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Topic - Do i have a problem?
Posted: 13 Oct 2017 at 4:37pm By rushfan4
Yep.  It is a thing and I've got it too.  I have been buying CDs nonstop for 30 years now.   I have had an account at eMusic for many years now, so I do download a lot of music, but I still prefer to own the physical CDs, which may or may not be listened to more than once before being burned to the hard drive.  I do generally listen to CDs when I am in my car, but otherwise it is all from my iPod or iPhone.  I realized a number of years ago that a lot of music was not being listened to, so I started listening to my CDs (usually digitallly) in an alphabetical/chronological order.  I am on my second trip through my collection (only in the Es).  Probably about 6 or 7 years into doing this.  I am generally listening to music 10 to 12 hours a day (mostly in the background but...).  It is my #1 vice. 

I like to collect complete discographies of bands, which is both fun, trying to fill in the holes, and silly, because although if I like a band I tend to like all of the music of the band, there are still the albums that you have to have and those that you could probably do without.  And it is expensive because I like metal, prog, and classic rock bands so there are a lot of bands that have released a lot of albums that I still want but do not have.  In all formats, I have roughly 7-8,000 albums.  I have a database that I maintain with the information, but I am way far behind in entering physical albums and really, really far behind on entering digital albums only.   

In conclusion, yes it is a thing, and yes I have it too. 

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