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Post Reply - Adam's Blog #1: Progressive Metal

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Topic - Adam's Blog #1: Progressive Metal
Posted: 28 Mar 2016 at 6:45am By Vim Fuego
I'm not a big progressive metal fan. In fact, the "P" word generally puts me off something! I always thought the idea of prog stuff was to keep experimenting and expanding, and thus not going stale? Bands do run out of steam and inspiration eventually, and sometimes entire genres stagnate, like thrash did, and death metal did to a lesser extent.

However, I have burned myself out on various genres over the years, to the point where I've avoided them for a few months, or a couple of years, only to come back later with a fresh appetite for them after exploring something else. I suppose my biggest burn out was around 1995, when I just got bored with the metal being released at the time. Nu-metal was on the rise, grunge was huge, (both of which I dislike) thrash had died, death metal was going back underground, and black metal was impossible to find in NZ.

So I got in to the pop punk thing which was also just taking off. I discovered a heap of great bands (NOFX, still my favourite punk band, Bad Religion, Pennywise, Diesel Boy, Guttermouth, The Vandals) and a new scene. Around 1997-1998 my interest in metal kicked back in with the discovery of the internet. Finally, I could find what I wanted when I wanted it, and didn't have to just rely on what was in the shops. And my old favourite bands started coming back with stuff worth listening to again.

I still like the punk stuff, and I'm almost glad of the metal burn out now which pointed me in that direction. I'm not saying ditch prog altogether, or that the genre is dying. I'm just suggesting taking a bit of a rest from it for a while and look at something else for a bit, and then you'll come back with a fresh, and perhaps clearer, appreciation of it.

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