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MMA Best of Year 2018 Results

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    Posted: 01 Feb 2019 at 9:57am
Metal Music Archives Best of Year 2018

#95 - #76

There are too many ties this far down the list to present them evenly with cover art, so have just listed them:

#95 (47 Points): Sulphur Aeon - The Scythe Of Cosmic Chaos (Death Metal)
#95 (47 Points): Mournful Congregation - The Incubus of Karma (Funeral Doom Metal)
#95 (47 Points): Ministry - AmeriKKKant (Industrial Metal)
#95 (47 Points): King Goat - Debt of Aeons (Doom Metal)
#95 (47 Points): Freak Kitchen - Confusion To The Enemy (Alternative Metal)
#95 (47 Points): Cultes Des Ghoules - Sinister, or Treading the Darker Paths (Black Metal)
#95 (47 Points): A Sound of Thunder - It Was Metal (Heavy Metal)
#92 (50 Points): Thy Catafalque - Geometria (Avant-Garde Metal)
#92 (50 Points): Skyharbor - Sunshine Dust (Progressive Metal)
#92 (50 Points): Alrakis - Echoes From η Carinae (Atmospheric Black Metal)
#86 (55 Points): Toundra - Vortex (Metal Related)
#86 (55 Points): Sirenia - Arcane Astral Aeons (Gothic Metal)
#86 (55 Points): Neckbeard Deathcamp - White Nationalism is for Basement Dwelling Losers (Black Metal)
#86 (55 Points): Messa - Feast For Water (Doom Metal)
#86 (55 Points): Daron Malakian & Scars On Broadway – Dictator (Alternative Metal)
#86 (55 Points): Alphakill - Degrees of Manipulation (Technical Thrash Metal)
#85 (56 Points): Аркона - Храм (Arkona - Khram) (Pagan Black Metal)
#83 (57 Points): Riot V - Armor of Light (US Power Metal)
#83 (57 Points): Alkaloid - Liquid Anatomy (Technical Death Metal)
#80 (58 Points): Ungfell - Mythen, Mären, Pestilenz (Black Metal)
#80 (58 Points): Mesarthim - The Density Parameter (Atmospheric Black Metal)
#80 (58 Points): Barren Earth - A Complex Of Cages (Melodic Death Metal)
#76 (60 Points): Temperance - of Jupiter and Moons (Alternative Metal)
#76 (60 Points): Kwade Droes - De duivel en zijn gore oude kankermoer (Black Metal)
#76 (60 Points): Kingcrow - The Persistence (Progressive Metal)
#76 (60 Points): Gaylord - The Black Metal Scene Needs to be Destroyed (Black Metal)

#75 - #51

#73 (61 Points)

#73 (61 Points)

#73 (61 Points)

#70 (62 Points)

#70 (62 Points)

Yob - Our Raw Heart

(Doom Metal)

Sacral Rage - Beyond Celestial Echoes

(Technical Thrash Metal)

Rolo Tomassi - Time Will Die And Love Will Bury It


Sisare - Leaving the Land

(Progressive Metal)

Pestilence - Hadeon

(Death Metal)

#70 (62 Points)

#68 (64 Points)

#68 (64 Points)

#66 (69 Points)

#66 (69 Points)

Michael Romeo - War of the Worlds // Pt. 1

(Progressive Metal)

The Ocean Collective - Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic

(Atmospheric Sludge Metal)

Oh. - Metallia

(Progressive Metal)

Summoning - With Doom We Come

(Atmospheric Black Metal)

Pig Destroyer - Head Cage


#59 (70 Points)

#59 (70 Points)

#59 (70 Points)

#59 (70 Points)

#59 (70 Points)

The Grotesquery - The Lupine Anathema

(Death Metal)

Sigh - Heir to Despair

(Avant-Garde Metal)

Presto Ballet - The Days Between

(Metal Related)

Moenen Of Xezbeth - Ancient Spells of Darkness...

(Black Metal)

Mary's Blood - Revenant

(Power Metal)

#59 (70 Points)

#59 (70 Points)

#58 (71 Points)

#57 (72 Points)

#56 (78 Points)

Fu Manchu - Clone of the Universe

(Stoner Rock)

Cripple Bastards - La Fine Cresce da Dentro


Pure Wrath - Sempiternal Wisdom

(Atmospheric Black Metal)

Aborted - Terrorvision

(Brutal Death Metal)

Satan - Cruel Magic

(Heavy Metal)

#55 (79 Points)

#54 (80 Points)

#51 (85 Points)

#51 (85 Points)

#51 (85 Points)

The Skull - The Endless Road Turns Dark

(Traditional Doom Metal)

Entropia - Vacuum

(Atmospheric Sludge Metal)

Tomb Mold – Manor of Infinite Forms

(Death Metal)

Spectral Wound - Infernal Decadence

(Black Metal)

In the Woods... - Cease the Day 

(Progressive Metal)

#50 - #26

#50 (86 Points)

#49 (89 Points)

#48 (90 Points)

#46 (91 Points)

#46 (91 Points)

Corrosion of Conformity - No Cross No Crown

(Stoner Metal)

Hamferð - Tamsin Likam

(Funeral Doom Metal)

Evoken - Hypnagogia

(Funeral Doom Metal)

Redemption - Long Night's Journey Into Day

(Progressive Metal)

Dire Peril - The Extraterrestrial Compendium

(Power Metal)

#45 (94 Points)

#44 (97 Points)

#43 (99 Points)

#40 (100 Points)

#40 (100 Points)

Horrendous - Idol

(Death Metal)

Panopticon - The Scars of Man on the Once Nameless Wilderness

(Atmospheric Black Metal)

Deafheaven - Ordinary Corrupt Human Love

(Atmospheric Black Metal)

Omnium Gatherum - The Burning Cold

(Melodic Death Metal)

Jungle Rot - Jungle Rot

(Death Metal)

#40 (100 Points)

#38 (101 Points)

#38 (101 Points)

#37 (102 Points)

#36 (104 Points)

Candelabrum - Portals

(Atmospheric Black Metal)

Orphaned Land - Unsung Prophets & Dead Messiahs

(Folk Metal)

Kontinuum - No Need to Reason

(Progressive Metal)

Marduk - Viktoria

(Black Metal)

Behemoth - I Loved You at Your Darkest

(Death Metal)

#35 (108 Points)

#34 (109 Points)

#33 (112 Points)

#31 (119 Points)

#31 (119 Points)

Portal - Ion

(Technical Death Metal)

Revocation - The Outer Ones

(Technical Death Metal)

Grave Digger - The Living Dead

(Power Metal)

Unleashed - The Hunt For White Christ

(Death Metal)

Judicator - The Last Emperor

(Power Metal)

#30 (124 Points)

#29 (129 Points)

#28 (134 Points)

#27 (135 Points)

#26 (141 Points)

Powerwolf - The Sacrament of Sin

(Power Metal)

Alien Weaponry - Tū

(Thrash Metal)

Lascaille's Shroud - The Tiger's Daughter

(Progressive Metal)

Nachtlieder - Lynx

(Black Metal)

Striker - Play to Win

(Heavy Metal)

#25 (148 Points)
Orion's Reign - Scores of War
Power Metal

Greek power metal act Orion's Reign may just go down as one of 2018's biggest pleasant surprises with their second album Scores of War. Here we have a band that's left it a whole decade between studio albums, and in the intervening years garnered a bit of a reputation as that band who keeps releasing metal versions of Christmas songs. Then wallop! They deliver one of the most epic symphonic power metal records not released by Rhapsody of Fire or other Italians. This record firmly puts Greece on the symphonic power metal map.

#24 (155 Points)
Subsignal - La Muerta
Metal Related

Another strong if less metallic release from the consistently capable German progressive act Subsignal, but their status as something as a follow-up to the well regarded progressive metal/rock act Sieges Even will keep a new record from these guys one of interest to the metal crowd, as their breaking of the MMA top 25 stands in recognition of.

#23 (172 Points)
Lovebites - Battle Against Damnation
Power Metal

EP releases don't always manage to figure into many best of year lists, so it's a testament to how good Battle Against Damnation by last year's MMA #2 album creators Lovebites actually is. Containing four tracks that you won't find on any other release by them, it's just as essential as last year's Awakening From Abyss or this year's studio album Clockwork Immortality, featured later in this presentation.

#22 (174 Points)
Riverside - Wasteland
Metal Related

Riverside's first studio album since losing guitarist Piotr Grudziński to a sudden cardiac arrest in 2016 had to have been a difficult one for them. Electing to not replace their fallen bandmate and friend, Riverside continues as a three-piece and perhaps fittingly has returned to some of the heavier moments that shaped their earlier releases opposed to be more straight progressive rock sounds heard recently. While not the most metal they've ever been, this record certainly has a lot to offer fans of their heavier work.

#21 (176 Points)
Visigoth - Conqueror's Oath
Heavy Metal

US act Visigoth already started to make a name for themselves in the epic heavy metal scene with their debut album The Revenant King (2015) and they show no sign of deviating from that course with second album Conqueror's Oath. They undeniably also have a power metal gene in their DNA, but mostly this is all about classic metal, done in a distinctly US way that makes these guys one of a few acts could can be said to be logical heirs to Manilla Road.

#20 (185 Points)
Slugdge - Esoteric Malacology
Death Metal

There really is no limit to the kind of things a metal band will base their whole lyrically philosophy around is there? Meet Slugde, who are all about slugs (but less about sludge metal as their name might otherwise imply). This is actually their fourth smiley album of songs that tongue in cheek reference the work of many other bands (with title examples being The Spectral Burrows and Transilvanian Fungus), but whatever you think about their way of writing, it's actually a monumental work of progressive death metal that has to be heard by any discerning fan of the genre.

#19 (189 Points)
Seventh Wonder - Tiara
Progressive Metal

Fans have been waiting since 2010 for progressive metal act Seventh Wonder to follow-up The Great Escape. It's small wonder that it's taken the band so long, with singer Tommy Karevik having joined the prolific band Kamelot in 2012, but if it's position in the MMA Top 25 of 2018 is anything to go by, it was certainly worth the wait. 

#18 (196 Points)
Uada - Cult of a Dying Sun
Melodic Black Metal

Uada released a very impressed debut called Devoid of Light in 2016. Their second album Cult of a Dying Sun refines their melodic black metal formula bit but also serves up a much more substantial helping of it; both things going a long way toward making it an even more rewarding release. This band may be the most exciting thing to hit the melodic black metal scene since Windir.

#17 (199 Points)
Esoctrilihum - Inhüma
Death Metal

The second of two albums released by French solo project Esoctrilihum in 2018, Inhüma continues where the earlier album left off: an atmospheric blend of death and black metal that offers the best of two worlds. Complementing each other well, it's a shame that we didn't get a tie between the two albums for this list, as it's very hard to really say which is better. In the end Inhüma's lower ranking is likely due to the sole fact that it was released second and Pandaemorthium (Forbidden Formulas to Awaken the Blind Sovereigns of Nothingness) benefits from increased familiarity. 

#16 (222 Points)
Sleep - The Sciences
Stoner Metal

We all know that as far as stoner doom metal goes, Sleep is one of the true big deals, thanks to monumental works such as Sleep's Holy Mountain (1993) and Dopesmoker (2003), The Sciences being their first album since that latter record. It's clear, just in case you had any doubts, that they've lost nothing.

#15 (227 Points)
Terrorizer - Caustic Attack

The high profile deathgrind act return with their first album since 2012's Hordes of Zombies and in spite of line-up changes since their inception that has left them with just one constant member, it's clear that Terrorizer remains strong. 

#14 (234 Points)
Esoctrilihum - Pandaemorthium (Forbidden Formulas to Awaken the Blind Sovereigns of Nothingness)
Death Metal

It's fair to say that when it dropped, the long-winded Pandaemorthium (Forbidden Formulas to Awaken the Blind Sovereigns of Nothingness), the second album of French act Esoctrilihum and first of two released in 2018, wasn't what was expected after debut album Mystic Echo From A Funeral Dimension in 2017. While still atmospheric at its core, the sound changed to become a whole lot more death metal based, a sound only hinted at on the debut. The result? An artist that found it's only sound within extreme metal - no easy feat even for acts with much more experience than this one.

#13 (240 Points)
MaYaN - Dhyana
Death Metal

MaYaN has always tried to associate themselves with death metal, but it's clear on Dhyana, their third album, that it's increasingly hard to say they just make death metal albums. This is so much more. If you started by calling them epic symphonic progressive power-death metal opera you may at least have gone some way to describing what MaYaN actually sounds like, but they're the kind of band who just needs to be heard rather than simply stick a label on them. 

#12 (250 Points)
Tribulation - Down Below
Gothic Metal

Another band that many find hard to put a label on, but Swedish act Tribulation does at least seem to have settled on a sound (for now) with Down Below, their fourth album which picks up where 2015's The Children of the Night left off. Many call it gothic metal, but others go into their work and find it to be many other things to their ears. An exciting band, to defy genre as they do. 

#11 (252 Points)
Amorphis - Queen Of Time
Progressive Metal

One of those bands who could easily be considered as being simply consistently reliable, Finland's progressive metal act Amorphis clearly aren't satisfied with just being simply reliable. No, they're reliably strong, as latest effort Queen of Time once again proves, only just missing out on a top 10 slot on this list by a single point.

#10 (253 Points)
Sinistro - Sangue Cássia
Atmospheric Sludge Metal

Not always the best performing genre in the MMA best of year vote, Sludge Metal has certainly struck one back in 2018 with acts such as The Ocean Collective and Entropia making the top 100. Topping both is these though and securing a top 10 place is Sinstro, whose third album Sangue Cássia secures their place as one of their genre's essential acts.

#9 (259 Points)
Augury - Illusive Golden Age
Technical Death Metal

It's been a long time coming and expected long before now, but finally Canadian death metal act Augury managed to deliver their follow-up to 2009's Fragmentary Evidence. While perhaps less adventurous than some of their earlier songs in terms of outside influences, Illusive Golden Age stands as a tour de force on progressive/technical death metal that shows that even though these guys have been away, they're still a major player in the genre. 

#8 (273 Points)
Obscura - Diluvium
Technical Death Metal

A household name as far as technical death metal acts go, Obscura tops a 20th place in 2016 for their last album Akróasis in the MMA Best of Year vote by coming it at #8 (their highest placement yet in an MMA vote), fortunately not leaving another five year gap as there was between that and Omnivium (2011), 14th in it's year on MMA. It's well deserved, as Diluvium is a fine slab of technical death metal. Obscura is now firmly established as one of the genre's major players.

#7 (280 Points)
Immortal - Northern Chaos Gods
Black Metal

Let's be honest about this, we were all sceptical in some way about Immortal's return to making music following the exit of frontman Abbath. Sure, Demonaz was always the main writer and yeah, thanks to surgery he's back in action as a guitarist (and also vocalist) with the band, but for many years and eight albums, Immortal was always about Abbath and Demonaz being together. Even when he couldn't play on the albums, Demonaz still wrote for them and managed the band, so Abbath not being on the record isn't the same thing, not at all. Turns out though that although it does sound a bit different in the vocals department, Abbath wasn't needed for Immortal to deliver one of their most aggressive records to date. Now excuse us, we have to go eat our hats.

#6 (282 Points)
Metal Church - Damned If You Do
Heavy Metal

Mike Howe rejoining Metal Church for XI in 2016 was a big deal in the metal world. Of course that's by no means a disrespect to Ronny Munroe, but Howe had the benefit of being on earlier albums as such Blessing in Disguise (1989), widely considered to be among the band's best. Many heralded XI as the best Metal Church album in years. If anything, Damned if You Do from 2018 goes one better. With a cover that again recalles the Explorer guitar featured on their self-titled debut, but this time with the closest Metal Church has ever came again to their classic early sound, Damned If You Do simply blows XI out of the water.

#5 (299 Points)
Beyond Creation - Algorythm
Technical Death Metal

Perhaps a dark horse among all of the technical death metal albums receiving recognition here on MMA in 2018, Beyond Creation was a band that first came to our attention with debut album The Aura for being the band that Augury bassist Dominic "Forest" Lapointe was playing in during Augury's absence from the scene. But with Forest returned to Augury, Beyond Creation knocks one out of the park without him on Algorythm, becoming the highest ranked death metal album of the year, also beating big name acts such as Obscura and Revocation. Well done guys, it's well earned.

#4 (320 Points)
Voivod - The Wake
Progressive Metal

Back again for another dose of tech-thrash influenced progressive metal is the legendary Voivod. While a group that will perhaps always be living in the shadow of past masterpieces, it's clear that they're doing more that simply enduring and routinely turning out a new record every now and then. The Wake may just be their best album in two decades.

#3 (418 Points)
Haken - Vector
Progressive Metal

Another MMA Top 3 of the year showing for UK progressive metal act Haken should surprise precisely no one: these guys have been big around here ever since debut Aquarius first arrived, though they have attracted a bit of controversy as well, including what may just be our most infamous review publication and certainly most commented. On Vector, already their fifth album, the band has stopped playing with old school influences such as those heard on The Mountain and Affinity, and instead has given us their most modern sounding progressive metal record. The results are as stunning as ever.

#2 (626 Points)
Judas Priest - Firepower
Heavy Metal

What kind of a year would it be is Judas Priest released an album and it didn't feature highly in a best of year vote? Well, 1997 or 2001 I guess but fortunately it's 2018 and the legendary band have released Firepower, an album that certainly lives up to it's name. Sounding more like classic Judas Priest than they have in a while, Firepower has already been heralded by many as the band's best album since Painkiller in 1990. Only time will tell how well it continues to stand next to their other work, but one thing's for sure, if you're a metalhead, you need to hear this album!

#1 (765 Points)
Lovebites - Clockwork Immortality
Power Metal

After placing second in the 2017 MMA Best of Year vote, Lovebites goes one better to top this 2018 vote with their second album Clockwork Immortality. One of two releases by them in this list and both of them in the top 25, Lovebites already stands as the most exciting thing to happen to power metal in many years. It may be easy to dismiss them because they come from the Japanese all female scene that is known for it's j-pop influences, but don't do that: Lovebites know that power metal was meant to be aggressive, in that sense having more in common with the German Teutonic scene, while still retaining ample melody and virtuoso soloing as well as a few tastefully incorporated symphonic elements.

A List Challenge for this presentation is available at:


Total Releases Mentioned: 249

Top 100 Sub-Genre Breakdown:

Progressive Metal: 13
Death Metal: 12
Black Metal: 10
Power Metal: 8
Atmospheric Black Metal: 7
Technical Death Metal: 7
Heavy Metal: 6
Metal Related: 4
Funeral Doom Metal: 3
Doom Metal: 3
Alternative Metal: 3
Atmospheric Sludge Metal: 3
Avant-Garde Metal: 2
Gothic Metal: 2
Technical Thrash Metal: 2
Melodic Death Metal: 2
Stoner Metal: 2
Industrial Metal: 1
Pagan Black Metal: 1
US Power Metal: 1
Mathcore: 1
Metalcore: 1
Stoner Rock: 1
Grindcore: 1
Brutal Death Metal: 1
Traditional Doom Metal: 1
Folk Metal: 1
Thrash Metal: 1
Melodic Black Metal: 1
Deathgrind: 1

Top 100 Sub-Genre Breakdown, with Child Subs Counted with Parent:

Death Metal: 22
Black Metal: 19
Progressive Metal: 13
Power Metal: 8
Doom Metal: 7
Heavy Metal: 6
Metal Related: 4
Alternative Metal: 3
Sludge Metal: 3
Thrash Metal: 3
Avant-Garde Metal: 2
Gothic Metal: 2
Stoner Metal: 2
Metalcore: 2
Grindcore: 2
Industrial Metal: 1
US Power Metal: 1
Stoner Rock: 1
Folk Metal: 1

Sub-Genres Not Represented in the Top 100:

Funk Metal
Nu Metal
Rap Metal
Depressive Black Metal
Symphonic Black Metal
War Metal
Death 'n' Roll
Death-Doom Metal
Drone Metal
Glam Metal
Groove Metal
Hard Rock
Heavy Alternative Rock
Heavy Psych
Hardcore Punk
Crust Punk
Melodic Metalcore
Neoclassical Metal
Sludge Metal (parent)
Speed Metal
Symphonic Metal
Crossover Thrash
Trance Metal
Viking Metal

Edited by adg211288 - 01 Feb 2019 at 10:01am
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Nightfly Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01 Feb 2019 at 10:08am
As expected you've once again done a great job Adam. Thanks for all your work on it.

With only a casual glance at individuals lists in the voting thread it was pretty clear early on that Lovebites were going to come out on top, appearing not only on so many lists but also their high placing. Quite like them myself but with so much great music out last year they didn't trouble my own top 30.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Bosh66 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01 Feb 2019 at 10:37am
You’ve worked really hard on this Adam and it shows. The winner was never in much doubt since this poll opened.
For the record I voted for releases under 4 subs that didn’t make the top 100 😉
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote adg211288 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01 Feb 2019 at 10:46am
I was actually working on the assumption that Priest had it in the bag. It was a nice surprise to see Lovebites came out on top when the scores were sorted. I believe this is the first time my number one has actually come in first, so I'm pretty chuffed about that. 
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote TheHeavyMetalCat Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01 Feb 2019 at 11:19am
Lovebites was my #3 so I'm happy about their win. My #1 was Beyond Creation who are also high up and the top death metal album. My highest ranked that I don't see here anywhere was Gorod - Æthra, which I will now consider 2018's most unsung tech death album.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote rushfan4 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01 Feb 2019 at 11:23am
Nice job Adam!   It is always fun listening to as much new stuff as I can before the end.  Five of the top six were on my list, and a few others scattered throughout.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Nightfly Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01 Feb 2019 at 11:31am
Originally posted by TheHeavyMetalCat TheHeavyMetalCat wrote:

Lovebites was my #3 so I'm happy about their win. My #1 was Beyond Creation who are also high up and the top death metal album. My highest ranked that I don't see here anywhere was Gorod - Æthra, which I will now consider 2018's most unsung tech death album.

That Gorod album sounded pretty good to me with only one listen. I mean't to check them out again which I will thanks to you reminding me. Sadly too much great music to listen to and not enough time. I'm still normally catching up on last year's album until at least March.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote 666sharon666 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01 Feb 2019 at 11:32am
Superb presentation as always Adam! I'm happy Lovebites came first, it's very well deserved!
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote siLLy puPPy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01 Feb 2019 at 11:58am
Great job! Thanks for doing this, it makes the beginning of the year mor exciting.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote UMUR Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01 Feb 2019 at 12:30pm
Great (and huge) job done Adam. It´s always much appreciated that you take the time to do this Clap
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Psydye Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01 Feb 2019 at 1:04pm
I believe more than half of my faves made it on there so I'm ecstatic!Big smile Though to be honest, if I had been more vigilant in listening to all of them, the list may have been a bit different!Wink I'll be even more vigilant this year..looking forward to that Rotting Christ album!
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote DippoMagoo Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01 Feb 2019 at 1:43pm
Great list! And yeah, it's cool to see Lovebites go from #2 in 2017 to #1 in 2018. They're so insanely good, it's almost hard to believe they're real!
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Nightfly Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01 Feb 2019 at 3:43pm
Good to see Sinistro doing so well. Noticed they were on a few people's lists but hadn't realized they would do so well.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote adg211288 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02 Feb 2019 at 12:51am
Originally posted by Nightfly Nightfly wrote:

Good to see Sinistro doing so well. Noticed they were on a few people's lists but hadn't realized they would do so well.

That's one of the ones on here that I need to check out. 
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Bosh66 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02 Feb 2019 at 3:12am
^ Never really listened to them and I added the bloody band Embarrassed

I'll need to correct that.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote adg211288 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02 Feb 2019 at 4:56am
Just started to stream it. Sounding good so far! Could shape up to be one I'd have voted for, in hindsight. 

I had a number of other albums I'd heard that might have got in my top 30 if I'd got around to listening to them again. The one I missed a trick up was Entropia's album. I was actually 100% positive I'd edited it into my list but apparently I didn't. Not even on RYM. Still glad to see they got on the list though.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Yog Sothoth Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02 Feb 2019 at 7:06am
Great job!
I've been a fan of the all-girl Japanese metal (and rock) scene for a decade was a lonely ride for a while, but I'm glad it's been gaining traction out in the West recently, with Lovebites in particular plugging away in Europe.
Mary's Blood is probably my long time current fav of the power metal types (I love Saki's guitarwork...and her), but the gorgeous tag team of Miyako and Midori from Lovebites has that crossover appeal that can't be denied.
The sizable all-girl scene spreads out into thrash, grind, melodeath  and other genres as well. For all intents and purposes, Yellow Machinegun were one of the only thrash band in the late 90's that didn't suck.

Glad to see the Sinistro love too. 
The Judas Priest album was better than expected, but I kept getting the itch to play Defenders... and Screaming... after a few songs.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Nightfly Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02 Feb 2019 at 7:19am
Originally posted by adg211288 adg211288 wrote:

Just started to stream it. Sounding good so far! Could shape up to be one I'd have voted for, in hindsight. 

I had a number of other albums I'd heard that might have got in my top 30 if I'd got around to listening to them again. The one I missed a trick up was Entropia's album. I was actually 100% positive I'd edited it into my list but apparently I didn't. Not even on RYM. Still glad to see they got on the list though.

Happens every year to me, there's always something that would make my top 30 that I get to grips with too late.

I own 29 of the albums in the top 100, not all of which made my own top 30.

Edited by Nightfly - 02 Feb 2019 at 7:25am
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Bosh66 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02 Feb 2019 at 7:33am
“The Judas Priest album was better than expected, but I kept getting the itch to play Defenders... and Screaming... after a few songs.”

This is true 😂

I’ve just bought the Lovebites album and it is pretty fine. Not usually a massive fan of power metal - the tempo I find a bit exhausting for some reason.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote adg211288 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02 Feb 2019 at 8:42am
Originally posted by Nightfly Nightfly wrote:

I own 29 of the albums in the top 100, not all of which made my own top 30.

I only own 9 (10 if you count Panopticon as two). I didn't buy or even hear as much new music in 2018 as I usually do. 
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