mention in the same breath as Iron Maiden, Judas Priest or Black Sabbath.

Edited by 666sharon666 - 07 Jan 2025 at 12:38am
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Bosh66 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 24 Dec 2024 at 4:41am
My top 10 - 

1. Blood Incantation – Absolute Everywhere (Death Metal)

2. Opeth – The Last Will And Testament (Progressive Metal)

3. Judas Priest – Invisible Shield (Heavy Metal)

4. Thou – Umbilical (Sludge Metal)

5. Dvne – Voidkind (Sludge Metal)

6. Night Verses - Every Sound Has A Color In The Valley Of Night (Progressive Metal)

7. Hamferð – Men Guðs Hond Er Sterk (Funeral Doom Metal)

8. Melt Banaba – 3+5 (Noise Rock)

9. Fórn – Repercussions Of The Self (Sludge Metal)

10. Saxon – Hell, Fire and Damnation (Heavy Metal)

Edited by Bosh66 - 24 Dec 2024 at 5:54am
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Nightfly Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 31 Dec 2024 at 4:45am
Still have a month to get those lists and comments in but try not to leave it until the last minute.

Edited by Nightfly - 31 Dec 2024 at 5:07am
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote UMUR Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02 Jan 2025 at 7:56am
I´ve changed mine a few times already, since I initinally posted it. A couple of great releases came flying towards me, and they just ousted something which otherwise had a safe place on the top 10 list. Thankfully it´s been a pretty good year with some great releases from established artists.

Edited by UMUR - 02 Jan 2025 at 7:57am
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Nightfly Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 11 Jan 2025 at 6:46am
Remember to add your comments on your choices as any albums without them won't appear on the presentation unless they also feature on someone else's list.
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Blood Incantation - Absolute Elsewhere
Judas Priest - Invincible Shield
In Aphelion - Reaperdawn
Kvaen - The Formless Fires
Iotunn - Kinship
Gaerea - Coma
Oceans Of Slumber - Where Gods Fear To Speak
Devin Townsend - Powernerd
Sólstafir - Hin Helga Kvöl
Thy Catafalque - A Gyönyörü Álmok Ezután Jönnek

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Nightfly Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 18 Jan 2025 at 3:32am
6 days to get your choices in and comments posted.
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Swallow the Sun - Shining

An excellent shift into a more commercial sounding production and compact songwriting, and an ever so slight ray of light after some truly depressing albums born out of real-life tragedy. 

Cemetery Skyline - Nordic Gothic

I’m no particular fan of goth metal, nor Dark Tranquillity, Insomnium, Sentenced or any of the bands whose members collided and formed Cemetery Skyline, so this is the biggest surprise of the year. Superb bunch of straightforward heavy goth rock songs and I AM becoming a fan of Mikael Stanne’s clean vocals.

Blood Incantation - Absolute Elsewhere

Lots has been said, no need to say more, another new acquaintance hits the top three.

Nightwish - Yesterwynde

After the last couple of albums were bogged down by these larger than life prog or classical epics at the end that fell apart halfway through if they ever took off in the first place, Yesterwynde feels fresh and compact…and it’s 71 minutes long. Just a bunch of really good songs for a change.

Judas Priest - Invincible Shield

Good old Priest doing good old Priest things. I was really surprised by Firepower, and this one takes it a notch higher.

Bruce Dickinson - The Mandrake Project

The last three solo albums were stone cold classics, and this time we’re not quite getting there. A couple of low points in the middle do some harm, but otherwise a solid album and better than the somewhat disappointed reception would indicate.

Sólstafir - Hin helga kvöl

After a few pleasant but interchangeable albums this was the first Sólstafir album since Köld I didn’t buy on the day of release. After one Tidal listen I did. Brings back some of the metallic edge and overall is the best Sólstafir album in years.

Oranssi Pazuzu - Muuntautuja

Like Sólstafir above, they have their own unique sound with little variation between albums, but I’m not yet as bored of Oranssi Pazuzu’s. Another solid album by a consistently good band.

Assemble the Chariots - Ephemeral Trilogy Episode 1: Unyielding Night

The couple of times a year I go for a massage I always go to the same guy because we talk music the entire time he roughs up my shoulders and neck. This is the best thing he’s ever recommended me, a very nice union of grand symphonicity and relentless brutality.

Opeth - The Last Will and Testament

Promising, but not many listens yet. Still deserves a spot at the bottom based on what it probably is.

Bubbling under (alphabetical):

Ihsahn - Ihsahn

Jerry Cantrell - I Want Blood

Saxon - Hell, Fire and Damnation

VOLA - Friend of a Phantom

Zeal & Ardor - Greif

Edited by Nightfly - 01 Feb 2025 at 6:44am
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Nightfly Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 25 Jan 2025 at 2:42am
I just realised I'd put the closing date down as Friday 26th when in fact Friday was the 24th. In case anyone wanted to make last minute changes and get comments added I'll extend the closing date to Friday 31st to avoid any confusion. I wouldn't have much time this weekend to make much headway with it anyway.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Nightfly Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01 Feb 2025 at 4:57am
Making a start now so no more alterations or lists please.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Bosh66 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06 Feb 2025 at 5:10am
Thanks Paul!
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