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MMA on Reddit - What You Can Do To Help

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adg211288 View Drop Down
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    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 at 9:35am
Metal Music Archives has recently opened its very own SubReddit, which you can access from the following URL:

First off, let's address the elephant in the room and answer the obvious question: why does MMA need a Subreddit when we have this very forum you're reading this on. Don't worry, it's a good, valid question to ask.

The simple answer is exposure. MMA is in desperate need of exposure and our current outlets for this (such as Facebook) just aren't working, so we need to try something new. You can be rest assured however that the MMA SubReddit is not here to replace the existing forum. It is there to complement it, be used as quasi social media to promote the existence of MMA, along with being a (hopefully) interesting Subreddit in its own right. 

However to achieve this goal, we are going to need the support of our community here to grow the Subreddit into an active community. It is important that the Subreddit be seen as an actual community, otherwise we're just a bunch of spammers. 

Some of the things that you can do on our SubReddit are:

Post a song (not a full album) from YouTube to share with the community. You can tag this song with Reddit Post Flair based on the MMA sub-genre system.

Post a photo of your metal collection or latest pickups. Or maybe even instruments you own. Basically cool stuff. We have setup Reddit Post Flairs 'Collection' and 'Pickup' for this purpose.

Take part in our weekly Album of the Week selection. There is a dummy run of this for this first week. From next week it will solely be about albums you newly discovered in the last week.

If you post a review or interview to MMA, share the link on the Subreddit and promote your work. Reddit Post Flairs 'Review' and 'Interview' are set up for this. You can also post the whole review straight to the community to gain more exposure. 

If you are a site Collaborator, post about the artist you just added to MMA using the Reddit Post Flair 'New Artist', creating a link onto MMA. 

I also run a List Challenges themed SubReddit and MMA has a now quite long running history with that site. Any MMA relevant List Challenges may be shared on the MMA SubReddit, Post Flair 'List Challenges'. As an aside I also invite you to also post them on r/Your_List_Challenges.

If you see any metal news, you can also share it on the SubReddit. Even better if you post it on our forum first and then share it on the SubReddit. 

We also welcome metal themed memes to be posted. Post Flair: Memes.

Mods will also use the SubReddit to post any site news. All active members of the MMA admin team are already confirmed as mods on the SubReddit.

Finally, in general commenting and voting on posts made by others will also help us (be honest with your votes, voting up or down helps us to know what kind of content on Reddit is liked)! As will crossposting any content you original posted to us to other relevant SubReddits. Just don't spam, of course, and read other community rules on what they'll allow. 

Edited by adg211288 - 29 Jan 2021 at 4:37pm
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