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Posted: 13 Feb 2021 at 1:45am |
13/02/2021: Last distro news:
ABSUM (Col) Visions of hell Demo tape. Raw black metal
ATROCE (Can) Necromantia bestialis Tape. Death metal/ Satanic death
BLASFEMIA (Chile) Ancient occult wisdom Tape. Black thrash/ Black metal (Member of Coffin curse)
EREKTION (Fra) Restless copulation Tape. Obscure brutal death/ Satanic death
GRAVEYARD AFTER GRAVEYARD (Swe) Bagged and dragged to a fullmoon burial CD. Old styled death thrash, sounds like Merciless (Swe), old Kreator... (Member of Sinners burn, Grave, Facebreaker)
MAYHEMIC (Chile) Mortuary feast of skeletons MCD. Blackened thrash metal, sounds like very early Kreator or maybe Possessed's first album. (Members of Venus torment, Ripper, Behead, Thirsty demon)
OF SPIRE & THRONE (Uk) Penance Tape. Doom/ Sludge
SACCAGE (Can) Khaos mortem Tape. Kicking black thrash/ crust
SUMERU (Australia) Summon destroyer Tape. Doom sludge
THE NEGATION (Fra) Paths of obedience Tape. Fast black metal
UHL (Fra) Velchans Tape. Black metal, sometimes raw sometimes more "melancholic".
WITCHBURNER (Ger) Final detonation Tape. Old school thrash
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Posted: 27 Feb 2021 at 1:47am |
27/02/2021: Last distro news:
ABSORPTION (Russia) / ODOCKH (Russia) Split tape. Old school death/ Black death
BONER (Rus)/ SLAVEHAND (Rus) Split tape. Raw grind/ Grindcore Deathgrind
DARK PATH (Chile) Lurking in the shadows CD. Black metal in the 90's style with a touch of "melody", not unlike early Marduk. (Members of Vomit, Condenados)
DAWN OF MAN (Can) / THOU ART DEAD (Can) Split tape. Obscure cavern death/ Doom death
ELEGOS (Gre) The awakening of evil Demo tape. Epic/ Atmospheric black metal/ Black doom
FLEUR ROUGE (India) Ballades en ville Demo tape. Post black metal/ Atmospheric Bm
LORD KETIL (Fra) Long lone among the wolves Tape. Black metal
PERSECUTORY (Turkey) Towards the ultimate extinction CD. Black death (Members of Impuration, Sarinvomit)
PISSING CONTEST (Usa) Pissing contest Demo tape. Grindcore/ Crust/ Noisy grind
REMAINS (Mex) Through the eyes of death CD. Old school death
VOMIT OF DOOM (Argentina) Cipriano years CD. Old school black thrash
WARTHOG (Rus)/ BONER (Rus) Split tape. Raw grindcore/ Grindcore
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Posted: 13 Mar 2021 at 12:44am |
Last distro news:
AYYUR (Tunisia) Balkarnin Demo tape. Black metal (With Shaxul on drums)
BARBATOS (Jap) Raw WAR, sexxx, beer and blasphemy mania in hungary ReHELLSal
tape. Raw black metal/ Black thrash.
DEPRAVED (Fra) Raped innocence CD. Digipack. Death grind/ Death metal, with
blackened touches and a big sound. (Member of Mortuary)
MORBOSIDAD (Usa) Enterrados vivos en la tumba de Moscow CD. Bestial black death
ИЛ (Rus) Образ
пустоты Tape. Doom/ Death doom/ Sludge
RIPPED TO SHREDS (Taïwan/ Usa) 埋葬 CD. Death metal influenced by the old swedish style, with massive
SACCAGE (Can) Khaos mortem CD. Digipack. Kicking black thrash/ crust/ old
school death. (Members of Atroce)
SPIDVICH (Rus) Мёртвая
голова/ Death's Head Tape. Raw
black metal/ Punk
THE CRAWLING CHAOS (Russia) Стерилизация преданных слуг Demo tape. Dark black/ doom/ sludge with strange experimental
influences and a saxophone.
BLASPHEMOUS NOISE TORMENT (Ita) Blood purge Demo CDr. Obscure black death
(Sounds like early Archgoat from the 90's)
3RD FROM THE SUN (Fra) 3rd from the sun CD. Digipack. Industrial thrash/ metal
with old punk hardcore and post punk influences. Sounds like Prong, Voivod,
perhaps Killing joke or a bit of Pestilence (Spheres)...
KATHARSIS 666 (Pol) Total beast Demo tape. Fast blasting black metal
TUSSOCK (Malaysia) Out of rhyme Demo tape. Grind crust, in a quite old school
UNHOLY WAR (Ger) Unholy war Tape. Black thrash (Contains songs from the first
demo and split)
DISPARO! (Australia) Hands in the middle Demo tape. Punk hardcore/ Fastcore/
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Posted: 27 Mar 2021 at 2:33am |
27/03/2021: Last distro news:
ENKI (Ecuador) Imperial race Demo tape. Satanic death/ Black death
HIGH INQUISITOR WOE (Belgium) Black sun goddess MCD. Doom metal, not unlike Candlemass, Reverend bizarre...
HORNADO (Ger) Wild temple Tape album. Old school heavy metal with epic influences.
MALEMORT (Fra) Individualism, narcissism, hedonism CD. Digipack. Doom sludge (Members of Ataraxie, Monarch...)
MORTIFEROTH (Usa) Fatal spiritual failures Demo tape. Underground death metal
OSSUAIRE (Fra) Mortes fables Tape. Death metal with morbid atmospheres
SATANIS MALEFICARUM (Ecuador) Bajo et culto maldito Demo tape. Raw black metal
WEAPONIZED FLESH (Usa) Weaponzed flesh Demo tape. Old styled thrash
COTARD DELUSION (Rus) Le délire de négation CD. Black metal with dark atmosphere and ambient interludes.
END ALL (Tokyo)/ KING NORMAN (Taïwan) Split CD. Thrash metal
ENDLESS FLOODS (Fra) Circle the gold CD. Sludge doom drone (Members of Monarch)
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Posted: 24 Apr 2021 at 1:48am |
24/04/2021: Last distro news:
ARMOURED KNIGHT (Chile) The sacred flame Demo tape. Old school heavy metal/ Heavy speed (Members of Ripper, Terror strike, Insight...) (Tape + badge + sticker) ... 5,00
BURIED (Chile) Deathless corpses and voodoo rites Demo tape. Old school death metal in a primitive way, with a punk touch. Sounds like very early MASTER, early DEATH, AUTOPSY/ ABSCESS or perhaps early OBITUARY (First album)
CONSECRATE (Chile) The SA;crifice Demo tape. Raw black metal
ECTOPLASMA (Gre) Cavern of foul unbeings Tape album. Old school death
ECTOPLASMA (Gre) Cryogenically revived Tape. Old school death
EVOKE (Norway) Seeds of death Tape. Black thrash/ Old school thrash. (Member of Condor) (Tape + badge + sticker) ... 5,00
HEADKRUSHER (Indonesia) Opprobium Tape. Evil thrash/ Blackened thrash in the early 80's style. Think about early Possessed, Sepultura (Morbid visions) and perhaps early Bathory.
MORDHAU (Uk) Immaculate massacre Tape. Swedish styled death metal. Import from Usa
OLD RUINS (Ger) Old ruins Tape. Black metal/ Heavy, sounds a bit like Immortal (At the gates of winter). Special tape case.
TYPHONIAN (Ger) Beneath the streams of life Tape. Old school death with swedish sound. Import from Usa
MORBID WRITES Zine (Estonia) Issue 3: Galvanizer, Snet, Mortal wound, Burial, Draghkar, Koffin, Intrepid, Muderline, Cryptic hatred... + Reviews, articles, gore recipes... 68 pages. A5. In english. 2021
NIHILISTIC Newsletter # 7 - April 2021: This time it contains: An interview of NEKROFILTH, as well as reviews of Conjureth, Thanamagus, Malignant, Bloodsport, Snarler, plus a flyer of Ossuaire. Given for free in orders
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Posted: 08 May 2021 at 1:41am |
08/05/2021: Last distro news:
ATAVISMA (Fra)/ VOID ROT (Usa) Split CD. Obscure death/ Doom
AVZHIA (Mex) In my domains Tape. Atmospheric black metal in the early Style (Cf early Emperor)
BLASPHEMOUS PUTREFACTION (Ger) Abominable premonition Demo tape. Primitive death black.
CONVOCATION (Fin) Ashes coalesce CD. Digipack. Doom/ Funeral doom/ Death doom
FOSSILIZATION (Bra) He whose name was long forgotten MCD. Obscure death/ Doom (Members of Jupiterian)
FRACTAL GENERATOR (Can) Macrocosmos CD. Fast darkened death metal, not unlike mid old Morbid angel, Fleshtized, some old Hate eternal... Quite kicking!
MORTUARY (Serbia) Final mortuary of souls Tape. Old school death (Rerelease of old demos from the 90's)
NO SALVATION (Pol) Defiling verses Tape. Death metal in the polish style.
PATHETIC (Can)/ PUTRID (Peru) "Devorando carne divina" Split tape. Raw death metal/ Violent black death thrash, not unlike old Immpiety
SCAFFOLD (Serbia) Codex gigas Tape. Death metal, influenced by the 90s old school, with touches of early "technical" style (Death)
SMASHED (Fra) Spontaneous decomposition MCD. Digipack. Death metal/ Old brutal death
TURRIS EBURNEA (Usa/ Ita) Turris eburnea MCD. Strange darkened death/ black, with an experimental touch, but in the obscure world. (Members of Cosmic Putrefaction, Nader Sadek, Gath Šmânê)
VOID ROT (Usa) Descending pillars CD. Obscure death/ Doom
LOW PRICES and FREE bonus stuffs:
ANONIMUUS CREATURE (Hol) Grotesque and demented creature Tape. Dark ambient, subterranean horror. Special packaging
ANUS TUMOR (Ger)/ GANGRENE DISCHARGE (Usa)/ NEPHRECTOMY (Usa) Split CD. 2nd hand. Goregrind.
DISFIGURED HUMAN MIND (Hol)/ SxSxCxBx (Rus) Split tape.Strange grind, noise/ Grindcore, noisecore. Special packaging
SATAN'S GOD (Usa) The dream out tour 2019/ 2020 promo CDr. Noise/ experimental: Bad trip psyche.
THE BURNED UP (Ukraine) Headnailer MCD. Thrash death, quite modern
INCA ORE WITH LEMON BEAR(S ORCHESTRA - The birds in the bush CD. 2nd hand Psychedelic/ Experimental
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Posted: 22 May 2021 at 1:40am |
The Webshop was updated with new TAPES and CDs!
Last distro news:
APOCRYPHETIC (Usa) Heir to the cosmos Tape album. Fast evil death metal.
DEMONIC RAGE (Chile) Omen of doom CD. Obscure death/ Satanic death metal
(Compilation of Eps, demos...)
ENGULFED (Turkey) Engulfed in obscurity Tape album. Death metal. (Members of Burial
invocation, Impuration...)
GORATORY (Usa) Sour grapes CD/ Brutal death (Members of Mucopus, Virulence...)
KAMP (Denmark) Promo / Live Tape. Old school heavy metal/ Hard rock (Member of
MASADA (Usa) Hideous Rot Demo tape. Old school death (With members of Abhomine,
Goreaphobia, Crucifier...)
MASOCHIST (Usa) Chaos of world possession Demo tape. Death metal
MISA NEGRA (Chile) Antigua maldición... nueva rebelión Demo tape. Black metal
NECROS (Fra) Procession of heretics MCD. Old school/ Obscure death metal
ORTHODOXY (Spa) Shaarimoth MCD. Death black/ Obscure death (Member of Domain,
PESTILENT DEATH (Usa) Putrid vaticination Demo tape. Death metal/ Obscure death
(Member of Insineratehymn)
PURGE (Fra) Sordid preludes to purgatory CD. Death metal/ Darkened death
(Members of Merrimack, Ritualization, Como muertos...)
RUMA (Fra) Les buchers du solstice Demo tape. Folk/ Dark folk
VOIDS OF VOMIT (Ita) Ritval expiation MCD. Fast obscure Death metal. (Members
of Valgrind, Hateful, Undead creep...)
LOW PRICES tapes/ CDs:
STRAIGHT LAND (Belarus) Negative feelings Tape. Between death metal, old
melodic death and "death'n roll". release from 2002.
PMNT (Bra) Com supremo com tudo Tape. Harshnoise/ Glitch/ Dark ambient/
Grindcore. Release from 1998. Perhaps a bootleg.
DYING HUMANITY (Ger) Living on the razor's edge CD. Melodic death/ Extreme
metal with technical touches.
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Posted: 19 Jun 2021 at 1:10am |
Last distro news:
Soul pioneer Demo tape. Underground brutal death, with influences of 90's
technical death, and remains of the early thrashing genre... Rerelease of an
old demo! (Member of Traumasphere, Penthos)
BURNING (Hol) Nightmares Tape. Heavy metal with a heavy doom side.
DECONSEKRATED (Chile) The hidden paths Demo tape. Old school and obscure Death
DEFILED (Bel) Split tape. Death metal: Satanic death à la Deicide vs More old
school death/ death doom
DRAKON HO MEGAS (Gre) Drakon ho megas Tape. Epic melodic black metal in the old
greek style. (Member of Necrochakal)
IMPURATION (Turkey) Sanctities we raped Tape. Black/ Thrash/ Death (Members of
Godslaying Hellblast, Sarinvomit, Deggial)
LAPIDEM (Costa rica) Lunasty sativa Demo tape. Old school doom metal, the
underground way.
MANIFESTING (Usa) Descension through the seven forbidden seals MCD. Necro death
metal with death doom moments.
MALTHUSIAN (Ireland) Below the Hengiform MCD. Obscure black death with
influences of doom and a quite technical touch. (Members of Grave miasma,
Scythian, Mourning beloveth...)
OBEISANCE (Usa) Lucifer master Tape. Old school black thrash/ Black death
VALGRIND (Ita) Speech
of the flame Tape. Death metal, between the fast kicking style and old school
"satanic" vibes. Not unlike Morbid angel, Deicide, very old Hate
Fanzine: NUCLEAR WINTER (Ger) Issue 2: Condor, Violent Force, Impure,
Aggressive perfector, Hard metal jackhammer radioshow, Terrorhammer,
Fatal embrace, Stormwarrior... + Reviews. Old school metal zine. 90 pages. A5.
In english. 2021
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Posted: 03 Jul 2021 at 1:41am |
03/07/2021: Last distro news:
ABHORROT (Austria) Abysmal echoes Tape. Obscure black death END OF MANKIND (Fra) Live in paris Tape. Black metal END OF MANKIND (Fra) Faciem Diaboli Tape album. Black metal. (Members of Antaeus, Eternal majesty,..) HATS BARN (Fra) Voices of the ultimate possession Tape. Black metal (Member of Lord ketil, Antilife) MAYHEMIC (Chile) Mortuary feast of skeletons MCD. Rpping blackened thrash metal. (Members of Ripper, Venus torment, Evil madness...) PROFANATOR (Mex) Shit on the cross Tape. Old school thrash/ Blackened thrash (Member of Remains, Castleumbra, Hacavitz, Strike master) PUTRESCINE (Ger) Putrescent utterance Demo tape. Old school death/ Cavernous death doom SARCATOR (Swe) Sarcator Tatpe album. Old school thrash/ Black thrash. Kinda sounds like a mix of Merciless (Swe), Ooold Kreator, Very old The Crown/ Crown of thorns... SUMERU (Australia) Summon destroyer Tape. Doom sludge/ Death doom TRANSGRESSOR (Jap) Ether for scapegoat Tape. Old school death/ Strange death doom (Rerelease of album from 1992) VHS (Usa) We're gonna need some bigger riffs Tape. Death/ Thrash/ Grind (Not unlike some old Razorback recs bands) BLACK RITE (Gre) Nocturnal creed MCD. Fast black metal (Member of Ceremonial Worship) INFERNAL LEGION (Usa) Your prayers mean nothing CD. Death metal influenced by mid old Morbid Angel (Gateways/ Domination) MEAT TRAIN (Uk) Random acts of carnage CD. Digipack. Death grind/ Brutal death YAKISOBA (Ita) / PTOMA (Gre) Split tape. Goregrind with a gorenoise touch BLOODFIEND (Chile) Evil mass of putrid decay Demo Tape. Bestial black death (Member of Demonic rage). 1 copy back in stock
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Posted: 17 Jul 2021 at 1:12am |
Last distro news:
BESTIAL ENTITY (Fre) Treason of the dead Demo tape. Obscure black death
BLUE HOLOCAUST (Fra) Flesh for the cannibal god CD. Goregrind/ Gore death
For fans of very early Carcass (Reek), old Dead infection, very early Squash
bowels (Member of Vomi noir, Neuro-Visceral Exhumation...)
BLUE HOLOCAUST (Fra) Flesh for the cannibal god Tape. Goregrind/ Gore death
For fans of very early Carcass (Reek), old Dead infection, very early Squash
bowels (Member of Vomi noir, Neuro-Visceral Exhumation...)
EISENHAND (Austria) Fires within Tape. Old school heavy metal/ Nwobhm, close to
the 80's style. (Tape + badge)
IRON CURTAIN (Spa) Danger zone Tape. Old school heavy/ Nwobhm. (Tape + badge)
HEAVY SENTENCE (Uk) Bang to rights Tape. Old school heavy metal (Tape + badge)
HELL POSSESSION (Chile) Phantom aggressor Tape. Black thrash with speed
(Tape + badge)
MATTERHORN (Switerland) Crass cleansing CD. Ripping old school thrash/
blackened thrash
MIDNIGHT PREY (Ger) Uncertain times Tape. Old school heavy metal/ speed, close
to the 80's style (Tape + badge)
RITUAL BLASPHEMER (Chile) Satanic ceremony Demo tape. Old school death/
Thrashing death with black metal influences. (Members of Cancerbero, Vomit...)
GUERRA TOTAL (Columbia) No Left, no Right; just zombies in the night Tape. Old
school Thrash/ Speed/ Heavy black in the 80's style.
UNHOLY TEMPLE (Chile)/ NECROPSIA (Chile) Split tape. Black death metal the
simple old udnerground way.
NOIR (Fra) Les myasmes de la deliquescence CD. Goregrind/ Gore death grind.
For fans of very early Carcass, old Dead infection, early
Sublime cadaeric decomposition...
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Posted: 31 Jul 2021 at 1:03am |
Last distro news:
New TAPES and 1 fanzine were added to the Webshop! Are you magnetic?
PAZUZU (Costa rica) Oath of unholy sacrilege Tape. Old
school death metal/ Death doom, fulfilled with obscurity and cavernous anger,
in the vein of ooold GRAVE ("You'll never see"), AUTOPSY, some
FUNEBRARUM, some old Finnish doom, with a bit of very early Paradise lost
(First Lp only).
(Chile) The sacred flame Demo tape. Old school heavy metal/ Heavy speed
(Members of Ripper, Terror strike, Insight...) (Tape + badge) ... 5,40
BURIED (Chile) Deathless corpses and voodoo rites Demo tape. Old school death
metal in a primitive way, with a punk touch. Sounds like very early MASTER,
early DEATH, AUTOPSY/ ABSCESS or perhaps early OBITUARY (First album)
CORPSEHAMMER (Swe/ Chile) Metal de la muerte Tape. Black metal with black
thrash and black death moments, sounds quite 90's infused.
DECIUS (Singapore) Prepare to die Tape. Black metal (Member of Nuctemeron,
ILON LAPSET (Fin) Ilon lapset Demo tape. Underground sludge
MYSTAGOS (Spa) Pvrvsha Demo tape. Black metal
NECRO WEASEL (Fin) Another day to waste Tape. Crossover thrash/ Punk hardcore
PHERETRUM (Uruguay) From the underworlds Promo tape. Underground death
metal/ Thrashing death
Final mortuary of souls Tape. Old school death thrash (Rerelease of old demos
from the 90's)
Fanzine: SAPIO (Greece) Issue 2: Contains short interviews with gore, grind and
death metal bands:
Abhorrence, Agathocles, Coprophilia, Cadaver, Brutal sphincter, Cannibalistic
dissection, Carcinoid, Cystgurgle, Dysmenhorrea, E.f.g, Faeces eruption,
Flatulence, Anus tumor, Basic torture procedure, Festerdecay, Tunko, Fulci,
Fumigated, General surgery, Gorified, Gut, Impetigo, Infected pussyInopexia,
Intense hammer rage, Intestinal disgorge, Larvae, Leprophiliac, Metjadone
abortion clinic, Mixoma, Neuro visceral exhumation, Phthisis, Plasma,
Putrefuck, Rottest slag, Sickness, Spontaneous combustion, Eraser...
56 pages. A4. In english. 2021
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Posted: 14 Aug 2021 at 1:32am |
New TAPES and CDs were added to
the Webshop!
Last distro news:
ACCURSED WOMB (Usa) Hymns of misery and death Tape. Obscure death/ Death doom
with a sick touch, but for underground freaks.
HOLOCAUSTO (Bra) Batismo de fogo Tape. War metal/ Black death
ILLAPA (Peru) Deshonestos y hechiceros Tape. Old school black metal
INVOCATION OF DEATH (El salvador) Into the labyrinth of chaos Tape. Old school
death influenced by the swedish style. (Member of Morbid stench)
LICH (Ita)/ OSSARIO (Ita) Split CD. Black death in old school genres.
MORBOSATAN (Peru) As one with weath Tape. Black death thrash the old school
evil way. (Members of Anal vomit, Hadez,Goat semen...)
NORNES (Fra) Threads MCD. Slim digipack. Doom metal/ Death doom/ Semi melodic
PAZUZU (Costa rica) Oath of unholy sacrilege Tape. Old
school death metal/ Death doom, fulfilled with obscurity and cavernous anger.
PERVERSE RITES (Peru) Witchsluthaunt Demo tape. Black thrash/ Black death
PUTRESCINE (Ger) Putrescent utterance Demo tape. Old school death/ Cavernous
death doom
SCYTHE (Usa) Subterranean steel Tape. Thrash black. (Members of Usurper,
TERMINALIST (Den) Abandon all liberties MCD. Black metal/ Black thrash with a
technical touch.
WAYWARD DAWN (Den) House of mirrors Demo tape. Death metal in the rather
heavier genre, not unlike Grave, Old Solothus, old Illdisposed, some Bolt
IMPERADOR BELIAL (Bra) Curse of belial Tape. Old black metal/ black thrash.
Sounds like old Venom, Hellhammer. (Members of Hellkommander, Embalsamado)
TENEBRION (Peru) Tenebrion Demo tape. Thrash metal/ Black thrash
OCCISOR (Chile) Promo MMXIV CDr. Old school thrash/ Blackened thrash
Fanzine PAINLESS (Peru) Issue 3: Putrefiance, Evil damn, Sartegos, Paganfire,
Kurnugia, Fetid, Impure, Arkhon, Verthebral, Caligula, Retch, Autophagy, Thy
dominion, Narcolepsia, Begrabnis, Insanity cult, Podridao, Blasphemous
division, Grafvitnir, Professus abominari, Katari... + Reviews.
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Posted: 28 Aug 2021 at 2:13am |
Last distro news:
ELECTRIC SHOCK (Fra) Trapped in the city Tape. Hard rock/ Heavy metal/ Heavy
rock in the 80's style, with a somewhat US vibe.
ILLUM ADORA (Ger) Infernum et necromantium Demo tape. Black metal in the early/
mid 90's style, between black death, semi melodic and black thrash styles.
(Member of Zarathustra)
IRON SLAUGHT (Fra) Crusading metal mercenaries Tape. Old school heavy speed in
the 80's style, with thrash influences.
MEDIC VOMITING PUS (Jap) Thoracoabdominal viscerectomy CD. Slim digipack.
Brutal death/ Slam/ Gore brutal death. (Member of Gorevent, Traumatomy)
MIDAS (Usa) Demo Tapes CD. Old school heavy metal Hard rock. Contains the
band's two demos
PANZERGOAT (Rus) Selfdestruction anthems CD. Crust/ Death metal/ Grind with
black metal influences.
PUTREFIANCE (Fra) Left to decay Demo tape. Putrid death metal
PUTRESCINE (Ger) Optogram of the depraved Demo tape. Old school death/ Obscure
ROTTEN (Fra) Rotten MCD. Old school death with raw guitars, not unlike some old
Obituary meets some old swedish death (Members of Deep vein, Trepanator, Bottle
doom lazy band...)
BAKTHERIA (Por) System sickness CD. Death/ Thrash/ Punk hardcore
GOATLORD (Can) Goatlord Demo tape. Underground cavern black death, quite lofi
DEADLY SIN SLOTH (Usa)/ THOU ART DEAD (Usa) Split tape. Cavern doom death
sludge/ Doom death
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Posted: 11 Sep 2021 at 2:04am |
New TAPES and
some CDs were added to the Webshop!
Last distro news:
GOSUDAR (Russia) Morbid despotic ritual Tape. Death metal/ Old school death/
Death doom
HEAVY METAL ADDICTED (Bra) Criminal ways Tape. Old school Speed/ Thrash/ Heavy
metal with a blackened touch. Special packaging. (Member of Bonebreaker,
Sepulchral whore, Deathslaughter)
MULTIFISSION (China) Decomposition in the painful metamorphosis Tape album.
Strange death metal/ Obscure death/ Death doom
PRAGA (Bra) Furia regicida Tape. Black metal/ Black thrash. Special packaging. (Member
of Imperador belial, Thrashera)
ROTTEN (Fra) Rotten Tape. Old school death with raw guitars, not unlike some
old Obituary meets some old swedish death (Members of Deep vein, Trepanator,
Bottle doom lazy band...)
SKULMAGOT (Fin) Kill and die Tape. Death metal/ Old brutal death, not unlike
Old Illdisposed, Old Cannibal Corpse, Insision...
VOORHEES (Fra) Chapter II Tape. Death metal
FUNERAL (Chile) Catacumbas Tape. Special packaging. Old styled black metal in a
quite simple style, à la old Darkthrone, early Burzum, Judas iscariot...
EMBALSAMADO (Bra) Vasta escuridão Tape. Old school doom black, quite obscure.
(Members of Hellkommander, Flageladör, Tyranno...). Special packaging, with
poster etc...
NETHERMANCY (Por) Magick halls of ascension CD. Black metal, sounds like very
early Emperor, old Dark funeral, Old dimmu borger, old Hecate enthroned...
(Member of Decayed, Alastor, Scent of death)
VAI TE FODER (Por) Poco CD. Grindcore/ Crust punk/ Death grind, think about
Napalm Death
ALCOHELLDRUGS (Bra) Infernal metal punk Demo tape. Lofi black Punk/ Thrash/
Black metal
Special packaging
O FIM (Por) A profanação do 13 de maio Tape. Lofi black metal/ black doom with
dark ambient parts, not unlike early Burzum but slower. Special packaging, tape
+ big patch + poster.
Fanzine: REGRESSUS DIABOLI (Ger) Issue 3: Holocausto, Pheretrum, Witchcraft, Life eternal records, Terozin
fanzine, Illapa/ Contumacy, Witchcraft zine, Utuk xul, Death altar§ Mystical fire,
Goatsynagogue, Drutentus; Hidden dagger, Blasphemous Sexfago, Earth crust
displacement...+ Reviews, live reports...
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Posted: 23 Oct 2021 at 2:06am |
Last distro news:
ABADDON INCARNATE (Uk) Live pessimism Tape. Death metal/ Death grind with an
almost HM2 guitar sound.
ACHERON (Usa) Anti-god, anti-christ Tape. Old death metal/ black, in a dark
atmospheric manner, with doomy influences. Rerelease of album from 1996.
BECERUS (Ita) Homo Homini Brutus CD Death metal Old brutal death. Sounds
somewhat like old Sinister, Resurrection, Old Cannibal corpse, Brutality...
(Member of Haemophagus, Morbo, Balatonizer)
CRUCIAMENTUM (Uk) Convocation of crawling chaos Demo tape. Obscure death
ET VERBI SATHANUS (Chile) Satanae pater sanguinariv Tape. Satanic and angry
black/ death metal
MORBUS GRAVE (Ita) Promo 21 Tape. Old school death metal. Members of Voids of
vomit, Undead creep, Sepulcral, Funest...
PLAGUE (Gre) Portraits of mind Tape. Old school death metal, influenced by old
Death, Massacre, mid old Morbid Angel and more...
APOCALYPSE COMMAND (Usa) Damnation scythes of invincible abomination CD. Fast
evil black death. (With the guitarist of Angel corpse, Perdition temple...)
CHRONIC WASTE (Rus) Procreation of the wasted Demo tape. Grindcore/ Death grind
WORSHIP (Ger) Terranean wake CD. Funeral doom
Fanzine: MEGA THRASH (Fra) Issue 1: Numéro spécial sur Mercyless: Interview,
article, chroniques... 28 pages. A4. In french. 2021
LUNATIC GODS (Slovakia) Inhuman & Insensible Pro CDr.2nd hand.
Atmospheric death black doom with a technical side. This is the initial release
from 1996.
REANIMATOR (Can) Ignorance is no excuse CD. 2nd hand. Thrash metal, sounds like
mid old Exodus, or old Overkill, with more screamy vocals.
OCCISOR - Mini sticker
VIRRADAT Recs - Mini sticker
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Posted: 06 Nov 2021 at 2:41am |
Last distro news:
EVIL MADNESS (Chile) Hidden behind the cross Demo tape. Old school thrash/
Blackened thrash (Members of Invincible force, Dekapited)
FUNERAL CHANT (Usa) Funeral chant CD. Quite raw and cryptic black death metal
MOLIS SEPULCRUM (Hungary) Left for the worms Demo tape. Old school death with
old swedish influences and crushing HM2 sound. (Members of Gravecrusher,
OS (Hungary) Prehuman death magic Demo tape. Old school death with an
underground flair, not unlike old Verminous, Morgoth, early Grave...
RADIATION (Slovakia) The gift of doom Tape. Old school thrash in the 80's
style, with death metal influences.
SANCTIFYING RITUAL (Ger) Carved in rotten remains Demo tape. Underground death
metal/ Death black
DIZZINESS (Gre) Offermort Heritage Tape. Fast and quite "brutal"
black metal, yet with somewhat sorrowful and "melodic" guitars,
perhaps in the old hellenic way.
CONVOCATION (Fin) Scars across CD. Digipack. Doom/ Funeral doom/ Death doom
THE WAKEDEAD GATHERING (Usa) Ars Notoria Demo tape. Death metal sounds somewhat
like mid old Morbid angel or Polish death (Member of Invultation)
XVART (Usa) Skeleton knight Demo tape Underground death doom (Member of Draug,
ViANDE (Fra) A la mort! Demo tape. Obscure death/ Underground death. Pro
printed tape, golden cover.
(Australia) Blodison Tape. Between raw black metal and bestial black death
VOMIKAUST (Usa) Morbid way to suffer Demo tape. Raw black death/ Black thrash
FLORIDIAN WINTER (Usa)/ CROSS ROT (Usa) Split tape. Raw black metal/ punk
(Member of Vomikaust)
DIVINE ECSTASY (Usa) Divine ecstasy Demo tape. Black metal. Pro printed tape.
EPITAPHE (Fra) Demo MMXVII Tape. Obscure death/ Death doom. Red tape.
HELLISH (Pol)/ VALPURGIA (Pol) Split tape. Blackened thrash/ Black thrash
(Member of Empheris) Regular Maxwell tape with sticker
MONUMENT OF BONES (Usa) Cemetary dirges Tape. Fast death metal/ Blackened death
Tape with sticker.
NEFTARAKA (Malaysia) Raw ist law Demo tape. Black metal (Member of Langsuir).
Smokey tape.
SADOMIZER (Fra) Sadomizer Demo tape. Alcoolic black thrash, in a quite lofi old
manner. Pro printed tape.
VEINEN (Gre) Summon your god Demo tape. Raw black metal. Tape with sticker
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Posted: 20 Nov 2021 at 2:04am |
NIHILISTIC: Last distro news / Special offer: 3 tapes bundle!
Last distro news:
BEGERITH (Rus) A.D.A.M CD. Black death metal. Somewhat like mid old
Behemoth, mid old Morbid Angel, Emperor (IX Equilibrium)
HOLOCAUSTO (Bra) Batismo de fogo Tape. War metal/ Black death
HUNGRY WÖLF (Rus) Forgotten frozen lands CD. Black metal/ Punk/ Black thrash
IMMORTAL SUFFERING (Usa) Asylum Tape. Brutal death with old death metal
LIQUID FLESH (Fra) Chair liquide CD. Digipack. Old school death/ Death'n roll
(Sounds like a mix of mid old Carcass, Obituary, Master, mid old Entombed)
MURGE (Swi) Murge MCD.Between old death metal and death grind, with an HM2
almost swedish sound. (With member of Burning flesh)
NEKROMANIAC (Ger) Plague eater Tape. Violent black/ thrash
PATHETIC (Can) Rat king CD. Death metal, between the darkened and more bestial/
brutal genre... Kinda sounds like a mix of early Bolt thrower, old Immolation,
Heaving earth, Bestial warlust...
PERVERSE RITES (Peru) Witchsluthaunt Demo tape. Black thrash/ Black death
THINE INNER SANCTUM (Uk) Dark sky weeping Tape. Doom metal/ Death doom/
Blackened doom
FILTHCULT (Fra) Consume / collapse CD. Crust punk / Black metal/ Sludge
the noisy way.
JPI VIO-LENS KOMMAND (Uruguay) Death to thee... Rehearsal tape. Old thrash/
black/ punk.
Sounds a bit like early Celtic frost/ Hellhammer, maybe old Messiah or early
Warning: This sounds like an old rehearsal from the 80's, for fans of old
underground stuffs only.
THANATOLOGIST (Uk) "I" Demo tape. Raw black metal. (Member of Mutant
SPECIAL OFFER : 3 tapes bundle !
Get these 3 cassettes of the now defunct Impious desecrations records, for only
9 euros + shipping!
-BURIED (Chile) Deathless corpses and voodoo rites Demo tape. Old school death
metal in a primitive way, with a punk touch.
-ViANDE (France) A la mort! Demo tape. Obscure death/ Underground death with
black metal touches.
-SADOMIZER (Frace) Sadomizer Demo tape. Raw black thrash with a rock’n roll
touch, in a quite primitive way.
All pro-pressed tapes, all mint and ready to bang!
Beware: Limited quantities!
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Posted: 04 Dec 2021 at 12:48am |
Last distro news:
AUMNARIUM (Can) Relic of mood Demo tape. Black death metal with an avant garde
touch and low death vocals. It sounds quite different, yet keeps a natural/
somewhat 90's edge.
CATHARTIC (Mex) Ceremonial resurrection Demo tape. Obscure and crushing death
metal/ Death doom
HELLTHRASHER (Peru) En tinieblas CD. Old school thrash/ black/ speed
INFERNAL EXECRATOR (Singapore) Antichrist Execration Demo tape. Raw black death
(Members of Istidraj)
INFERNAL EXECRATOR (Singapore) Thy Demonization Conquers Demo tape. Raw black
MAZE OF TERROR (Peru)/ WOLFSTORM (Fra) Split CD. Old school thrash/ Old school
black speed, heavy. (CD + patch)
PUTREFIANCE (Fra) Left to decay Demo tape. Putrid death metal/ Old death/ Death
REST IN PEACE (Germany) Exhumed Tape. Old school thrash. Rerelease of demo 88
and live 87. (Members of Warhammer)
SUFFERING (Pol) Chaosatanas Demo tape. Raw black metal
Fanzine: DETOX (Fra/ Pol) Final issue.
Orator, Rot, Putrid cult recs, Dead infection, Meat spreader, Leprophiliac,
Atrocity (Usa), Sepulchral voices, Hateful, Demoted, Putrid evil, Elixir of
distress, Grossmember, Satanic priest, Zinoteka, Sick sinus syndrome, Toxic
bonkers, Somluck art, Mastectomy, Morgue breath, Alcoholic butcher, Eraser,
Kookaveen, Son of parasite, Mortal vision, Honor, Noise nihilist, Black hosts,
Mixomatosis, Atrofia cerebral, Eggsore, Golgotha, Soreshit, Infidel and more...
+ Reviews.
Warning: This is not politically correct and the editor is angry about many
188 pages. A4. In english. 2021/
FLORIDIAN WINTER (Usa)/ SUMP (Uk) Split tape. Raw black metal/ punk. (Member of
Vomikaust) Pro printed tape
IGUMAN (Montenegro) Rogati kopitar Demo tape. 2nd hand. Raw black metal.
KUSENPOLTTAMARUUMIS (Fin) Kusenpolttamaruumis Demo tape. Old black metal/ Crust
punk (Member of Maze of Roots)
MORBID BLOOD (Uruguay) Morbid blood Tape. 2nd hand. Old death metal (Rerelease
of old demos from 93-94)
2nd hand: Some scars on the body of tape, but plays fine.
AURUM (Rus) Recombination Demo tape. Death black/ Old technical death/ Death
doom. Old demo from 2002.
Regular Tdk tape, pro cover.
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Posted: 11 Dec 2021 at 12:06pm |
distro was updated with some cassettes (Including some hard to find ones, or
cheaper price tapes), some second hand CDs, and a free magazine. Look in LOW
MORTEM (Chile)/ VIA EXCELSIUM (Chile) Split tape. Raw and obscure underground
(Peru) Fucking in the hell Demo tape. Old styled underground death/ Death black
(Member of Morbosatan, Cadaver incubador, Sexorcist)
NOSFERATOS (Rus) Ventum Inferum
de tenebrae... Tape. Death metal.
Recording from 1998.
METAL JACKHAMMER Compilation tape: Manzer, Significant Point, Tormentress,
Jenner, Trepanator, Hellfire, Grey Wolf, Wastëland Riders, Meline, Filii
Nigrantium Infernalium, Sacrilegious Rite. Old school metal compilation mostly
black metal, heavy and thrash.
TEAR (Fin) White with frost Demo tape. Old death doom with more melodic
of demo from 1995
BEITIO BOURRUDO (Fra) Rigordaine o l'aversier / Negras orasons Tape. Black
metal, not unlike old Darkthrone, Judas iscariot
WITCHCURSE (Gre) Demon's warning Demo tape. 2nd hand. Old school heavy metal.
DECEMBER'S FIRE (Pol) Vae Victis CD. 2nd hand. Neo-classical, Dark ambient,
Dungeon synth.
from 1996
NECRODEATH (Ita) Draculea CD. 2nd hand. Thrash/ death.
NOVEMBERS DOOM (Usa) Aphotic CD. 2nd hand. Death doom/ Doom/ Death metal
RADIO METAL Magazine numéro 6: Magazine metal/ rock gratuit.
Look in
Edited by gabalgabow - 11 Dec 2021 at 12:06pm
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Posted: 17 Dec 2021 at 8:41am |
NIHILISTIC: Big christmas
update + New release + Low price stuffs!!
Find enclosed the big Christmas distro update!
Many tapes and CDs were added to the webshop!
Including the new NIHILISTIC Release: The CONFESSOR A.D. Demo on tape!
Last distro news:
300 COBRAS (Usa) Sky becomes soil: Worm typhoon Demo tape. Black thrash/ Black
ABSORPTION (Russia) / ODOCKH (Russia) Split tape. Old school death/ Black death
CENOTAFIO (Chile) Larvae tedeum teratos Tape. Obscure black metal/ Black death
CONFESSOR A.D. (Fra) Too late to pray Demo tape. Old school death with 90's
black metal and thrash influences.
BURIAL (Ita) Inner gateways to the slumbering CD. Death metal/ Death doom the
brutallizing way, with influences of old Finnish death.
DIABOLIZER (Turkey) Khalkedonian death CD. Great dark and blackened death metal
(Members of Engufled, Burial invocation, Impuration, Hyperdontia)
GALVANIZER (Fin) Prying sight of imperception CD. Old school death metal/ death
FOSSILIZATION (Bra) He whose name was long forgotten MCD. Obscure death/ Doom
(Members of Jupiterian)
HUMAN TRASH (Mex) Blasphemous hordes of the black goat MCD. Old school thrash/
Blackened thrash.
PAGAN RITES (Swe) Absurd end of the world 2xCD. Digipack. Black metal/ Black
thrash/ Death doom from the cavern
SOULCIDE (Mex) From awakening to extinction CD. Digipack. Old styled death
metal/ Old brutal death, with touches of 90's technical death, and an
underground flair.
BESTIAL MORTEM (Chile)/ VIA EXCELSIUM (Chile) Split tape. Raw and obscure
underground death.
VLAD (Peru) Fucking in the hell Demo tape. Old styled underground death/ Death
(Member of Morbosatan, Cadaver incubador, Sexorcist)
NOSFERATOS (Rus) Ventum Inferum de tenebrae... Tape. Death metal. Recording
from 1998.
HARD METAL JACKHAMMER Compilation tape: Manzer, Significant Point, Tormentress,
Jenner, Trepanator, Hellfire, Grey Wolf, Wastëland Riders, Meline, Filii
Nigrantium Infernalium, Sacrilegious Rite. Old school metal compilation mostly
black metal, heavy and thrash.
FROZEN TEAR (Fin) White with frost Demo tape. Old death doom with more melodic
Rerelease of demo from 1995
Low prices tapes/ 2nd hands CDs:
BEITIO BOURRUDO (Fra) Rigordaine o l'aversier / Negras orasons Tape. Black
metal, not unlike old Darkthrone, Judas iscariot
WITCHCURSE (Gre) Demon's warning Demo tape. 2nd hand. Old school heavy metal.
Pro cover, regular transparent tape.
2nd hand, in good shape.
DECEMBER'S FIRE (Pol) Vae Victis CD. 2nd hand. Neo-classical, Dark ambient,
Dungeon synth.
Edition from 1996
2nd hand CD: All in good shape.
NECRODEATH (Ita) Draculea CD. 2nd hand. Thrash/ death.
2nd hand CD: All in good shape.
NOVEMBERS DOOM (Usa) Aphotic CD. 2nd hand. Death doom/ Doom/ Death metal
2nd hand CD: All in good shape.
RADIO METAL Magazine numéro 6:
Interviews: Iron maiden, The night flight orchestra, No one is innocent,
Chroniques: Carcass, A pale horse named death, Rivers of nihil, Unto others,
Tremonti, Enslaved , Destinity, Cradle of filth, Mastodon, Monolord, Anathema,
Fauxx, 6:33n Jerry Cantrell, Dream theater, Down, Eric Wagner,...
Magazine metal/ rock
164 pages. A4. In french. 2021