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Special Collaborators Nomination v1.0

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Topic: Special Collaborators Nomination v1.0
Posted By: m@x
Subject: Special Collaborators Nomination v1.0
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 2:36pm

Hi all,

Thanks very much you all for your replies. It's so exciting having many great people wishing to help us here !!! It's a great energy boost !

Since we are planning on creating (like - ) teams by genre, we would like to nominate now the team already ready to work to make sure that :

  • Sub-genres and inclusives sub-genres are OK
  • Sub-genres definition are OK (should be re-written, since it's a - LAST.FM import)
  • Bands/Artists + albums are in the correct sub-genre or need to be deleted from the site
  • Bands bio are OK
  • Bands missing (using our easy import tools, more about this in a forum topic to come)

So here's the list of all the 1st wave of special collaborators splitted by sub-genres at MMA:

  • Avant-garde metal: Any colour you like, progkidjoel

Job1: Work with Post/Slude team to reorg the Post/Sludge bands/CDs (we are coding a tool to easily move a bands/cds from a sub-genres to another, soon ready)

  • Black metal team: Vehemency
  • Death metal team: UMUR
  • Doom metal team: progkidjoel
  • Folk metal team: progkidjoel
  • Glam Metal team: NJCat_11

Job1: Fix that Whitesnake and Winger thing ;-)

  • Gothic metal team: ?
  • Grindcore team: UMUR
  • Industrial metal team: ?
  • Metalcore team: ?
  • Nu metal team: ?
  • Power metal team: ?
  • Symphonic metal team: ?
  • Traditional heavy metal: ?
  • Post/Sludge Metal (new sub-genre) team: Waiting

Job1: Splitting the bands/albums from Avant-Garde(/Post/Sludge) to new sub-genre Post/Sludge Metal

  • Progressive Metal team: J-Man, Any colour you like

Job1: Stole all thoses PA artists ;-)

  • Thrash metal: UMUR

General team: Windhawk, Stooge, Pekka, Matt, Colt, Metalbaswee

Job1: Define contributions to the site (reviews moderation, shouts moderation, cover, bios, discography completion, mp3s, videos, country updating, website updating)

Job2: Help UMUR ;)

We will create a new forum , only visible for special collaborators, to report all the:

  • Band/albums to move from sub-genre to another discussions
  • Participate in the sub-genres related group decisions in the forum

So we need new collaborators for the non-covered sub-genres, any suggestions or new application is welcome.

And for the Forum Administration we have a team of 3 for now:

  • Raff
  • Sleepwalker
  • Metalbaswee

They should work together to:

  • Moderate
  • Manage abuses
  • New forums ideas
  • Animate (new topics, polls)

We will create a forum (private access to Forum Admins only) to help you guys work together behind closed doors.

We will update your forum group, title and access rights in the coming hours, stay tuned and check for new forums visible in the forum index related to your new tasks.

Thanks again, it's very much appreciated, really.

Congratulation ,

Graphix and M@X


Posted By: Metalbaswee
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 2:51pm
Nice, Lets hope things will work out. Can forum mods help out on a team to?


Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 2:58pm
If you would like, I would be glad to join the traditional heavy metal team as well as my current job on the prog-metal team. If you need anyone else on the death metal team, I'd be glad to help there as well. If the admins need some help, I'd be willing to help as an admin as well.  Smile


Check out my YouTube channel!" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Vehemency
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 3:01pm
Looking good! It's great to help out. By the way, is there a reason why my nickname is underlined? ;-D

Also looking forward to the import tools!

Posted By: UMUR
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 3:17pm
I�m itching to get started. Bring it onBig smile.

-------------" rel="nofollow - Forever TRUE - Forever BLUE!" rel="nofollow - UMUR on RYM

Posted By: m@x
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 3:23pm
Originally posted by Vehemency Vehemency wrote:

is there a reason why my nickname is underlined? ;-D

No, fixed it now. Embarrassed

Posted By: Vehemency
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 3:28pm
Originally posted by m@x m@x wrote:

Originally posted by Vehemency Vehemency wrote:

is there a reason why my nickname is underlined? ;-D

No, fixed it now. Embarrassed
There's still a little typo, though it doesn't matter a thing! ;-D There's certainly more important stuff to take care of, haha.

I'm itching a bit too, hope the site gets back up soon!

Posted By: Sleepwalker
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 3:30pm
Endless amounts of admin tools, I feel so cool now! CoolLOL

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 3:32pm
congrats to everyone!!!!! ClapClap  For the SC newbies....  it is a hell of a lot of work... but a ton of fun... especially after you get teams put together.   You learn just as much as you 'educate' 

Posted By: Waiting
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 3:35pm
 I have a somewhat limited knowledge of the genre, but I believe enough to help out in the gothic metal section of the site. I will gladly help with the the doom metal or black metal subgenres too.
UMUR, if you need any immediate help with anything, I'll do what I can Big smile
This is exciting guys! A new place to start fresh and bring in new ideas and people!


"Amidst Universal Pandemonium and Those Who Slither and Crawl Shall Rise Again Once More to Inherit the Earth"

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 3:40pm
^ as I like to say.. and have said many times... the teams are not made of experts.... just people that enjoy and love the music and want to do something for the site and for themselves.  Quickest way to become an expert... is not simply to listen to what you personally enjoy... but have to spend hours listening to stuff that personally bores the hell out of you... yet your 'job' requires you to look past your own personal likes and dislikes.   A sense of objectivity that is sorely lacking on internet music forums. 

Posted By: Windhawk
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 4:01pm
Great - looks like I can pop in and out when I have a few minutes to spare and do some minor tweaking here and there. Adding mp3's, updating covers, stuff like that. Will probably be writing some bio's and helping out with artist additions as time goes on as well. I may help out a bit with trad HM and thrash too - time will tell. I do have my limitations though, and my main priorities will lie elsewhere, at least for the time being.

A hell of a lot of work to be done here guys and gals. If any of you know workaholics with a metal heart or soul, bring them in :-.)

Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 4:27pm
Sorry for not chiming in earlier, but I just got back from work, and was busy with other things. First of all, thanks to M@x and Philippe for putting their trust in me as an Admin - I'll try to do my best to keep this place a pleasant, smoothly working environment, and not to be too heavy-handed with trolls and suchWink. I really can't wait to start this new adventureSmile!

Posted By: Any Colour You Like
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 4:29pm
Woo, sounds interesting, I'll get on to asap. (I've got a fair bit of work at the moment, but I'll try)

Also, I wouldn't mind taking on work with Post/Sludge teams, as that is an real area of interest for me.

Posted By: Stooge
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 5:24pm
Cool! I see I'm listed on the general team, and think that type of activity would be the best way I can contribute to this site.  However, I must warn you that I will be extremely busy within the next 2-3 weeks with my final exams for university approaching and a Degree Project presentation and report to finish.  The good news is that pretty much for a month after that, I've got tons of free time. 

I hope this isn't a huge problem as I would still love to contribute here. Smile

Posted By: NJCat_11
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 5:32pm
Originally posted by m@x m@x wrote:

  • Glam Metal team: NJCat_11

Job1: Fix that Whitesnake and Winger thing ;-)

Looking over the pages, I don't see anything wrong.  What was the problem?

------------- - Come and play me at - Homepage

Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 5:55pm
Whitesnake aren't a Glam metal band - they only released two albums that answer that description, while their previous output is in quite a different vein. Check my post in the Errors and Omissions section for more details, if you like. 

Posted By: MrEdifus
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 5:59pm
I will gladly be a collab on any team except the Black Metal, Nu-Metal, Glam Metal, and Metalcore teams.

I would prefer Power Metal, Symphonic Metal, Doom Metal, or Death Metal.

I also suggest splitting Post Metal and Sludge into separate genres. They are not similar enough, in my opinion, and in the opinion of similar sites, to be included under one banner.

Posted By: NJCat_11
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 6:01pm
Originally posted by Raff Raff wrote:

Whitesnake aren't a Glam metal band - they only released two albums that answer that description, while their previous output is in quite a different vein. Check my post in the Errors and Omissions section for more details, if you like. 
I am much more familiar with the glam metal side of Whitesnake, but I'll move them to Traditional HM as you suggested.  I'll have to check out their ealier discography as well.

------------- - Come and play me at - Homepage

Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 6:06pm
Most Americans are only familiar with Whitesnake's glam metal period, but I am European, and got to know them when they played blues-influenced hard rock in pure British tradition. David Coverdale wanted to break on the US market at all costs, so he fired most of the band, got younger, more flamboyant players on board, and managed in his intent... nearly destroying his voice in the process.

Posted By: NJCat_11
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 6:07pm
Originally posted by NJCat_11 NJCat_11 wrote:

Originally posted by Raff Raff wrote:

Whitesnake aren't a Glam metal band - they only released two albums that answer that description, while their previous output is in quite a different vein. Check my post in the Errors and Omissions section for more details, if you like. 
I am much more familiar with the glam metal side of Whitesnake, but I'll move them to Traditional HM as you suggested.  I'll have to check out their ealier discography as well.
Fixed -

------------- - Come and play me at - Homepage

Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 6:10pm
Well doneThumbs Up

Posted By: birdwithteeth11
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 6:29pm
I've been digging into more metalcore recently, so I wouldn't mind taking that collab position if no one else has claimed it yet. Although in reality I would gladly accept any position and/or be willing to provide any help necessary.


Posted By: MovingPictures07
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 6:32pm
Originally posted by MrEdifus MrEdifus wrote:

I will gladly be a collab on any team except the Black Metal, Nu-Metal, Glam Metal, and Metalcore teams.

I would prefer Power Metal, Symphonic Metal, Doom Metal, or Death Metal.

I also suggest splitting Post Metal and Sludge into separate genres. They are not similar enough, in my opinion, and in the opinion of similar sites, to be included under one banner.

I second that suggestion. Plus, I second this guy's proposal; he knows his metal.

I would recommend myself for a position, but I'm probably not qualified to be in a collab position on a metal site, haha. You guys can take me though if you don't have enough qualified volunteers. Can't see that happening though. Tongue


Posted By: MrEdifus
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 10:05pm
Thanks for the backup Alex. :)

Posted By: m@x
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 10:19pm
Hi all,

Great, more and more members are offering their help !!

So tomorrow, we will pick the 2nd round of special collab/subgenres team.

Thanks again , this is great


Posted By: kshskang
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 11:05pm
I would gladly contribute to the genre of post-metal/sludge (though I do think that there is a slight distinction between the two sub-genres; for example, Isis and Black Cobra do not really belong in the same category) and even some death metal (mainly the realm of tech-death and some math metal akin to Meshuggah and TesseracT).

My friend Ian (Waiting or Dim as he is known at Progarchives) recommended this site to me and suggested that I become a contributor.


Posted By: Waiting
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 11:32pm
I guess we'll need a concensus...
I think the genre's, while slighltly different, are similar enough to be put under one banner. On, it seems like every post metal group is primarily tagged with sludge, and their secondary tag would be post metal (See Isis and Cult of Luna). This is just my thinking, and my suggestion. If the majority thinks the two should be seperate then it would make sense to seperate them of course.
So what do we think? My vote goes for combined. Smile


"Amidst Universal Pandemonium and Those Who Slither and Crawl Shall Rise Again Once More to Inherit the Earth"

Posted By: progkidjoel
Date Posted: 30 Mar 2010 at 1:25am
Wow, thanks M@x! I really hope I can contribute to the site


Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: 30 Mar 2010 at 7:08am
I'm really into the History of metal, but tend to get a little lost after 1991.
Specialist fields;
Proto Metal
Early Metal/Hard Rock
NWoBHM - Main interest area!
The rise of Thrash/Death metal and all the other metal sub categories
My work is horrendously busy ATM, but you know me - I just love to help... there's an old thread on another music forum where I brain-dumped a whole load of stuff that may be useful.
Please note; I'm not begging for collaborator status or anything like that - I really am just happy to help out.

Posted By: m@x
Date Posted: 30 Mar 2010 at 7:29am
Originally posted by Certif1ed Certif1ed wrote:

I'm really into the History of metal, but tend to get a little lost after 1991.
Specialist fields;
Proto Metal
Early Metal/Hard Rock
NWoBHM - Main interest area!
The rise of Thrash/Death metal and all the other metal sub categories
My work is horrendously busy ATM, but you know me - I just love to help... there's an old thread on another music forum where I brain-dumped a whole load of stuff that may be useful.
Please note; I'm not begging for collaborator status or anything like that - I really am just happy to help out.

WOW Cert, this is a hell of surprise and a great one. 

I know very well your that you can help us a lot in better writing the whole history of metal here by better albums classification, better bands bio, better bands selection, better sub-genres organization and documentation (definition) and reviews or course Wink

You will be a hell of a resource for MMA.

I will post a reply soon with all the new nomination !!!


Posted By: Certif1ed
Date Posted: 30 Mar 2010 at 7:37am
Thanks mailto:M@X - M@X - I'm a bit surprised that you're surprised - I've always been a confirmed metal addict!
Please check out this link; -
...and feel free to plunder as much as you like - as usual, I've aimed at accuracy, and ended up completely disagreeing with consensus on many things - but at the very least, there may be some extra bands to add to the archives, or some stuff to make forum discussions out of.

Posted By: m@x
Date Posted: 30 Mar 2010 at 8:23am
Nice work, and i think it would fit perfectly well on MMA pages . I will let you decide how to put the pieces together when you have the TITLE Site Admin, so you can discuss with us about your ideas in the special topic about it.

Posted By: CCVP
Date Posted: 30 Mar 2010 at 11:34am

Hey mailto:M@X - M@X , just knew you are searching for collabs and i'm here to offer you my help with the genres I like on heavy metal: death metal, thrash metal and progressive metal.  Thumbs Up

And I would like to quote Certif1ed here:
Originally posted by Certif1ed Certif1ed wrote:

My work is horrendously busy ATM, but you know me - I just love to help... there's an old thread on another music forum where I brain-dumped a whole load of stuff that may be useful.
Please note; I'm not begging for collaborator status or anything like that - I really am just happy to help out.


Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: 30 Mar 2010 at 12:09pm
^ I think you'd be more likely to be considered if it weren't for those huge sig pics -- the first not only being massive, but may be considered not quite tame enough for a PA-related site.  I mean I rather like it, and it's the kind of thing I might expect to see in a metal site, but.... LOL

I removed the biggest one in my sig (which was only meant to be temporary):

-brutalogan - 

- -brutalogan

Posted By: CCVP
Date Posted: 30 Mar 2010 at 12:24pm
Yeah, the size thing is really a pain. I think I will resize them later.
About the theme, it is actually tame when compared with the actual death metal themes. Compare it with Cannibal Corpse's, Obituary's, Necrophagia's and even early Death's lyrics and it becomes quite normal LOL.
If my signature is still a problem I can take it out though.


Posted By: The T 666
Date Posted: 30 Mar 2010 at 6:19pm
Hello. I'm finally here after I discovered a thread that was there for like... ever... and I just noticed it.... LOLEmbarrassed

With 4 years experience in this website's sister and longest standing member of the progressive-metal team there I also request to be a member/collaborator/admin of the MMA website. I'm sure I can contribute to help this website and the forum become one of the biggest in the internet world.... My things are mostly prog, black, death, thrash, and heavy metal, with their variants. 

I know all of you already Tongue


Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: 30 Mar 2010 at 6:35pm
TEO!!!!!!Hug Finally you're here! I was wondering why you were avoiding us...

Posted By: CCVP
Date Posted: 30 Mar 2010 at 7:05pm
Originally posted by The T 666 The T 666 wrote:

Hello. I'm finally here after I discovered a thread that was there for like... ever... and I just noticed it.... LOLEmbarrassed

With 4 years experience in this website's sister and longest standing member of the progressive-metal team there I also request to be a member/collaborator/admin of the MMA website. I'm sure I can contribute to help this website and the forum become one of the biggest in the internet world.... My things are mostly prog, black, death, thrash, and heavy metal, with their variants. 

I know all of you already Tongue

Teo, that sword in your avatar looks terribly damaged, specially in the tip of the blade. LOL


Posted By: The T 666
Date Posted: 30 Mar 2010 at 7:05pm
This might be more like HOME.... Evil Smile 

Until someone creates a "metal-related" genre.... LOL

Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: 30 Mar 2010 at 7:08pm
No chance at all! There was already someone  who suggested Jethro Tull with arguments that sounded suspiciously those we have seen for the past four or (in my case) five yearsWink. Can you imagine? A couple of harder-edged riffs, and you're metal-relatedUnhappy...

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: 30 Mar 2010 at 7:14pm
Originally posted by The T 666 The T 666 wrote:

This might be more like HOME.... Evil Smile 

Until someone creates a "metal-related" genre.... LOL

damn right.... but I'm afraid we are in the minority on this one.  That I'm afraid is something we'll see....  though kudos to the site...  unlike PA's that never changed the confusing and ambiguously titled.. prog 'related'.   This site will probably give it another name than metal-related'....   the 'hard rock' category...  has as much place on the face of it on a metal forum as jazz artists on a prog rock forum.LOL 

Posted By: m@x
Date Posted: 30 Mar 2010 at 7:39pm
Originally posted by The T 666 The T 666 wrote:

With 4 years experience in this website's sister and longest standing member of the progressive-metal team there I also request to be a member/collaborator/admin of the MMA website. I'm sure I can contribute to help this website and the forum become one of the biggest in the internet world.... My things are mostly prog, black, death, thrash, and heavy metal, with their variants. 


First implications you would prefer ?
  • Forum admin
  • Site admin - general help
  • A particular (or 2) metal sub-genres team
For now I'd like to start with 1-2 tasks/collab. if possible. I am sure you understand.


Posted By: The T 666
Date Posted: 30 Mar 2010 at 7:45pm
Originally posted by m@x m@x wrote:

Originally posted by The T 666 The T 666 wrote:

With 4 years experience in this website's sister and longest standing member of the progressive-metal team there I also request to be a member/collaborator/admin of the MMA website. I'm sure I can contribute to help this website and the forum become one of the biggest in the internet world.... My things are mostly prog, black, death, thrash, and heavy metal, with their variants. 


First implications you would prefer ?
  • Forum admin
  • Site admin - general help
  • A particular (or 2) metal sub-genres team
For now I'd like to start with 1-2 tasks/collab. if possible. I am sure you understand.


I totally understand. I think after years in teams, I would like a different kind of position like a forum admin...My roles in PA and MMA should not be the same TongueTongue


Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: 30 Mar 2010 at 7:48pm
Yes! Teo for Admin!Clap

Posted By: The T 666
Date Posted: 30 Mar 2010 at 7:48pm
Originally posted by Raff Raff wrote:

Yes! Teo for Admin!Clap



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