Folk Metal / Viking Metal • Finland — the ultimate metal music online community, from the creators of
Moonsorrow is a folk metal band formed in Helsinki, Finland in 1995. The group's earliest formation consisted of cousins Ville Sorvali (vocals and bass) and Henri Sorvali (guitar and keyboards) who released various demos that were much more characteristic as being symphonic black metal, musically, than future releases.

Their debut album, Suden Uni, recorded in the early 2000, was released in 2001, along with Tämä Ikuinen Talvi (This Everlasting Winter), a re-release of the 1999 demo. Suden Uni (translated as "A Wolf's Dream") was acclaimed by the fans and the reviews with its epic combination of Finnish paganism and folk elements.

After recruiting Mitja Harvilahti, Marko 'Baron' Tarvonen and Markus 'Lord' Eurén, Moonsorrow started their first shows, releasing Voimasta ja kunniasta (Of Strength and Honour) in the late 2001.

But the real takeoff for the band was the 2003 release Kivenkantaja (Stonebearer). In 2005 the band released their
Thanks to Stooge, adg211288 for the updates

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MOONSORROW Discography

MOONSORROW albums / top albums

MOONSORROW Suden uni album cover 3.98 | 19 ratings
Suden uni
Folk Metal 2001
MOONSORROW Voimasta ja kunniasta album cover 4.03 | 17 ratings
Voimasta ja kunniasta
Folk Metal 2001
MOONSORROW Kivenkantaja album cover 4.04 | 26 ratings
Viking Metal 2003
MOONSORROW Verisäkeet album cover 4.20 | 24 ratings
Folk Metal 2005
MOONSORROW V: Hävitetty album cover 4.44 | 27 ratings
V: Hävitetty
Folk Metal 2007
MOONSORROW Varjoina Kuljemme Kuolleiden Maassa album cover 3.52 | 19 ratings
Varjoina Kuljemme Kuolleiden Maassa
Folk Metal 2011
MOONSORROW Jumalten aika album cover 4.39 | 14 ratings
Jumalten aika
Folk Metal 2016


MOONSORROW Metsä album cover 2.26 | 4 ratings
Folk Metal 2001
MOONSORROW Tulimyrsky EP album cover 4.05 | 12 ratings
Tulimyrsky EP
Folk Metal 2008

MOONSORROW live albums

MOONSORROW demos, promos, fans club and other releases (no bootlegs)

MOONSORROW Tämä ikuinen talvi album cover 3.19 | 4 ratings
Tämä ikuinen talvi
Folk Metal 1999

MOONSORROW re-issues & compilations

MOONSORROW singles (0)

MOONSORROW movies (DVD, Blu-Ray or VHS)



Album · 2005 · Folk Metal
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Triumphant, epic and celebratory are three words that come to mind when describing MOONSORROW’s fifth album VERISÄKEET even though the album’s title translates into English as “Blood Verses.” Considered the pinnacle of the band’s career by some and one of the best Finnish metal albums of all time by others, VERISÄKEET was no doubt a major evolutionary development in the band’s sound and one that primarily jettisoned the Viking metal sensibilities of the previous “Kivenkantaja” and zeroed in on the Finnish folk music that the band had been implementing since its early albums that started with “Suden Uni.”

Heavily steeped in Norwegian black metal, VERISÄKEET features four lengthy 14-minute plus slabs of MOONSORROW’s epic heathen metal plus a final closing track of unplugged Finnish folk music showcasing the band’s more intimate side replete with nature recordings offering lengthy moments of non-musical contemplation. The band specifically didn’t want to copy its approach on “Kivenkantaja” therefore it focused on darker and harsher mood settings while increasing the use of the traditional instruments that had already become the band’s hallmark signature sound. Likewise even though penned entirely in the Finnish language and incomprehensible to many, the lyrics are more abstract and evoke a touch of surrealism.

The album’s approach is quite simple actually. The tracks open with simple folk melodies or in the case of the album itself nature field recordings and then joined in by rampaging black metal guitar riffing, bantering bass dynamics and blastbeats. Through the lengthy processions the melodic groove of the folk music remains dominant as one motif after the next offers new variations of folk musical fills that include the very un-metal instrumentation of the accordion, Jew’s harp, tin whistle and indigenously grown kantele, a traditionally played Finnish zither-like instrument that gives a Baltic mystic to the musical flow. Likewise the band employs the use of intricate vocal harmonics throughout as well as moments of acoustic guitar driven cooling off periods that offer an escape from the incessant distorted grunge effect of the cascading twin guitar riffing stomps.

Amazingly even though the songs themselves are based around rather simple folk tunes that could probably be whittled down to a mere five minutes of playing time, MOONSORROW showcases its compositional prowess on VERISÄKEET with its uncanny ability to eke out every possible variation through a series of free flowing cadences that extend to the 14 minute playing time with the penultimate “Jotenheim (Giant-Home)” meandering to the near 20-minute mark although the track does feature an unnecessarily long non-musical ending of nothing but nature recordings that do wear out their welcome. The first four tracks are all executed in the same manner, each with intricately designed folk melodies and accompanying varying effects however the closing “Kaiku (Echo)” features an unadulterated unplugged folk song that offers a taste of what the Finns do around campfires i presume!

Unless you’re totally adverse to the idea of folk metal in general, you can’t go wrong with VERISÄKEET as it demonstrates one of the purest and most refined examples of how black metal and ethnic folk musical styles can seamlessly blend into one cohesive wholeness. MOONSORROW had already proved its ability to craft such music beyond the usual drinking song adolescence into a more sophisticated epic approach that offered sweepingly beautiful soundscapes fortified with instantly addictive melodies and crushing metal heft. A triumphant peak of the band’s sound and one that would cement their style as the dominant one. An almost flawless album marred only by the extremely long moments of nature recordings that diminish the impact of the overall experience slightly. Nevertheless one of MOONSORROW’s finest moments for sure.

MOONSORROW Kivenkantaja

Album · 2003 · Viking Metal
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MOONSORROW had already come a long way after starting as a laughable lumpen gathering of pissed off stray cats that found their way into the lo-fi underworld’s recording studio but quickly found that black metal sounded a tad more original when played with Nordic folk and quaint drinking songs. While not the inventors of the style, the band nevertheless channeled its potential into more fertile grounds and added epic atmospheres, irresistible melodies and legendary subject matter revolving around Norse mythology, paganism and the world of the Vikings. While concocting a satisfying anthemic and heroic style on their first two albums “Suden Uni” and “Voimasta Ja Kunniasta,” MOONSORROW suddenly got the progressive bug and created an even more intense larger than life album with the third release KIVENKANTAJA (“Stonebearer") which showcased a triumphant evolution in compositional fortitude and a knack for pulling out all the punches. Folk tinged extreme metal would never be the same.

In addition to the now established folk remedies and black metal bantering MOONSORROW found a new source of inspiration from neighboring Sweden in the form of Bathory’s Viking metal classic “Hammerheart.” Gone are the blatant drinking song jigs in grim reaper fashion and in are more nuanced compositions that offer the grandiloquence of galloping guitar riffs, epic percussive drive, synthesized cumulous cloud covers and chanting vocal exchanges that alternate between the raspy harsh metal vocals of Ville Sorvali and the powerful clean vocal style of Henri Sorvali backed up by a cranking choir effect. Vikings may have been Norse in origin but MOONSORROW with Finno-Ugric origins proves they have what it takes to summon the proper aural spectres to join their Western neighbors in a good game of pagan ritual worship and pilfering plunder but despite the Viking metal tag so carefully attached to their resume, the band itself insists that their style is nothing more than “epic heathen metal.”

Epic indeed right from the getgo as vocal chants and atmospheric creeping is suddenly rudely interrupted by the twin guitar stomping power of Henri Sorvali’s and Mitja Harvilahti’s pristine precisionism as they navigate the choppy progressive Viking waters and chug out the percussive counterpoints in rhythmic mode save the stray guitar solo fluttering into the sonicscape. Likewise the melodic development is provided by the one two punch of the myriad vocalists in cahoots with the keyboards which provide not only the proper ambient brume of mood setting schemata but also cranks out the extra touches of horn instrument sounds as well as wild woodwinds. Sticking to the Viking metal playbook despite contempt for the term, MOONSORROW bedazzles and enchants with the lush tapestry of folk instrumentation heard from the accordion, jew’s harp and fiddle (through the dirty little finger’s of guest musician Jaakko Lemmetty "Hittavainen.) Add the fretted and fretless bass of Ville Sorvali, the multitude of electric, acoustic and 12-string guitar strums and the percussive prowess of the skin and cymbal smasher in chief, Marko Tarvonen and most a exciting sonic storm is guaranteed to please the metalhead’s sensibiltiies.

Stretched out into five tracks of epic heathen metal splendor, KIVENKANTAJA is stuff that far reaching progressively inclined metal dreams are made of. While the Gregorian chant rich opening “Rauniolla (At The Ruins)” provides a rather gentle false sense of tranquility, the following “Unohduksen Lapsi (Child Of Oblivion)” provides the proper soul crushing metal bombast to keep the headbangers happy all the while layers of synth-drenches atmospheric touches ooze by in the background as the guitars stomp their way into the heat of battle. KIVENKANTAJA is where the classic sound of MOONSORROW gelled into its permanent state of awesomeness as all the ingredients and simmered down into a delectable stew of metal palatability. While the album keeps a great pace of mixing the heavier elements with the softer more sensual folk remedies, the final track provides a departure with a pure Pagan folk ritual along with the feminine divine goddess charm of guest vocalist Petra Lindberg. KIVENKANTAJA is equally as divine without missing a beat and cemented MOONSORROW’s status as one of the premier folk metal bands of the millennium.

MOONSORROW Voimasta ja kunniasta

Album · 2001 · Folk Metal
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Considering themselves “epic heathen metal,” the Helsinki, Finland based MOONSORROW followed in the footsteps of bands like Skyclad and Amorphis to incorporate local folk music flavors into extreme metal and in the process found ways to carve a new niche for themselves. While the band began more as a Norwegian second wave black metal clone, brothers Ville and Henri Sorvali really stepped up their game for the debut “Suden Uni,” which showcased a more sophisticated approach of melding together the aforementioned elements however on their sophomore album VOIMASTA JA KUNNIASTA (“Of Strength And Honor”), MOONSORROW really took a quantum leap in quality and although i didn’t find the debut the least bit uninteresting, on this this one a new synthesis of the disparate sounds certainly did rise to the next level.

While “Suden Uni” was profound, VOIMASTA JA KUNNIASTA introduces the world to a more epic approach of black metal and ethnic folk fusion with a step towards more progressive pastures. One of the distinguishing features of this second full-length offering is the arrival of second guitarist Mitja Harvilahti who along with Henri Sorvali gives the band a much fuller twin guitar attack sound. Dare i say that VOIMASTA JA KUNNIASTA also dishes out much more memorable folk hooks as well? Everything seems to click for the band and their much lauded and idiosyncratic approach to folk metal comes into fruition here. Except for the short instrumental intro, the tracks are quite lengthy ranging from seven and a half minutes to nearly fourteen, however the repetitive folk hooks are mesmerizing even as the black metal bombast pummels the senses.

Generally speaking, MOONSORROW at this stage are clearly a black metal band with the characteristic traits of orotundity that includes incessant tempos, buzzsaw guitar action and tremolo picking as well as shred vocals, percussive blastbeats and muddy distortion however the folk elements take it into an entirely new direction and not just for novelty’s sake. This is a true marriage of ethnic folk and black metal. The folk aspects take the metal into more melodic sophistication that allow the chord progressions to carry a deeper meaning as well as the keyboard rich atmospheric backdrops that have been toned down since the previous album. While “Suden Uni” allowed clean vocal non-metal segments to find their way into the mix, VOIMASTA JA KNNIASTA is pretty much an intense black metal fusion all the way through with only a smattering of acoustic guitar intros and breakdowns popping up from time to time. Clean vocals are reserved for the backing vocals only.

MOONSORROW mastered here a nice collection of five tracks that each have a distinct personality. Some such as “Hiidenpelto - Häpeän Hiljaiset Vedet (”Field of the Devil/The Silent Waters of Shame") focus more on the melodic developments while some like “Aurinko ja Kuu (The Sun And The Moon)” break out a more thrashy metal heft and emphasis on the heaviness without sacrificing the folk intricacies. The true treat is saved for last as the sprawling epic “Sankarihauta (Warrior’s Tale)” begins with sensual ocean wave sounds and slinks on through several developing features which include a health dose of blackened folk metal prowess, a distinct folkened melodic escapade sallies forth into the heat of battle and nice a alternating mix of atmospheric oomf between the metal stomps and acoustic folk inserts. Overall VOIMASTA JA KUNNIASTA is an excellent development in MOONSORROW’s history but personally i don’t think it’s better, just a nice different path to embark upon.

MOONSORROW Kivenkantaja

Album · 2003 · Viking Metal
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I tend to find the whole "folk metal" thing highly hit and miss, particularly when bands don't integrate the two halves of that formula but simply play mediocre metal and mediocre folk music together and hope that the charms of both sides of the equation smooth over the holes. Moonsorrow's Kivenkantaja, on the other hand, absolutely does not do that, integrating the sounds and motifs of Scandinavian folk music into a majestic, sweeping, almost cinematic metal framework. The compositions tend towards longer tracks with epic, progressive rock-esque structures, and the overall effect wouldn't seem out of place as the soundtrack to an adaptation of some pagan saga of ancient days, which is more or less what they are going for, though at the same time they're treading such well-trod ground with so little new to say about it that I don't consider this essential.


Album · 2001 · Folk Metal
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After a string of demos proving that they had what it took to master the art of becoming mere black metal clones of their Norwegian neighbors, the Finnish Pagan folk metal band MOONSORROW that formed in 1995 in Helsinki had differentiated themselves enough from the pack and released their debut album as the old millennium was swallowed up by the Northern lights and a new change of guard had occurred. While present on the demos, the Pagan folk elements were obscured in a lo-fi cacophonous din of buzzsaw feedback and pissed cat screams. On their debut album SUDEN UNI (“Wolf’s Dream”) cousins Ville Sorvali and Henri Sorvali added on Marko Tarvonen for percussion as well as an army of guests who provide nothing more than handclaps!

Right from the very first track "Ukkosenjumalan poika" ("Son of the God of Thunder”) it’s clear that MOONSORROW had latched onto a style that is theirs alone. While the black metal is as ferocious as ever with heavily distorted guitar and bass fuzziness, the compositions are now composed as Pagan folk melodies that utilize epic hummable catchiness with the black metal augmenting the intensity into overdrive and often dominating to the point where the folk is buried. While the band would prove shortly to blend these elements together even more seamlessly with their second album of the same year “Voimasta Ja Kunniasta,” the result of the blending of blatant folk melodies on keyboard, accordion and mouth harp in full company of black metal shrieks, guitar fury and the insane drumming prowess of Tarvonen was quite novel at the time and is quite satisfying even at this early stage as it seems once MOONSORROW hit pay dirt with their signature sound that any variations of their elements dominating was secondary to the strength of the compositions churned out.

At this point MOONSORROW hadn’t quite ventured into the world of progressive metal as with their later releases but the tracks on SUDEN UNI are ripe for the picking as each track exudes an epic feel with several extended length tracks clocking in over six minutes with the profound “1065: Aika” just squeaking over the eleven minute mark. On SUDEN UNI the beauty is in the pacing of the elements as each synth drenched moody atmosphere builds up intensity as the guitars and drum fury are coaxed from their reticence and then allowed to unleash hypnotic fury into the musical patterns that provide a simultaneous epic charm and sonic assault. Ville Sorvali’s vocals have improved big time as his pissed off cat shrieks have become more distinguished shrieks and offers some clean vocal Viking metal moments as well although the band dislike that term and insist on being referred to as Pagan black folk metal.

For me SUDEN UNI is not a weak debut in the least despite the elements not being as neatly tucked together as cleverly as on future albums. This one is more straightforward in nature but not one bit less satisfying and actually sounds more diverse than some of the epic albums with sprawling never-ending tracks like “V: Hävitetty.” SUDEN UNI has been released in two significant forms. The first release with the fire orange album cover with a ghostly wolf howling into the blood red horizon and re-released in 2003 with the cover art i prefer with a human body donning a wolf’s head holding a spiral-ended staff of some sort. This edition includes the bonus track "Tulkaapa äijät!" ("Come Along, Fellows!”) which is probably the closest thing to a black metal drinking song that MOONSORROW has ever recorded. While not a vital experience in relationship to the rest of the album since it doesn’t have the epic feel, it nonetheless is a nice little lighthearted (black metal style) closer. SUDEN UNI is hardly a throwaway debut release. This is a major step from the demo laden abyss from whence they came and a true declaration of blackened folk metal innovation.

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