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Topic - I've gone metal thrashing mad
Posted: 16 Jul 2010 at 6:41am By MAVIIIVAM
Hello Metalheadz!

I'm going to break this up in Parts because 1. BIG list 2. about a Month ago I was
almost done editing and adding all the Links and my Browser CRASHED!!!
So I decided to do this in baby steps . . .

1st . . .
Huge Forbidden Fan!  I have all their LP's (Thats including "Live at the Dynamo")
and All their CD's as well- their appearance on a Judas Priest Tribute CD. Though their
last album "Green", the Band tried to go "Aggro" but thats just not Forbidden, though
there are a couple of good songs ("Over the Middle" is a great one for American
Football Fans, especially if you like the 49ers and Raiders!).
But Forbidden are working on an awesome NEW album! : ).

Okay, lets see if you guys know some of these obscure bands, if not, I've YOUtubed
some samples (You ready Lucas!? LOL).
I lean to the "Technical Side" of Thrash, I can remember getting very bored with the
"Speed Metal" attitude of just playing Full Throttle, I learned to need something that
challenged my brain as well as my headbanging, and my ideas of composition.  I think
these are some that do that.  But always on the lookout for stuff I missed from the past.
I am enjoying the Lists that all you guys have done, hope to see more! Big smile

MORE coming soon!

Part I

No order:
1. Forbidden- "Forbidden Evil", "Twisted Into Form" (my Fave!), "Distortion". Coming out of
Bay Area Thrash Scene. Technical but totally melodic powerhouse, incredible musicianship
and Russ Anderson is a Vocal Thrash God!  On the LP of "TiF", on the back is a Photo of Russ
as if he was engulfed in fire, THATS the perfect representation of his vocals.  There is also a
certain inflection he gives to words that just adds to his power. All the various musicians they
have had through the years are so damn talented. That includes original Drummer Paul
Bostaph (Slayer, Testament) and Tim Calvert (Nevermore).
Forbidden Evil-
"March into Fire":
"Feel no Pain":
Twisted Into Form-
"Spiral Depression/Twisted into Form":
For the next song, listen toward the end when you can faintly hear Russ singing as if very
far away - "Reeeeest in Peeeeeeeaaaace" (f****g brilliant).
"Hypnotized by the Rhythm":
Also checkout the very Rare album "Trapped":
2. Powermad- "Let the Madness Begin(EP)", "Absolute Power".  Way ahead of their time
with stop and go timing, odd signatures or totally melodic thrash songs, but a VERY
melodic Singer/Guitarist with amazing pipes.  They were working on a new album, have no
idea whats happened to that.
Let the Madness Begin
"Hunter Seeker":
These songs off Absolute Power will give you the sense of their variety of Thrash styles-
"Nice Dreams":
"Final Frontier":
3. Realm- "Endless War", "Suiciety".  1st Thrash Band I heard use Guitar Synths. Their 1st
album goes into Tech-Thrash Territory, a very "different" Thrash Band. Also another
amazing vocalist with an unusual sound. These 2 albums were finally re-released 2 years
ago but are limited. They are known for their excellent version of The Beatles "Eleanor
Rigby" (still my fave version, and I've heard many) which does a great job at emulating the
original instruments through the Guitars and Vocals of Marc Antoni (He splits/harmonizes
his voice just at the right moments). "Suiciety" brings them more into Prog Metal territory,
yet most songs still retain the Thrash Metal elements. Also supposedly working on a new
Endless War-
"Slay the Oppressor":
"Eleanor Rigby":
"The Brain Child":
4. Depressive Age- "Lying in Wait". I understand they have a few albums but do not sound
as good as this album.  Very Technical and "unusual" sounding vocalist with a heavy
German accent (yet melodic).
Lying in Wait-
"My Wine":
"Eternal Twins":
5. Deathrow- "Deception Ignored". This was their last album, yet they broke out of their
"straight" Thrash Metal style and went completely technical, almost "Math Metalish"!  The
vocalist is almost not a singer but a talker/barker with a heavy German accent as well.
This album deserves a Re-Release/Remaster.
Deception Ignored-
"Events in Concealment":
"Watching the World":
6. Liege Lord- "Master Control". Very underated band, Technical if youre paying attention,
yet very melodic. Vocalist has a deeper tone but very melodic and powerful.  I have never
heard their previous records.  But I understand that this album was far superior.
Master Control-
"Master Control":
"Fear Itself":
"Eye of the Storm":
7. Vio-Lence- "Eternal Nightmare", Oppressing the Masses".  Another from the Bay Area
Thrash scene, again, another Thrash Band that you have to listen to closer as they were
Technical but still brutal.  Sean Killian's vocals here too were more like barking/talking,
but his inflections to the words were very unique and could be picked out of the crowd.
Guitarist/Singer for Machine Head "Robb Flynn" originaly was 1 of 2 Guitarists for this
Thrash giant.
Eternal Nightmare-
"Bodies and Bodies":
"Kill on Command":
Oppressing the Masses-
"World in a World":
"Oppressing the Masses":
8. Wrathchild (America)-"Climbing the Walls", "3D Man".  I 1st discovered these guys from
something you rarely (if ever) see on Network American TV, in the late 80's a CBS News
Magazine show called "West 37th Street" did an expose of a Heavy Metal Band from
Which I taped on VHS (not sure I have it anymore) and watched it religiously. It actually
made me very proud to be a Metalhead.  But it wouldnt be till many years later that I
found by accident, their 1st album (that was just released at the time), I was amazed! 
It was a bit more of a Thrashier style as-well as straight Heavy Metal, and they didnt look
as "Wild (or Glamm-thank God :P)".
"3D Man" was more aggressive yet more "Progressive" with odd-meter and plenty of
twist and turns with these incredable "Rock/Bluesy" Solos.  They even have a "Reggae"
interlude in a song!  Whatever would fit, they'd add the kitchen sink if needed.
They unfortunately were confused with the Glam Band "Wrathchild" and decided to
change their name to "Souls at Zero" and be more Aggro, they just struggled and went
nowhere sadly Cry.  Though each member has gone on into different Bands and musics.
Climbin' the Walls-
"Climbin' the Walls":
"Hells Gates":
"Desert Grins":
"Surrounded by Idiots":
3D Man:
9. Toxic- "Think This".  Their 2nd album gains a VERY melodic singer, not at all "Thrash"
Metal but still effective as this album becomes more Tech-Thrash and very Progressive.
The albums theme was of Mass Consumerism and Mass Hypnosis by the Media, very
much ahead of its time.
Think This-
"Think This":
"Shotgun Logic":
This song is such a beautiful Ballad, but about a place that used to be a fond memory,
that it still brings a tear to my eye, very well written musically and lyrically-
"There stood the Fence":
10. Anacrusis- See catalogue.  Another band way ahead of their time, Unusual Vocals
and complex compositions.  Like Toxic, they have been considered a "Prog Metal" band
as well, more so as they grew.  There is also a new album in the works.
Album Catalogue-
"Present Tense":
"I Love the World":
"Something Real":
"Sound the Alarm":
11. Watchtower- "Energetic Dissasembly", "Control and Resistance".  These guys may
very well be one of the 1st "Math Metal" bands next to "Cacophony".
This madness in composition complexity is from the mad mind of Guitarist "Ron Jarzombek,
another one of those "Steve Vai" type "Transcribers" that could transcribe "Thumper from
Disney's Bambi and put it to music" . . . the man is truely nuts! LOL
But take all that talent and compose a more serious but complex Thrash style and you have
Spiral Architect . . . before Spiral Architect! "ED" featured singer Jason McMaster, a more
rough Thrash vocal style who would later form "Dangerous Toys".  Enter "Ron Tecchio" for
"CaR", from the Thrash band "Hades", but Watchtower would utilize his 5 octave range to its
Like Spiral Architect unfortunately, they would "claim" they were still together, but Ron would
create more side projects: "Spastic Ink" and "Blotted Science".  After 2 decades, they are
FINALLY working on their 3rd release appropriately titled "Mathematics" in which Tracks can
be heard on their MYspace site:
And to my surprise, with Ron Tecchio and the original "Control" line-up!
Energetic Disassembly-
"Cimmerian Shadows":
"Energetic Disassembly":
Control and Resistance-
"Mayday in Kiev":
"The Eldritch":
12. Cacophony- "Speed Metal Symphony". Okay, take Watchtower and add Neo-Classical
Guitar, Fusion, Japanese influences, Blues and Thrash, and you have Cacophony.
This would be the 1st time to hear Marty Friedman and Jason Becker when this debuted.
I would be amazed at how they played alike and in unison, including all the string bends,
dive bombs, arpeggios and time changes, Twins destined to be friends. The lyrics maybe
silly but the music made up for it.  Live, it seems the vocalist was pretty bad.  They soon
recorded Solo albums and 1 more Cacophony album "Go Off"(A bit less Thrash).
Speed Metal Symphony-
"Desert Island":
"The Ninja":
"Burn the Ground":
13. Athiest- "Unquestionable Presence", "Elements". Now take Watchtower and Speed it
up and have a Thrash Screamer/Grunter! This would be some pretty extreme Math Metal.
Thought provoking lyrics and complex yet aggressive music that leaned to Death Metal. 
The 3rd album "Elements" is not as aggressive as their 2nd and 1st, but clearly more
Progressive. I hope they are still planning to release a new album, along with their side
band "Agnostic" LOL.
Unquestionable Presence-
"Mother Man":
"Your Lifes Retribution":
And to demonstrate that these guys have "Chops" . . .
"Samba Briza":
14. INC (Indistructable Noise Command)- "Razorback", "The Visitor".  What would a Tech-
Thrash Band sound like if they came back reincarnated as a "Math Core" Band! LOL
Almost crossover, add humour and topical themes and a Raspy Voice with some Fast and
complex changes.  I am ASTOUNDED that they are working on a new Album!
"In the Grip of Death":
The Visitor-
"Dry Heave":
"Scammed Again":
15. Atrophy- "Socialized Hate", "Violent by Nature".  Take the sound (and Vocally) of INC,
take out the "crossover" aspect and inject Tech-Thrash, you have Atrophy.  Topical and
intelligent lyrics, some with humourous titles about serious issues ("Puppies and
Friends").  These albums have also been Re-issued.
Socialized Hate-
"Beer Bong":
"Socialized Hate":
Violent by Nature-
"Puppies and Friends":
"In their Eyes":
16. Viking- "Man of Straw".  Previously they were a straight ahead Thrash outfit, by the time
recording started for "Man of Straw" they became more Technical.  The vocals are very
reminisent of later Dark Angel, Exhorder and Pantera.  Apparently I missed out on its
re-issue (I only have it on LP Confused).
Man of Straw-
"White Death":
"Man of Straw":
"They Raped the Land":
17. Demolition Hammer- "Tortured Existance".
Talk about some intelligent lyrics, and barked at rapid succession!  I never got into the other
albums only because of neglect, so I'll have to find them (YOUtube also has them).
Excellent musicianship, very aggressive, and the I really like the vocalist, he can bark out
some more difficult wording and make it fit into the aggression (makes me think of Dark
Angel's more adventurous structures).
Tortured Existance-
"44.Calibur Brain Surgery":
"Infectious Hospital Waste":
"Paracidal Epitaph":
18. Sabbat (U.K.)- "History of a Time to Come", "Dreamweaver: A Reflection of our
Yesterdays", "Mourning has Broken".  I could go on and on about this Band, take some
exceptional Musicians from Nottingham England, add some odd-time changes, yet sing
of Paganism, but write lyrics like a Shakespearian/Dickens Bard, and you have Sabbat.
Screamer "Martin Walkyier" is a master of the Queens English, what you think you'll get
from the 1st album is an almost straight forward Thrash sound, but "Andy Sneap" on
Guitar (later to become a famous Engineer and Producer in Metal) would sneak in some
left turns with a very aggressive sound that borderlined Death Metal, with moments that
seem very progressive. 
By the 2nd release, it became a "Concept Album" based on a Novel called
"Way of the Wyrd", about a Wayward Priest sent to learn the "Ways of the Pagans".  Their
brand of "Pagan Thrash" took the unconventional route of being almost "Math Metal",
plenty of time changes, odd-meter and the works, and Martin prolific as ever.  They
brought on a 2nd Guitarist as well, and also released a "rare" Video called "The End of
the Beginning", the 1st Metal Fest at the Berlin Wall during "Glasnost" , that featured
Coroner, Tankard and Kreator (each having their own Videos). Their 1st 2 albums were
finally re-released 2 years ago! 
They went on their 1st World Tour when they reunited for the re-releases, this after a
decade of Martin's Band-after he left Sabbat to create one of the 1st "Folk Metal" bands
History of a Time to Come-
(Lyrics: )
"Crooked Cross":
"Horned is the Hunter":
Dreamweaver: A Reflection of our Yesterdays-
(Lyrics: )
"Clerical Conspiracy":
"Advent of Insanity/Do Dark Horses Dream of Nightmares":
Their 3rd Mourning has Broken was panned by the old Sabbath Fans as they felt that
Martin was the voice.  But I like it very much, they gained a more "operatic" vocalist from
Ritchie Desmond and the music became more complex as to be very "Math Metalish" and
Sneaps Guitar Solos had just about no "Rock" chordes or structures, more akin to "Fusion". 
Soon after they dis-banded unfortunately.  It would be later said by Sneap that it was "Over
the top", but there is talk of another Album with most of the original Line-up Smile.
"Theological Void":
19. Skyclad- See catalogue. Almost 2 decades of music, Martin Walkyier creates one of
the 1st Pagan Metal Bands, the 1st half of their history is very Thrash, but with a full-time
"Fiddle" player, very Jethro Tull meets Thrash Metal, later albums become more
Martin continues his "Metal Bard" English lyrics within plenty of topical/contemporary
themes and clever "Double Entendres".  Martin would actually leave his own Band out of
frustration of the Music Biz and creative differences with the Band.  Unlike Sabbat, the
Skyclad without Martin basically lost its "soul" (imo) and the prolific lyrics and edge went
with him.  He tried to get his 2nd Band "Clan Destined" off the ground but to no avail.
Years later he would Re-form Sabbat for its 1st World Tour.  Apparently he has resurrected
Clan Destined and working on new material.
(Lyrics: )
Selections from Album Catalogue-
"Sky Beneath my Feet":
"A Broken Promised Land":
"The Cry of the Land":
"Cardboard City":
20. Dark Angel- "Time does not heal"
Here was a Band that started out in the early stages of the Death Metal wave, though
the original vocalist (Don Dotti) was a SCREAMER and super aggressive, along with the
music as founder Gene Hoglan (Later with Death and Strappping Young Lad) would beat
his drums into submission and the "Horror" laiden lyrics. By the time "Leave Scars" was
released they gained a rougher vocalist "Ron Rinehart", the music more complex yet still
aggressive, and Gene being a bit more prolific in his lyrics that were super long (many of
the subject topics were researched).
The long lyrics continued onto "Time does not heal", but production values went up and
the music even more complex, though keeping the aggressiveness-only with better chops.
Time does not Heal-
"Time does not Heal":
"Pain Invention, Madness":
"An Ancient Inherited Shame":

Honourable Mentions
(Bands many may know of):

1. Kreator- "Extreme Aggressions", "Coma of Souls".  These 2 are my faves, they achieve
Technical brilliance with brutality!  The Solos in "EX's" "Betrayer" and "CoS" "When the Sun
Burns Red" are in my top 10 all time Thrash Solos.
Extreme Aggressions-
"Extreme Aggressions":
Coma of Souls-
"When the Sun burns Red":
"Mental Slavery":
2. Overkill- "Taking Over" thru "W.F.O.".  These are my fave era's. Original Guitarist
"Bobby Gustafson" would make them famous with the Guitar Riffage in "Taking Over" but he
was a "noodler" when it came to Solos. Then comes "Under the Influence" and it seemed as
if he took a crash course in Guitar Lessons!  A completely different and "complex" Guitarist
emerged.  He would go on to do 1 more album until having creative differences.
2 albums with Gustafson's Guitar Tech "Rob Cannavino" and "Merrit Gant" from Thrashers
"Faith or Fear" would add a different side of technicality, yet alot of "headbanging" groove.
Bobby "Blitz" Ellesworth probably has those most distinguishable voice in Thrash and
sure does pack a punch!
Selections from early Catalogue-
"In Union we Stand":
"Hello from the Gutter":
"Thanks for Nothin' ":
"Where it Hurts" :
3. Annihilator- "Never Neverland".  Though I like the debut album and the release after
"NNL",  it was "Coburn Phars" vocals I liked best, it was a bit more stronger and less of the
"weird" inflections that previous singer "Randy Rampage" had.  The music was much more
complex (even though "Alice in Hell" was very technical).  Its strange that I never heard their
3rd album "Set the World Afire" Shocked.
Never Neverland-
"Imperiled Eyes":
"I am in Command":
and Arent you hungry? . . .
"Kraf Dinner":

Okay, that should get this Thread re-awakened Mr. Signature Wink.
Have plenty more for Part 2!

Take some time (A listen here, a listen there) to discover some of these Bands, I know you'll
enjoy many, but be sure to listen all the way through each song to fully appreciate when you
have some time
Big smile.

Edited by MAVIIIVAM - 17 Jul 2010 at 6:32am

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