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Topic - Christian Thrash & Tourniquet ,Deliverance thread
Posted: 22 May 2010 at 6:19pm By MAVIIIVAM

I had suggested at your other thread that you do a "Christain Metal Appreciation" thread, so maybe
this topic will be a little more broader.  Plus, gear it toward people who don't really listen or look
for a "certain" type of Metal based on a Belief, but may be open to hear some suggestions purely
on the music.  Most Metalheads think its a Oxymoron (Christian Metal, Christian Death Metal) but,
good music is good music, even better if it has a positive light to it (okay okay, I'm sure theres
arguments for Black and Satanic Bands . . . depending on you p.o.v.  Though I see "Pagan/Folk"
Metal having more positives).

I really like Deliverance, but I think (for me) "Weapons of Warfare" is my fave and the strongest of
their releases.  I like Tournaquet because they get really Technical (The Drummer is awesome and
I believe is on "Weapons of Warfare", and he has played with other Christian Thrash Bands), but
the "Vocals" kind of get to me, but I havent heard their latter/newer Albums for the past . . . 7 years?

As far as quote "Christian Metal" goes . . .
My fave of recent Years was Extol from Sweden, Super Technical to the point of Math Metal but
are considered a Death Metal Band, though the vocalist has 3 to 4 "different sounds" and that
includes a REALLY good clean melodic voice.  A great album to listen to is "Undecieved".
Its too bad there last album, they tried a different a different syle of Metal, and that just put the
nail in the coffin for this once great band Unhappy.
The latest Demon Hunter sounds more Death Metal (very "Soilwork"-like) than "Core" and I have
been enjoying it alot. Give a listen to the new one "The World is a Thorn".
Though they say they are not a "Christian Band" but talk about the spiritual struggles is probably
my fave Spiritual Band - Kings X, as just as a "band" they are a very talented power trio and
really awesome vocal arrangements.  You got an awesome Bass player (plays 4 and 8-string
Alembic Bass guitars) that sings like a Gospel and Rythem and Blues vocalist, an incredible
Guitarist that sings like John Lennon, and a Drummer with a 7 piece Kit that pounds them into
submission and sings like George Harrison Big smile . But they sing of secular topics as well.
A band that started as a Thrash Band in the Thrash Explosion Viking (find the album "Man of
Straw"), went on to form the Christian Band Oil which I still have not heard, I'll have to do a
YOUtube search, I've heard they were very good.
Stryper I have not heard the latest 2 (I believe) albums, I really liked their 1st 2, but after those,
I really got tired of hearing their "ballads" and the rest of the music got commercialized, it lost
its Heavy Metal edge.  I really want to hear their latest albums.

Other Bands that are spiritually influenced (Christian/Judeo) that I've heard:
Vengeance Rising (Death Metal)
Mortification (Death Metal)
The Crucified (Crossover/Thrash).
Jacobs Dream (Prog Metal)
Saviour Machine (Heavy Metal)
Atomic Opera (Heavy Metal/Prog Metal - a combo of Galactic Cowboys and Kings X in sound)
Galactic Cowboys (Prog-Heavy Metal/Thrash)
Trouble (Great Doom Metal turned Heavy "Groove" Metal, awesome Guitarists!).
Believer (Another great Tech-Thrash/Death Metal band that were ahead of the time, though I
was very dissapointed with their latest).
Theocracy (Prog Metal)
Living Sacrifice (Thrash/Death Metal)
Balance of Power (Prog-Powermetal)
Narnia (Prog-Power Metal)
Prymary (Prog Metal)

Also, Wiki has a list of Bands that I'd love to get into Big smile and their "Christian Metal"  Article
is very good (though again, I think misses out on a handful of Bands).
Heres the list:

Here are some Bands I've heard with Hindu/Bhuddist themes:
Cynic (Tech-Thrash/Fusion/Death Metal - One of my all time faves)
Cro-Mags (Thrash/Crossover)
Aghora (Tech-Thrash/Fusion/Math Metal - a new fave of recent years, incredible musicians).
Fredrik Thodendals Special Deffects (Math Metal - Guitarist from Meshuggah only solo
album, the "Concept" of the album is very Bhuddist in its philosophy and the "inner turmoil"
and Spiritual Awakening)
I know there are more but I've forgotten . . .

Hebrew/Judeo Influenced:
Orphaned Land (Prog Metal/Death Metal - Really excellent!)
Amaseffer (Prog Metal)
Melechesh (Death Metal)
Daniel J (Solo Guitarist/Prog Metal)
Edgend (Tech-Prog Metal)

Muslim Influenced:
Myrath (Tech-Prog Metal)
Acrassicauda (Heavy Metal/Thrash - Was once the ONLY Metal Band from Iraq featured
in the Documentary "Heavy Metal in Baghdad". Though they are not a "Religious" Band.
They just released a 4 song EP called "Only the Dead see the end of the War").

I'd love to hear more from the Middle East and surrounding Areas/Religions Big smile.

Edited by MAVIIIVAM - 22 May 2010 at 6:22pm

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