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Topic - Disfiguring the Goddess
Posted: 21 Oct 2021 at 1:37pm By LightningRider
I've mentioned before that I've been going on a big slam death binge, and I've been really careful to look for albums and bands that don't go beyond my acceptable levels of lyrical violence.  I admit, this means I've never heard Devourment, the most popular band in the scene and the most important.  However, judging from the ratings and their sole slam style, I can safely assume that they'll just be a slightly better version of the same simple-minded slammy bands that I've found.  I need something inventive and wild.

That's where Dsfiguring the Goddess comes in.  Started listening to them just yesterday and I'm already a huge fan.  The one-man band is actually the electronic producer Big Chocolate, occasionally collaborating with other people from what I can gather.  He mixes some of his dubstepish electronic and deathcore into the brutal death metal sound for something unique.  It took a couple years for him to get his ground, but once he did, he became incredible.

Sleeper is a magnificent second album that's a little neoclassical and creepy thanks to some ambient/electronic production and techniques, but the third album, Deprive, perfected it.  It sounds like something from a freaking Cthulhu movie or something.  Also, there's the more traditional Black Earth Child which was released on the same day as Deprive.  It's more straight-forward, but its rifs and production are phenomenal.  Btw, these are three of the heaviest albums I've ever heard.

Please PLEASE check this guy out if you like slam.  I'm so freakin' annoyed by the fact that his music is incredibly underground.  It's even a pain trying to find the right liner notes and collaborators for his albums...

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