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Topic - Helstar Appreciation Thread
Posted: 25 Sep 2014 at 12:44pm By Vic
Nosferatu is one of the best metal albums ever recorded and I am saying that without any trace of hyperbole whatsoever. A power/thrash masterpiece. A cornucopia of goddamn AWESOME riffs. Godly vocals and just the right amount of technical playing. And a kick-ass guitar duo. Most importantly, GREAT songs. 

It is an album of Rust in Peace calibre. Right from the very start you will be hooked, that intro just kicks your ass. Then the main song kicks in and it's even better. Then the third song starts and you will not believe how the hell they manage to write such monumental riffs. 

An air guitarist's heaven. Seriously, this album is PERFECT.

And their entire discography is great, first two for old school heavy metal, gradually getting heavier and more technical. A Distant Thunder is the album that brings the talent of Andre Olbrich on guitar who along with Larry Barragan took the band to a whole new level. Nosferatu is the pinnacle of their co-operation, a real shame they did not get along and Andre left. The following albums are good albums, well worth checking out (my favourite song from the new era would be Trinity of Heresy, look it up, great song) but they don't match Nosferatu. But very, very few albums do.

Burning Star is a good start, sure, it's just that they play a very different kind of metal, with the only connecting element being the vocals of James Rivera. 

My recommendation would be listening to Nosferatu and then Destiny's End - Breathe Deep the Dark (1998). Features James Rivera and a fantastic band behind him writing the closest thing we got to Nosferatu.

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